Parts of a computer.
operating system
User interface
A user interface allows you to
move from one computer to an
other without a problem
Storage management
Storage management is a type of
computer storage that helps store storage.
It can be refereed to a warehouse because it
helps keep your storage safe.
Devise management
Devise management is at type
of soft ware used by an IT
company. It is also a mobile
company that deploys on many services.
memory management
A memory management is a process
of controlling and coordinating a computer.
Process management
A process management is a discipline of
improving a business or schedule. It is also
a plan of figuring out how to do something.
A printer is a type of machine
that helps you get something
from the internet and have
it come to life.
A moniter is a computer that you can watch
stuff on. Monitors have to be plugged in and have to
have a mouse.
Headphones help you listen to what
you want to listen to without anybody
else hearing.
A web cam helps people that are
watching you stream see your face
and how you look.
A microphone for a computer
helps people listen and to hear you
better that are listening to your stream.
A keyboard on a computer is a tool
that you use to type and use the computer.
Keyboards also help you search up and look
at stuff.
A computer audio is a sound system
on the computer that helps you here
what is going on.
A video on the computer is
a recording of what someone
is doing and watching, otherwise
known as streaming.
Ethernet cable
A Ethernet cable helps the WiFi
withstand the computer. The WIFI
helps the computer do things you want
to do like search things up.
USB card
A USB card is a type of card
that helps store memory for
the computer. The card can keep
you computer full of GB and
helps your storage stay safe.
graphics card
A graphics card helps the quality and
graphics of a computer. The graphics
card helps Susanne the graphics of a
computer. The computer has to be able
to hold the 1080 quality of the card.
cooling devise
A cooling devise cools the computer down when
it runs for a longer time. A cooling devise also helps
keep the computer running for a while.
A drive saves data then can retrieve the
data and can synchronize the data into different
sections to hold it for you.
A ram is a storage drive that helps save data and
keep storage safe. Rams can load and help WiFi be better.
A CPU is a is a small disc that inserts data into a memory box
that stores data for later. It also caries a few gigabits for extra cases.
A motherboard is the main circuit of of a computer. The motherboard is sometimes refers to the brain of the computer.