Where to next?
Once you have gathered the initial specification for your web site, you can use this map to:
- Gather more information
- Develop your plans further
- Add links to resources and your new site
- Keep track of tasks and status
Sociedad Mercantil en el Perú
Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.
La constitución de las sociedades mercantiles debera realizarse mediante una escritura social que contenga todos los aspectos establecidos en el codigo de comercio y luego, se asentará en el Registro Público.
Include a back-end connection from the suggestions or add your own.
CMS databaseAuto-responder systemE-commerce paymentsStock control systemPermissions-based content
Se caracterizan por actuar a cuenta propia con un nombre o denominacion bajo un domicikio, capacidad y patrimonio propio.
A secure server and HTTPS encryption may be needed if you are handling:
- Payment information
- Logins and passwords
- Sensitive information, e.g. financial, health or other personal details
Add notes about actions you will need to take about using a secure server.
La Sociedad Civil ORDINARIA.
Se consituye persiguiendo un fin comun de caracter economico que se ejerce mediante una profesion oficio u otro tipo de actividad.
La Sociedad Civil.
You should carry out a basic regression testing after making significant changes to your site or the back-end technology, in case some disruption has occurred.
Think about:
- How you will be notified of changes that should trigger regression testing (e.g. database upgrade, platform upgrade, revisions to the product catalog, changes to e-commerce, etc.)
- Defining a basic set of regression tests that verify that your site is functioning correctly
Esta conformado por una organizacion de individuos que mediante el ejercicio de una profesion,oficio tienen como fin obetener una ganancia de las actividades que realizan.
Links tend to go stale over time and need periodic testing. Add a note about on you will detect broken links.
Options include:
- Providing a reporting function on your site
- Manually testing against a schedule
- Running an automatic link testing tool
Su capital esta establecido por acciones, que se pueden trasminitir libremente, sin que se debe seguir las reglas de la Laey General de Sociedades.
You will need to test against your supported browsers, especially after updates. Add some notes about how this will be achieved.
Think about:
- Maintaining your list of supported browsers
- Notifications of updates, so that you can test new versions
- Establishing a test platform with browsers installed
- Cross-browser testing stacks & tools
- HTML validation services
Es la sociedad personalista, es decir, dependen de las condiciones personales de sus socios colectivos como comanditarios.
Tiene caracteristicas tanto personalistas como capitalistas.Es como una version anterios a la sociedad anónima cerrada.
Sociedad Anónima Abierta, SAA.
When performing tests, or receiving feedback on the technical aspects of the site, how will you collect and track issues?
Think about:
- Capturing screenshots
- Using mark-up software that lets users add comments to a site
- Logging issues and their current status
- Scheduling fixes
- Logging changes and fixes against a site version or last-update date
Sus socios tiene responsabilidad limitada.
Sociedad Anónima, CERRADA, SAC.
- What are the criteria for accepting the site?
- How will this testing be carried out?
- Who will do it?
Add some information about acceptance testing.
La representacion del capital social es mediante acciones.
La sociedad Anónima, S. A.
You will need to test the usability and user stories that the site should deliver.
Think about:
- Having a representative panel of users
- Organising supervised test situations
- Preparing test scenarios and instructions
- Analysing issues and making improvements
- Analysing site statistics to see how users navigate
- Analysing feedback from the site to make improvements to the design and navigation
- Using software to support user testing
Es una sociedad de capitales con responsabilidad limitada, es decir los socios no responden solidariamente por las deudas.
Your web site will need to be regularly monitored to ensure that problems are detected early.
Think about:
- Monitoring outages and slow response with automated software
- Monitoring for hacking or security breaches
- Schedules for a 24x7 response if necessary
Add actions to establish monitoring and response for your site.
Es una persona juridica que tiene como finalidad realizar actor de comercio sujetos al Derecho comercial.
If your site contains dynamic information such as a blog, a news feed, user forums or regular campaigns, how will these be updated and published?
Think about:
- A publishing schedule
- Who will do this
- How it will be staged and checked before publishing
- How obsolete information will be removed
- Moderating user forums, cleaning up junk posts and managing users
En cuanto a su constitucion existen diferentes tipos de sociedades mercantiles.
Fusión de sociedades
La fusión se realiza con el fin de aumentar productividad y, por ende ingresos en la empresa, asi como, disminuir costos de produccion y distribución.
Fusión por integración
What are the key milestones for your website project? Add a topic and target date for each milestone.
Think about:
- Setting up the team
- Agreement on content
- Agreement on graphic design
- Appointment of outsourced services
- Completion of usability testing
- Official launch
- Maintenance running smoothly
Se observa cuando todas las empresas desaparecen y se crea una nueva que adquiere todos los derechos, obligaciones y bienes de las otras empresas.
Fusión por absorción
Will you use A/B testing?
A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology. You can use it for:
- Testing colour, wording, graphics and layouts
- Testing calls to action
- Testing product positioning and targeting
Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.
Consiste en que una empresa absorbe las demás empresas y asumira las obligaciones, los derechos y benes de las demás obligaciones, los derechos y bienes de las demás.
Will you use A/B testing?
A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology.
You can use it for:
- Testing color, wording, graphics, and layouts
- Testing calls to action
- Testing product positioning and targeting
Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.
¿Que es?
Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.
A persona is a type of user who may visit your site.
Think about:
- Prospective customers or existing customers
- Users ready to purchase
- Users with a question or a problem
- Users familiar with your industry
- Users unfamiliar with your industry
- Prospective partners or existing partners
- Industry pundits, bloggers or the press
Add objective
- What does or do 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' be able to do on your web site?
- What is your call to action for this persona?
How might 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' fail to 'Add objective'? What could go wrong?
You can add multiple topics here.
How will Step be detected? How can it be resolved?
You can add multiple topics here.
How will 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' be able to 'Add objective'?
What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.
What privileges does 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' need to 'Add objective'?
Do they need:
- Login credentials?
- A customer or account number?
- An order number or reference number?
- Proof of purchase?
- Or some other privileges?
Why would 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' need to 'Add objective'?
What would motivate them to do this?
How much will 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' know about your products and services?
Where will 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' arrive from?
Will 'Se refuere a la intregracion de 2 o mas sociedades para formar una sola entidad jurídicamente.' arrive from a particular location?
Will this mean they need a particular landing page?
Think about:
- Search engine results
- Referrals from other sites
- Response to a promotion
- Response to an advertisement
- Direct marketing mail
- Redirection from other sites
Escisión de sociedades mercantiles
Escisión parcial
No es equisito que la sociedad escidente se extinga ya que la misma puede seguir realizando tividad comercias y aportar parte de su capital, pasivos y activos a las nuevas sociedad, es lo que se conoce como escisión parcial.
Escisión total
La capital es trasnferida a nuevas sociedades que ueron constituidas que llevan por nombre ecindidas proceso llamado escisión total.
How will you do the following?
- Refine and agree the requirements
- Deliver the collateral and materials
- Brief designers
- Obtain comments and feedback
- Obtain approval for release
Hace referencia a una sociedad denominada escindente, liquida sus bienes y divide la totalidad de su activo y pasivo y capital.