Categorías: Todo

por Christina Martin hace 13 años



Various fungal groups exhibit distinct characteristics and ecological roles. Ascomycota, the largest group, produces meiotic spores called ascospores within a sac-like structure known as an ascus.



Glomeromycota (Organisms that reproduce asexually and invade plant root cells to get nutrients.)

Glomeromycetes (Same as glomeromycota description because it is the only class in this phylum.)
Acaulospora myriocarpa
Acaulospora laevis

Neocallimastigomycota (Anaerobic organisms that live in the digestive tracts of herbivorous mammals. It lacks a mitochondria and has zoospores.)

Neocallimastigomycetes (Same as Neocallimastigomycota description because it is the only class in this phylum.)
Caecomyces sympodialis
Cyllamyces aberensis

Basidiomycota (Organisms that produce basidispores, meiospores, on stalks called basidia.)

Agaricomycetes (Mostly terrestrial organisms that are mostly mushrooms because they have a fruit body/basidiocap. They are known for having long mycellium.)
Amanita muscaria
Battarrea phalloides
Coprinopsis cinerea

Chytridiomycota (Produce zoospores that have a single flagellum that allows them to move through water.)

Chytridiomycetes (Found in soil, freshwater, and saline estuaries. They are pathogens that commonly affect amphibians and give them infections.)
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Synchytrium endobioticum

Zygomycota (Organisms form resistant spherical spores during sexual reproduction. They are mostly terrestrial and they live on decaying plant and animal material. There are parasitic and symbiotic types.)

Zygomycetes (Same as zygomycota description because it is Zygomycota's only class.)
Rhizopus stolonifer
Absidia corymbifera

Ascomycota (Largest group and contain ascospores, meiotic spores, that are found in a sac calledan ascus.)

Eurotiomycetes (Class that produces sac-like structures that contain ascospores in an ascocarp or spore balls.)
Penicillium candidum
Pezizomycetes (Their ascoma are typically disklike and it bears on the upper surfaces of a layer of cylindrilical spore-producing spells called asci, where the spores are discharged.)
Sarcoscypha coccinea

Microsporidia (Unicellular parasites that live in the tissues of other protists and anmials.)

Microsporia (See description of Microsporidia because this is the only class in the phylum.)
Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Enterocytozoon bieneusi