Animal Habitats
Fresh Water
Cycle of evaporation of snow and rain allows this water
to stay fresh all year.
Includes lakes, rivers, marshes, swamps and wetlands.
Found in all continents except Antarctica.
Some animals found in grasslands
1. African Wild Dog
3. Ant
5. Bat
10. Chipmunk
12.Wood chuck
Facts about Grasslands
1.Grasslands are on all the continents
except Antarctica.
2. Grasslands differ depending on where
you are in the world. The grasslands in
the Savanna in Africa are different than
prairies in North America.
3. Grasslands support a wide variety of
animals types for mammals to insects.
Polar Regions
Polar Regions are the coldest habitat on Earth.
Most animals in the Arctic live on land.
The Arctic is partly frozen ocean
surrounded by partly frozen land.
Most animals in the Antarctic live where
the ice meets the ocean.
The Antarctic ocean is an ice covered
continent surrounded by storm oceans.
Animal life can be found in all depths of the ocean.
Some animals spend all of their life deep in the ocean while others spend it near the land. For example hermit crabs spend their time near or on the land.
The largest animal habitat in the world.
Even though it is the largest habitat only 5 percent
of Earth's animals live there.
Temperate Forest
Temperate Forest's have some of
the widest ranges of climates. They
could have either tree's that lose their
leaves in the winter or it could be an
evergreen forest.
Tropical Forest
The number of species living in the 2 types
of tropical forests' is more than all habitats combined.
They are found near the Earths Equator.
There are 2 types of Tropical Forests they
are the rain forest and seasonal forest.
The difference between the
2 are that the seasonal forest
has a dry season and a wet
season while the tropical forest
does not have a dry season.
They get less then 6 percent of rain per year.
Deserts are very dry which makes it hard for
many plants to grow. Animals who live in deserts
have special features to help them survive.
Animals that live in the Desert
Bearded Dragon