Social Media Influencers
Major impact on society
Laws? Encouragement to break them
Negative effect on youth
Influencers become famous, or very well known for irrelevant reasons. From video creation to meme pages, there are so many unintelligent influencers that children look admire. This then causes stupidity and ignorance to important subjects amongst youth.
Group conformity
Opinions - go with the group instead of forming you own.
Influencers cause trends, which people, especially youth, adhere to. then causing the feeling that you must conform to a group to gain personal validation.
Can cause people to want to be unike/deviant from what the group is doing
Social outcasts
Set cultural trends
Psychology plays a huge role in setting vultural trends. Due to the inlfuencerd playing with different ideas that appeal to peoples mind. They are made to feel as though they are missing out without the product.
Social media stars can have major influence on products consumers chose to purchase, as well as the products that don't become popular.
Work with different companies promote products.
Can be negative or positive, also influencer can be doing it purely for $$ instead of promoting products they actually believe in.
Role models
Influential when it comes to decision making
Set a desire for success within the social media world.
Validity - make it seem as though likes/views are a requirement to be seen as valid.
Pressure on members of society to
act/think as they do.
Can be negative or positive