jonka Elisaveta Shapran 10 kuukautta sitten
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luonut Ольга Фурина
luonut Диана Матюхина
luonut Марина Чулкова
luonut Ангелина Коростелева
What situation are you examining?
Type in the name of the situation that you are examining with the Reframing Matrix, and press Enter.
The situation could be a problem, an opportunity, a threat, a weakness or any issue that needs action.
Brainstorm points around 'Какие услуги может оказывать клинический психолог?' from the perspective of people.
Brainstorm points around 'Какие услуги может оказывать клинический психолог?' from the perspective of future potential.
Brainstorm points around 'Какие услуги может оказывать клинический психолог?' from the perspective of products and services.
Brainstorm points around 'Какие услуги может оказывать клинический психолог?' from the perspective of planning and actions.