af Marcela Palacios 4 år siden
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Type in your name
Your college or junior college degree is important when applying for a job. Nevertheless, additional training and other kinds of education can help. Enlist all the types of training you did.
List all your related courses, seminars, conferences and trainings.
List all your related courses, seminars, conferences and trainings.
Personal skills
Skills can be truly valuable when it comes to convincing a potential employer. Along with work experience and education, your skills will help the employer get a better understanding of your interests and values.
Specify any other skills which you believe qualify you for the position you are applying.
These skills enhance your interactions, job performance and career prospects. Soft skills are broadly applicable both in and outside the workplace, and relate to a person's ability to interact effectively with coworkers and customers.
Computer skills you master
Companies are becoming more and more dependent on technology, so your computer skills can easily increase your chances of getting a job that requires such skills. Specify the types of computer skills you master.
What programming languages are you familiar with?
What software do you use for graphic design?
What operating systems are you familiar with?
What kind of computer applications do you use?
sociedad tradicional
Your language skills can play an increasingly important role in the workplace.
Specify what languages you know
taking into consideration the levels of understanding, speaking and writing.
sociedades modernas
Level of writing
What is your level of writing?
se caracterizan por las relaciones sociales e interpersonales que se consideran optimas para la implementacion de un mercado capitalista
se caracterizan por la dinamica social
Level of speaking
What is your level of speaking?
relaciones interpersonales
enlaces emocionales y afectivos
Level of understanding
What is your level of understanding?
influyentes en los aspectos de la vida cotidiana
Great opportunity to showcase your personality to potential employers.
What activities (outside of work) do you enjoy most?
Work experience
This is one of the most important sections in your curriculum vitae. Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.
Specify your work experience
Start with the most recent period.
Example: Jul 2013 - Jun 2016.
What were/are your responsibilities in this position?
Sni Yisela Cordoba Rodriguez
What industry does the company or institution belong to?
Name of the company or institution where you last worked or where you are currently working.
Educational background
Present your educational background in order to highlight your ability to learn and apply information, and achieve a variety of tasks and goals.
Specify the study period
Start with the most recent at the top.
Example: Sep 2009 - Jun 2013.
Tienen como objeto especifico estudiar la problemática del subdesarrollo e introducen al análisis de variables no estrictamente económicas construyendo así la teoría del desarrollo
la modernizacion
Indica una ruptura o corte con un pasado tradicional, el desarrollo se ve como un logro de un proceso unidimensional de industrialización desarrollarse conlleva a que se dé un crecimiento e incremento de consolidación
What was the degree or certificate you received at graduation?
estudia la capacidad que tienen algunos seres vivos de relacionarse con otros intercambiando información. Si bien es una reflexión teórico-científica relativamente nueva, en cambio, su objeto de estudio, la comunicación, es una actividad muy antigua registrada por la humanidad y la naturaleza: la aptitud para servirse de la información en la interacción la poseen especies animales que habitaban en la tierra mucho antes que el hombre.
Name of the educational institution
Type in the name of the educational institution you have attended.
teoria del cambio cientifico y tecnico
Contact information
Any CV or résumé needs to contain your contact information. This way, recruiters can get in touch with you.
Type in any social media account, website or blog you have in order to help the recruiter do research on you.
Add hyperlink
Type in your current address.
E-mail is the preferred form of communication in today's work environment.
Type in your e-mail address so that the recruiter can easily contact you.
Type in your mobile phone number.
Type in your personal phone number.