Categorías: Todo

por dami7050 d hace 9 años


Electronic Music

Electronic music is characterized by its diverse subgenres and creation methods. Dubstep, originating in South London in the late 1990s, evolved from styles like 2-step garage and drum and bass, incorporating syncopated drum patterns and deep bass lines.

Electronic Music

By: Damien Cleland

Electronic Music

How it's Created

You can also get some sort of product, such as the MiDi Fighter Pro, which can mix different beats, take samples, and overall is a bit more advanced.
Firstly, you can download apps or software that has pre-made beats, so you can just mix some together and see what you get.

History of Electronic Music

The first electronic devices for performing music were developed at the end of the 19th century

Popular Artists

He truly is great. I feel that people only hate on him because he's gotten so popular all of the sudden, and a lot of people think that he's the only artist that makes electronic music (although they think all electronic music is dubstep). He is one of the best DUBSTEP creators, and yes, its just dubstep that he does, which effects his fan base a bit. other then that, he does manage to create some really amazing stuff, which is why he is on this list.
He revived the electronic genre scene and his talent shows in his original mixes and his remixes. He can be considered the "Kanye West" of the electronic scene with his oversized ego but a genius when it comes to his art.

Popular Types


Trap music is a music genre that originated in the early 1990s. It has an Average BPM of 140, and, even though that can be very low, Songs most of the time have multiple, "heavier" drops compared to other types of Electronic


Electro-House is mostly considered a fusion, meaning that it is a combination of two or more different beats, with each of them having their own BPM, or Beats-Per-Minute, while most other, "solid" types of Electronic music keep it steady.
