San Marino PD Days
With this mind map you will be able to see the advantages and disadvantages of certain ideas!
Type in your ideas here!
Monthly Workshops
Instructional Rounds
Lesson Design Studio
2340 minutes
Leadership team will facilitate with consultant assistance
Leadership team of up to 25
Grade-level and Department Chairs
12 Elementary
5 Middle School
5 High Schoool
Lesson Design Studio
1 day per year (6 hours)
Instructional Rounds
2 days per year (12 hours total)
7 days (90 minutes each) in 2022-23
7 days (90 minutes each) in 2021-22
Days 2-4
9-12 (Up to 50 teachers)
60-minute sessions during
scheduled staff meetings
Days 2-4
6-8 (up to 50 teachers)
60-minute sessions during
scheduled staff meetings
Day 4b - 90 minutes
Days 2-4
TK-5 (up to 50 teachers)
60-minute sessions during
scheduled staff meetings
540 minutes
Day 4c - 60 minutes
Day 4b - 60 minutes
Day 4a - 60 minutes
Day 3c - 60 minutes
Day 3b - 60 minutes
Day 3a - 60 minutes
Add the counterarguments!
Day 2c - 60 minutes
Day 2b - 60 minutes
Day 2a - 60 minutes
Day 1 - Half-days (3 hours x 2)
360 minutes
Aug. 9th - 6-12 p.m.
Aug. 9th - TK-5 a.m.
Add the pro arguments!