The text delves into various concepts related to transitions and transformations, particularly in the context of web design and animations. It explores different types of transition timing functions such as ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out, each of which dictates how the speed of the transition varies over its duration.
matrix(n,n,n,n,n,n) (0.586,0.8,-0.8,0.586,40,40) // a 2D transformation, using a matrix of six values
matrix3d(n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n) // a 3D transformation, using a 4x4 matrix of 16 values
translate(x,y) (20px,10px) // a 2D translation
translate3d(x,y,z) // a 3D translation
translateX(x) // a translation, using only the value for the X-axis
translateY(y) // a translation, using only the value for the Y-axis
translateZ(z) // a 3D translation, using only the value for the Z-axis
scale(x,y) (0.5,2) // a 2D scale transformation
scale3d(x,y,z) // a 3D scale transformation
scaleX(x) // a scale transformation by giving a value for the X-axis
scaleY(y) // a scale transformation by giving a value for the Y-axis
scaleZ(z) // a 3D scale transformation by giving a value for the Z-axis
rotate(angle) (45deg) // a 2D rotation, the angle is specified in the parameter
rotate3d(x,y,z,angle) (1,2,3,30deg) => 30deg,60deg,90deg // a 3D rotation
rotateX(angle) // a 3D rotation along the X-axis
rotateY(angle) // a 3D rotation along the Y-axis
rotateZ(angle) // a 3D rotation along the Z-axis
skew(x-angle,y-angle) // a 2D skew transformation along the X- and the Y-axis, transforms content
skewX(angle) // a 2D skew transformation along the X-axis
skewY(angle) // a 2D skew transformation along the Y-axis
perspective(n) // a perspective view for a 3D transformed element
will-change: auto*| prop [, prop]? // allow to enable hardware resources for some of CSS properties
backface-visibility: visible*|hidden;
perspective: 200px; // only for parent
transform-style: flat|preserve-3d; // enables or disables 3D
- flat* // Specifies that child elements will NOT preserve its 3D position. This is default
- preserve-3d // Specifies that child elements will preserve its 3D position
transform-origin: x-axis y-axis z-axis|initial|inherit;
transform-origin: left top;
- ease // specifies a transition effect with a slow start, then fast, then end slowly (this is default)
- linear // specifies a transition effect with the same speed from start to end
- ease-in // specifies a transition effect with a slow start
- ease-out // specifies a transition effect with a slow end
- ease-in-out // specifies a transition effect with a slow start and end
- cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) // lets you define your own values in a cubic-bezier function