por Marcella Porcino hace 4 minutos
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This map contains some example checklists that you can modify or delete.
The template also helps you to add new checklists and add new steps to checklists.
Read more about how to use checklists in the Mindomo blog.
Create your own checklists and add a link to them.
To add a new checklist, press the Insert or TAB key or create a checklist on the spot.
Create or attach checklist
Create or attach checklist.
To add a new checklist to 'Risoluzione dei problemi durante le varie fasi', press the Insert or TAB key.
Classroom hazard checklist
To add a new step to 'Classroom hazard checklist', press Insert or Tab key.
Ventilation and heating
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Electrical equipment
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Manual handling
Trolleys for moving heavy objects.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Furniture and fixtures
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Working at height
Do you have a suitable step or stepladder?
Are there suitable arrangements for opening high level windows?
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Moving around
Hazards relating to movement around the classroom:
Press Enter to add another step to 'Classroom hazard checklist'.
Lista di controllo
A handy summary to help define learning objectives when planning teaching materials.
To add a new step to 'C ', press Insert or Tab key.
6. Evaluate
Justify a stand or decision.
Press Enter to add another step to 'C '.
5. Create
Produce new or original work.
Press Enter to add another step to 'C '.
4. Analyse
Draw connections among ideas.
Press Enter to add another step to 'C '.
3. Apply
Use information in new situations.
Press Enter to add another step to 'C '.
2. Understand
Explain ideas and concepts.
Press Enter to add another step to 'C '.
1. Remember
Recall facts and basic concepts,
Press Enter to add another step to 'C '.
Dalla materia alla forma o dalla forma alla materia
Type the checklist name into the topic text. You can add more detail in the topic notes.
To add a new step to 'Dalla materia alla forma o dalla forma alla materia ', press Insert or click the button below.
Learning objectives and how they are attained?
Add any essential detail to help with completion of this step, e.g. notes, a web address or contact details.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Dalla materia alla forma o dalla forma alla materia '.
Prior learning
What do students need to already know?
Add any essential detail to help with the completion of this step, e.g. notes, a web address, or contact details.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Dalla materia alla forma o dalla forma alla materia '.
To add a new checklist to 'Contenuti come prerequisiti', press the Insert or TAB key.
Differenza fra analogico e digitale
To add a new step to 'Differenza fra analogico e digitale', press Insert or Tab key.
Personal development
Review and update your continual professional development plan.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Differenza fra analogico e digitale'.
Lesson planning review
Review the effectiveness of your lesson planning and delivery, and make changes
Press Enter to add another step to 'Differenza fra analogico e digitale'.
Conoscenza dei Materiali, loro proprietà e saperli utilizzare (le 3R: riduco riuso, riciclo)
To add a new step to 'Conoscenza dei Materiali, loro proprietà e saperli utilizzare (le 3R: riduco riuso, riciclo)', press Insert or Tab key.
Mid term curriculum planning
Plan your lessons for the next few weeks.
You can use our templates OR create one from scratch.
Lesson Planner
Press Enter to add another step to 'Conoscenza dei Materiali, loro proprietà e saperli utilizzare (le 3R: riduco riuso, riciclo)'.
L' importanza di ridurre il consumo delle fonti energetiche primarie
Add any essential detail to help with the completion of this step, e.g. notes, a web address, or contact details.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Conoscenza dei Materiali, loro proprietà e saperli utilizzare (le 3R: riduco riuso, riciclo)'.
Conoscere e saper disegnare le forme geometriche di base regolari distinguerle da quelle irregolari
Add here your to-dos for the day!
To add a new step to 'Conoscere e saper disegnare le forme geometriche di base regolari distinguerle da quelle irregolari', press Insert or Tab key.
Testo sui poligoni e esercizi
Forme Regolari: quadrato triangolo cerchio rettangolo. 2d e 3d Lo sviluppo del cubo
Add any essential detail to help with completion of this step, e.g. notes, a web address or contact details.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Conoscere e saper disegnare le forme geometriche di base regolari distinguerle da quelle irregolari'.
Saper distinguere le due dimensioni (2d) e le tre dimensioni (3d)
Add any essential detail to help with the completion of this step, e.g. notes, a web address, or contact details.
Press Enter to add another step to 'Conoscere e saper disegnare le forme geometriche di base regolari distinguerle da quelle irregolari'.