von Layan Mourad Vor 5 Jahren
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Con: no clear authority, difficult to manage, Lazze fair
Pro: freedom and creativity
Con: Contractor may lack loyalty to the buisness
Pro: Saves money and is more specialized
Con: Not as well organized and can lead to inefficiencies
Pro: Improves teamwork and generates ideas/creativity
Con: Double workload/deadlines and lots of stress
Pro: Improve communication through the company
Example: Rogers- personal coustomers and business customers
Con: Duplication (more employees) of roles in departmemts
Pro: Leads to potentially better service more focused on service/efficient production
Con: communication issues with other departments Groupitis
Pro: Clear lines of authority specialized
Possible circumstance where there us an error in training and new employees will be taught the wrong way, decreasing productivity
Other industries might not understand why the company cannot hire more skilled and trained employees
Costly and time consuming
Helps you identify where employees work best
Gives employees a break from stressful job duties
Encourage development
Eliminates boredom
Example: Altering the product or provision of service and implementing new minor changes here and there. ex. Starbucks implementing new drinks.
Potential for poor performance
Conflict with non participants
increased workload
lack of training
decrease boredom
learn new skills
employee motivation
receive recognition