por kara billings hace 15 años
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Wise saying
At one point or another we have all felt like giving up on something and take no action in resolving a problem. For example, you quit your job and instead of looking for another one, you sit around hoping someone will take care of you. Or, you want to enroll into some college classes’ and you put no effort in getting anything done about it and expecting some one else to do it for you. This proves the good old wise saying, “If you are unwilling to help yourself, do not expect anyone else to help you.
Everyone, intentionally or unintentionally, takes people for granted. Sometimes, for example, people barrow money for financial crisis. One of my close friends, who didn’t have a job at the time, once barrowed money from me to pay her rent and utilities. I didn’t have much money to myself at the time but I knew what it was like to have no money and no help. So I barrowed the money to her and she said she would pay me back at the end of the month. I was kind of iffy about it because she didn’t have a job, but I trusted her. So, the end of the month came and she hasn’t called me or gave me my money back. I kept trying to call her all week and could not get ahold of her and I got really upset. So I went over to her house and asked her about the money she owes me and she said she spent it all on home décor and that she was getting evicted. I was so upset and I didn’t not trusted her or help her with anything after that day.
Although I barrowed her the money, knowing she didn’t have a job, the right thing for her to have done was to at least let me know what was going on or maybe make a payment plan with me. Or, she could have arranged another alternative with me instead of just ignoring me and spending all the money foolishly. She did not see it like that though. She though I was be selfish and that I didn’t understand. So I told her if she would of helped herself, even just a little bit like get a job, none of this would of happened in the first place, and then spending it all on home décor was wrong for her to do.
With that said,
A. topic sentence: At one point or another we have all felt like giving up on something and take no action in resolving a problem.
Discussion 1. Quitting your job and not look for another one, hoping or expecting that people will support you.
Discussion 2. You want to enroll in college classes', but you put no effort in to do anything about it, hoping someone will do it for you.
B Gove Idea: "if your unwilling to help yourself, do not expect any one else to help you."
II T.S.Don't take people for granted.
Proof 1. If you barrow money from someone pay them back.
Proof 2. If you don't pay people back they will probly never help you again.
Proof 3.They wont trust you.
III.T.S. Taking people for granted.
Discussion 1. Even though I loaned her the money, she should of paid me back.
I could of worked with her about it
*payment plan
*other alternatives.
Discussion 2.
My friend thought I was being selfish andI told her if she would of helped her self like ,"get a job", this would of never happend. Spending the money foolishly was wrong for her to do.
III. Pay people back.
Proof 1: if people see you helping yourself , they may help you.
Proof 2: it's the right thing to do .
Conclusion: Everyone needs help from time to time , so don't take people for granted!!
Wise saying
At one point or another we have all felt like giving up on something and take no action in resolving a problem. For example, you quit your job and instead of looking for another one, you sit around hoping someone will take care of you. Or, you want to enroll into some college classes’ and you put no effort in getting anything done about it and expecting some one else to do it for you. This proves the good old wise saying, “If you are unwilling to help yourself, do not expect anyone else to help you.
Everyone, intentionally or unintentionally, takes people for granted. Sometimes,for example, people barrow money for financial crisis. One of my close friends, who didn’t have a job at the time, once barrowed money from me to pay her rent and utilities. I didn’t have much money to myself at the time but I knew what it was like to have no money and no help. So I barrowed the money to her and she said she would pay me back at the end of the month. I was kind of iffy about it because she didn’t have a job, but I trusted her. So, the end of the month came and she hasn’t called me or gave me my money back. I kept trying to call her all week and got I got really upset. So I went over to her house and asked her about the money she owes me and she said she spent it all on home décor and that she was getting evicted. I was so upset and I didn’t not trusted her or help her with anything after that day.
Although I barrowed her the money, knowing she didn’t have a job, the right thing for her to have done was to at least let me know what was going on or maybe make a payment plan with me. Or, she could have arranged another alternative with me instead of just ignoring me and spending all the money foolishly. She did not see it like that though. She though I was be selfish and that I didn’t understand. So I told her if she would of helped herself, even just a little bit like get a job, none of this would of happened in the first place, and then spending it all on home décor was wrong for her to do.
With that said,