jonka Matthew D. Skolnick 1 vuosi sitten
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Type in the name of your future website.
What is the topic-related information you are going to include on your website?
You can include features of the product you are promoting.
If you are creating a personal website/blog, you can include more articles where you present yourself and talk about the things that you like.
A sitemap is a file where you provide information about your website pages and files, and the relationships between them. They are used by Google to crawl your site.
Organize your sitemap from the beginning so you have a more clear structure.
Navigation refers to the different ways users can look through your site to find content.
What is the name of a button on the Homepage that guides the user to the content?
Professional Staff: -Headshot -Contact -Short, professional, but fun/approachable bio
Peer Staff: -Headshot -Short, professional, but fun/approachable bio
Work Study
We are your team of highly trained and experienced professionals and peers who are excited to help students and alumni discover their passions, achieve their goals, and connect with employers.
First Gen Students/Low income students
Students of color
Students with Disabilities
LGBTQ Students
International Students
Veterans and Military
Add Links that go back to regular student resources like career counseling and Handshake.
Cluster resources by function
Parents and Families
Maybe add sign up for parents to get emails from CPPD?
Page is too text heavy, even for parents
Faculty and Staff
Encourage students to schedule an appointment
Encourage your students to schedule an appointment with us
Link to Information for Alumni
Link to Events and Fairs
Link to Considering Graduate School
Link to Choosing a Career and Major
Link to Jobs and Internships
Link to Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews
Career Fairs and Events
Sign up to be notified about our next career fair or related event. Have an idea for a career event? Contact us to see how we can collaborate: Link to Meet Your Team
View internship and job postings
The university uses Handshake, a comprehensive Career Services Platform which includes thousands of jobs and internships postings. Request a faculty account here: or Share this link with your students to encourage them to see what's available. Have a job posting or employer contact to share? Go here! (Link to Above)
Share a posting or employer contact
Have an internship, job posting, or employer contact? Tell us about it! or Share this link with employers: Link to employer page
Career Prep Presentations
Have us visit your class and give a presentation tailored to meet your needs. Past topics included: Professionalism, Internships, Resumes, Cover Letters, an overview of our services and more! Request a presentation here: (Google form.)
How we can help
Your students need to be more professional. They ask you for help with their resume or job search. They're unsure about their career path or major.
Let us help you do what you do best: help your students You're giving them the education they need about their field, now let's work together to help them navigate the process of obtaining a job in your field.
Secondary Goal: Provide actionable information
Primary Goal: Make collaboration with the office seamless.
Testimonials from companies about our students and alumni at bottom of page
Learn About our Students/Alumni
Impressive stats about our students and alumni
List of majors
On Campus Recruiting and Job Fairs
Interviewing on Campus
Hold interviews right on campus Contact us for details
Information Sessions
Host an information session in a classroom or auditorium by completing this form
Request a table in a high traffic area on campus by completing this form
Career Fairs
Add registration button once it is live
Click here to be notified once registration is available
Google Form to Collect Contact Info
Comprehensive Career Fairs are held in person every fall and spring semester for organizations offering employment, internship, and volunteer opportunities.
Post a Job or Internship Opportunity
*Already have a Handshake account and need help? Call us at: 631.687.1247
Handshake allows employers to easily post available positions, interact with students and register for career events. Complete the simple registration and join us on Handshake today!
Handshake logo
Link to Handshake
We're connecting employers with well qualified students and alumni every day. Click below to see how we can help you connect with them.
Looking for high quality candidates? You've found them.
Secondary Goal: Make it easy for employers to find actionable info
Primary Goal: Sell our students to employers
Testimonials from alumni about CPPD
Looking for the alumni office? Click here!
Click here to meet with a career counselor over zoom or in person to discuss it or get help with your personal statement/entrance essay.
Thinking of Changing Careers?
Very few people stay with one career in one job today. People across the nation are changing jobs and beginning new careers more than ever. Let us help you consider your options.
Resumes, Cover Letters, & Interviews
Preparing for an Interview (All Majors)
Interview Resources
Comprehensive Resume and Cover Letter Resources Note: Accounting, Education, or Nursing Students, Click Here: Resumes: Resume Guide (General) Resume Template (General) Resume Workshop Video (General) Cover Letters: Cover Letter Guide Cover Letter Template Cover Letter Workshop Video
Child Study (Bachelor of Science)
Resume and Cover Letter Resources By Major
Looking for Jobs and Internships
Diversity Resources
List from Portal
View our internship and job postings on Handshake here: Companies on Handshake include: Google, Northwell Hospital, KPMG and thousands of others! It it has been over 6 months since you graduated, click here to activate your Handshake account
Are you an alum who is also an employer? View our employers page here
Link to employers
Sub heading
Whether you are a recent graduate looking for your first job or an experienced alum ready to make a career change, we're still here to help you achieve your continuing career goals.
Free Lifetime Career Services for Alumni
Primary Goal: Provide alumni with actionable career information directly from our office as this tab currently links to the alumni office which then links back to us.
Upcoming Events Tabling/OCR Link to Register Job Fairs Link to Register Workshops
Employers click here!
Link to employers events page
Callout/Blurb DID YOU KNOW? Employers rate internship experience as the #1 factor in hiring decisions even above GPA. We have the connections to help you gain the experience that will get you hired.
Building Your Network
You already have a network of friends, family members, co-workers, supervisors, professors, and of course thousands of St. Joe's alumni. Learn how to use networking to give you the edge you need to get hired.
Networking Articles
Veterans Resources
Need more help with your internship and job search? Schedule an appointment for Career Counseling
Alumni Mentoring
Learn how we can connect you with an alum who has been where you are and wants to help you get to where they are.
Link to SJNY Connect
Internship and Job Fairs
Link to Events Page
View our internship and job postings on Handshake here: Companies on Handshake include: Google, Northwell Hospital, KPMG and thousands of others!
Link to Handshake with Logo
Will you write my resume?
While we will not write your resume for you, we will advise you on how best to showcase your experience, skills, and education. We help you develop the knowledge and confidence to draft your resume and tailor it to your specific career goals.
Will you place me in an internship or job?
We will give you the tools, guidance, and support you need to find, apply for, and interview for positions you are interested in.
Who will I meet with?
You will meet with one of our highly trained staff members. Go here to meet your team of career professionals.
Link to Meet Your Team
What is a typical appointment like?
Most appointments involve having a conversation about what you're looking to achieve, giving you some advice, and showing you some tools and resources you can use. Appointments are available both in person and over zoom and run anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Repeated appointments are not just welcome but strongly encouraged!
What is Career Counseling?
Career Counseling is all about helping you develop and execute a plan to successfully obtain a career. For many, the first step is identifying a career you're interested in and helping you learn more about it. For others, it is helping you gain more hands on experience like an internship which will help you get the future job you want. One of the most valuable parts of career counseling is helping you look for jobs and prepare for them by giving you advice on resumes, cover letters, interviews, and job search strategies.
We can help you: -Decide on a career and major -Take a career assessment -Look for an internship or job -Improve your resume and cover letter -Prepare for an interview -Learn about and apply for graduate school Current Students: Login to Handshake to schedule an appointment to meet with one of us over zoom or in person. Note: click on Career Center after logging in here: (Big Handshake button) Not yet a registered student? Click here to learn more about our majors by speaking with an admissions counselor: Link to admissions. Learn more about Career Counseling below
Developing Professionalism
Considering Graduate School
Click here to meet with a career counselor over zoom or in person to discuss it.
Should I go to Graduate School
Graduate School Guide
The process of deciding on attending graduate school can be overwhelming. Let us help you with your options and the application process. by using these resources.
Choosing a Career and Major
Choosing a career/major
Learn more about the companies and industries you're interested in
Hoovers etc.
Find out more about specific careers
Link to Vault
Watch videos to learn from industry professionals about their careers
Link to Candid Careers
Learn about what you can do with different majors
Link to Tennesse
Click here to meet with a career counselor over zoom or in person.
Most students feel uncertain about their career or major at some point in college. It's a normal. The key is to take action now. You've already started by reading this. Schedule an appointment so we can talk about your options and provide you with tools and resources like career assessments so you can make an informed and confident decision.
Preparing for an Interview
Click here to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor for help preparing for an interview. We can even conduct a mock interview with you if you're looking for some practice.
Interview Guide
Candid Career Videos
Prepare for your next interview with our on demand interview preparation and practicing platform, Big Interview.
Link to Big Interview platform with Logo
Resumes and Cover Letters
Graduate Resources
Healthcare Management
Infant/Toddler Early Childhood Special Education (Master of Arts)
Resumes: Infant/Toddler Resume Template Infant/Toddler Resume Workshop Video Cover Letters: Education Cover Letter Template General Cover Letter Guide Education Cover Letter Workshop Video
Undergraduate Resources
All Other Majors
Comprehensive Resume and Cover Letter Resources Note: Accounting, Education, or Nursing Students, Click Here: Resumes: Resume Guide (General) Resume Template (General) Resume Workshop Video (General) Link to Candid Career Videos Cover Letters: Cover Letter Guide Cover Letter Template Cover Letter Workshop Video Link to Candid Career Videos
Computer Science
Computer Information Technology/
Resumes: Nursing Resume Template Nursing Resume Guide Nursing Resume Workshop Video Cover Letters: General Cover Letter Template General Cover Letter Guide General Cover Letter Workshop Video
Don't see your major? Click here
Child Study
Resumes: Child Study Resume Template Child Study Resume Guide Child Study Resume Workshop Video Cover Letters: Education Cover Letter Template General Cover Letter Guide Education Cover Letter Workshop Video
Adolescence Education
Resumes: Adolescence Ed Resume Template Adolescence Ed Resume Workshop Video Cover Letters: Education Cover Letter Template General Cover Letter Guide Education Cover Letter Workshop Video
Looking for Feedback on Your Resume? Click here to schedule an appointment with a career counselor
Link to Career Counseling Page
Resumes: Accounting Resume Template Resume Guide Resume Workshop Video Cover Letters: Cover Letter Template Cover Letter Guide Cover Letter Workshop Video
Resume and Cover Letter Resources
Veterans & Military Resume Resources
Link to Veterans Page
Get the interview. Ace the interview. Stand out from the crowd by creating a professional resume and cover letter being prepared to give an excellent interview. You've got this.
Every site needs a Homepage.
It serves as the first impression to the users who visit your site.
It should contain the most relevant information from your website.
Career Outcomes
Infographic of FDS Results
How we will help you
International Students with graphic
Career Counseling with graphic
Learn about Career Counseling
Discovering your passion with graphic
Preparing for interviews with graphic
Networking with graphic
Resumes and Cover Letters with graphic
Finding a job or internship with graphic
View Resources
Creating a plan Mapping out your years ahead as early as possible is CRITICAL to your success. View a sample roadmap below and explore how we can help you from your first day as a student through graduation and even as a future alum.
Life Design Roadmap
Ready. Set. Jobs Exploration Graphic Resume Graphic Interview Graphic
Callout Box Employers Click Here!
Attract prospective students and their families to the college by showcasing the value and resources the office provides
What will be the name of the Subpage from your website where the user should land?
Create a page where you present yourself or the product you are going to promote through this website.
What is the information about you that you are going to include on this website page?
Create a page where you will add your contact data.
What is the contact data you are going to add to your website?
What are the elements you want to appear on the Homepage?
Type in the name of an element.
For example: