von Brayden Bakker Vor 6 Jahren
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Another reason on why Victoria's history is so important is that without the importance of being here, then why is Victoria here? How can they survive when they can't import and export without other communities knowing their existence? With it's historical background, people will know why why Victoria is important and how it's thriving today.
The fact that the city was important back in the day is really crucial because because without the thriving business the city would be truly be isolated from the world and life for Victoria would be really challenging.
This historic information is useful because it tells how the community thrives and survives despite it's isolation and the challenges it faces. It
Due to the harsh conditions, they can't get their resources during the winter, making it harder for them to get their necessities despite the help from the government of PEI.
The community is so low that it relies on tourism to get it's money. This can be challenging for the rural community as they don't get that much tourists in the winter. So life is harder as they need to rely on exports for them to thrive.
Another challenging problems that only happens in the winter. The use of agriculture is easier in the summer since the climate is warm. But during the winter however, the climate can be freezing and it's hard for agriculture to happen. Like before, the community has to rely on the government of PEI for resources during the winter.
The challenge depends on how flat the terrain is. Lucky for Victoria, the community is on a flat area, making is easier for agricultural growth in the area. The only problem is winter, where economics can be challenging and relies on the government for exports during the winter.
The challenge here is that in the winter, PEI get's lots of snow and sometimes that can interfere with the community's relationship with the government. Exports and extra supplies can't get through, heightening the challenge of the rural community. In the summer though, it's easier because supplies can get through and agriculture will be much easier to grow and supply for the population.
Without the valuable economy that the government provides, live would be very challenging. But despite the fact that the government can help with anything, it's still a little bit hard for relying the government Because you never know what's happening and it might take weeks before the community gets it's resources they seek.
This might not be challenging because since its available by road, it will be easier to get there especially for those who are willing to live there and those who want to visit there.
This might not be challenging for some people because even though its a few hours away from the Charlottetown, getting things like imports and exports are a little bit easier depending in the season.
This is definitely going to be a challenge for those seeking for education. There are only a limited amount of schools and if the students don't like the education, how are they going to find a school when it takes one hour to go to a school in Charlottetown. So those seeking education in Victoria, it's going to be a little bit harder.
Socially, this won't be a problem. (What won't be?) The community can rely on other communities that aren't that far away. But for people who don't like travelling for a couple hours might be a little challenge for them unlike Southern Ontario where it takes less than an hour to get from Brantford to Hamilton.
If the population is so low, how are people going to live in their community? It's going to be a challenge because their are barely any jobs, and they have to rely on the government on a couple of things live entertainment and healthcare. How are they going to get those necessities? Despite the help from the government, living in these conditions is going to be hard for those who live in a rural community. (How so? Explain - show your thinking!)
Without jobs in Victoria, how are people supposed to get money, when most jobs are in Charlottetown? When living in Victoria, finding a job is harder since the community (is) so rural. Economics are the only main job in the community and some people don't want that, and doing that they want, they might have to travel really far to get that opportunity.
This (The way this) is related to the big question is that what would happen if there are too many people that are sick? Since there is only one hospital, (and) we can't forget about the tourists. Without them, Victoria couldn't survive and with the population and tourists all merged together, that one hospital might have a harder time getting people well and some people wont have that time due to their conditions.
This is related to the big question because how can a tiny community thrive without a government? With a government, politics and economics would be easier but since Victoria has no government, all of that would be harder even with the help with the PEI government.