por KATHERINE MORETA hace 3 años
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Type in the name of the company you are going to have an interview with.
Do you fully understand what this position implies?
After you've made some research on the company, read the job description thoroughly, and try to fully understand what your responsibilities will be.
What would you do on the first day?
What about the first week(s)? Fill in some of the actions that you are planning to take.
Cuanto mayor sea el tamaño, movimiento, intensidad, contraste y choque mayor capacidad de ser percibido
Percibe una porción pequeña de los estímulos que están a su alcance
Medio interno
El modo en que se interpreta el estimulo
Medio externo
La sensación que será captada
Consiste en recibir e interpretar las señales provenientes del exterior
What do you think the main challenges will be?
Type them in.
What will be your main tasks?
Type them in.
How would you describe yourself?
Type in a short description.
Capacidad de atender a estímulos que percibimos a través de nuestros oídos
Capacidad de atender a diferentes estímulos al mismo tiempo
Capacidad de cambiar el foco atencional entre 2 o mas estímulos
Capacidad de atender a un estimulo o actividad en concreto de la presencia de distractores
Capacidad de atender a un estimulo o actividad durante un largo periodo
Capacidad de centrar nuestra atención en algún estimulo
Hace referencia de activación y de alerta
Presta atención a estímulos sin que aparentemente de la sensación estar llevando acabo esa acción
Facilita la acción de atender
Atención pausado por estímulos que provienen del exterior
Presta atención a procesos internos metales o sensaciones
Research the company
You should find and learn as much as you can about the company where you are having an interview.
The interviewer will want to see what you know about them and why you chose the company.
Doing your homework will show that you are really interested.
What do you know about the company's main goal and vision?
Type in the answer.
What is the size of this company?
What can you do for this company that someone else can't?
Type in several unique traits that will turn you into the perfect candidate for the position.
What do you know about the company?
Type a short description of the company's background.
Why do you want to work for this company?
Think of what you can do for them, not of what they can do for you.