Categorías: Todo - extinction

por Phillip Ambas hace 12 años



Jean Louis Agassiz, born in 1807 and passing away in 1873, remains a significant figure in the fields of geology, paleontology, and systematics. As a creationist and the son of a minister, Agassiz strongly opposed Charles Darwin'


Phillip Ambas



Paris - Dec 1831 to May 1832

Cuvier's intellectual heir

C. Darwin

J.L. Agassiz

J.L. Agassiz (May 28, 1807 - Dec 14, 1873) to this day remains a prominent figure as a geologist, paleontologist, and systematist, and had been at the forefront of scientific thought in his time. Having been the son to a minister, Agassiz lived as a creationist, and having studied under Cuvier, has been considered to be his direct intellectual heir, and the protector or defender of Cuverian studies and beliefs. Under Cuvier, Agassiz had further developed his lifelong opposition to Darwin's theories, along with Cuvier's beliefs regarding extinction, catastrophism, and anatomical holism. Agassiz most notable and galvanizing work, to this day, includes his research on glaciation, which had been developed during his stay in both in Europe and North America.

//to paste onto class map

Phillip Ambas

J.L. Agassiz (May 28, 1807 - Dec 14, 1873) to this day remains a prominent figure as a geologist, paleontologist, and systematist, and had been at the forefront of scientific thought in his time. Having been the son to a minister, Agassiz lived as a creationist, and having studied under Cuvier, has been considered to be his direct intellectual heir, and the protector or defender of Cuverian studies and beliefs. Under Cuvier, Agassiz had further developed his lifelong opposition to Darwin's theories, along with Cuvier's beliefs regarding extinction, catastrophism, and anatomical holism. Agassiz most notable and galvanizing work, to this day, includes his research on glaciation, which had been developed following Cuvier's death and during his stay in both in Europe and North America.

Acknowledged opponent of Darwin

(Origin, p. 302, 305, 310)

Provider of Evidence

Use and Disuse (Origin, p. 139)

Geological Succession and Embryological Resemblances (Origin, p. 338)

Geographical Distribution and Glaciation (Origin, p. 336)

Classification and Embryology (Origin, p. 418)

Provider of Evidence
Classification and Embryology

(Origin, p. 418)

Geographical Distribution and Glaciation

(Origin, p. 336)

Geological Succession and Embryological Resemblances

(Origin, p. 338)

Use and Disuse

(Origin, p. 139)

Acknowledged opponent of Darwin

(Origin, p. 302, 305, 310)

G. Cuvier