Cannabis is a lethal drug
that can have various effects
on the body.
Name the character
Type in the name of the character whose change throughout the story you are going to analyze.
Example: Nick Carraway.
Taking Cannabis:
There are multiple ways
to take cannabis
Character's feelings
Focus on the way the character's feelings are presented at the beginning and at the end of the story, while explaining why they have changed.
External Application
External application
is the least common
of the 3 cannabis methods.
It's also the most confusing.
Although, it's quite simple.
An example of it is oil. Their
is cannabis oil for users to apply
Another form
of taking cannabis
is through ingestion.
An example of this
is if cannabis is put in
food. They are often
tempting foods.
One way to take
cannabis is by
inhalation. A
familiar technique
is vaping/or e-vaping.
Medical/General effects of Cannabis:
Cannabis can have more
medical effects than mental.
Eventually, these deficits can
lead to more severe problems.
Medical problems
Based on Medical issues,
there can be day-to-day
issues for cannabis takers.
For example, it is illegal
to drive while under the
influence of Cannabis.
One might also feel
increasingly violent.
which can lead to socio-
emotional breakdowns.
Eventually overtime, Cannabis
can lead to further extensive
lung damage which can be a
symptom for lung cancer.
Cannabis, once eaten can
take quite a while to affect
the body based on the
individual. The time can range
from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Some of the short-term side
effects include having slower
reflexes and extreme drowsiness.
It can lead to memory issues,
being high and sometimes having
a psychotic period where one could
Mental effects of Cannabis:
As we know, Cannabis
can have multiple effects
on our mental health/being.
Stress, Depression & Anxiety
Some of the major mental
side effects of Cannabis are
stress, depression & anxiety.
It is a common feeling for
those who take it, that Cannabis
provides them a leak from stress.
This brings them to euphoria,
(the state of being high) which
can be potentially dangerous for
them. Instead of taking users out
of stress, it is more likely to bring
them on more than it relieves.
Type in the title and author of the literary work that introduces the character.
Example: The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.