Categorías: Todo - rebellion - race - identity - war

por Margaret Twardowski hace 4 años


what were the major causes of the conflict between English authorities and colonists?(1636-1739)

Between 1636 and 1739, various factors led to significant conflicts between English authorities and colonists. Class struggles were prominent, as societal positions were heavily influenced by class and there was no middle ground.

what were the major causes of the conflict between English authorities and colonists?(1636-1739)

what were the major causes of the conflict between English authorities and colonists?(1636-1739)

Class Struggles

immigrants were at the top or bottom
no in-between
no class structure
middle class influenced your title

The First Great Awakening~1739-1744

protestant evangelism
the ability to branch out of your religion
Tax supported churches
George Whitefield
helped lead the people to the awkening

they started to see everyone was equal in the eyes of God

more freedom to religion
the church of england ran the church

groups started to believe there wasn't one church

regular townsfolk found they were still able to talk to God

leaving the church meant you were challenging authority and God

gained power so they challenged government

he was supposed to be from God

development of religious toleration

Bacon's Rebellion 1676

Stono Rebellion 1739

florida promised protection to slaves that escaped

over 100 slaves
led by slaves that escaped
he died of an "illness"
classified by race/color
classified no longer by class or money
burned down Jamestown
bacon's army was mad at the govenor

King Phillip's War-1675

mass slaughtering of native americans

CAUSE: change of identity

new identity
based on survival
not based on class
Englishman turned to colonists