jonka Beth R 10 kuukautta sitten
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Potential Job opportunities and offers
No Jobs/not the right fit/low pay
Failed Search and do not move to VT
Job Offers
VT Job Hunt and Lifestyle Research
Organizations: Chambers of Commerce VT Dept. of Econ. Dev. VT Dept. of Marketing and Tourism Colleges & Universities
Resources: Online sources List of VT employers LinkedIn VT Relocation Info. Money for relocation costs Real Estate agents and listing School Resources College Alumni Associations Young Professional Network
This includes resume writing, career interest assessments, interviewing skills practice, job fairs, and company tours. Depending on the educational institution and its size, the quality of these services can vary widely.
Unsuccessful Job Search
Leave VT for work
Underemployed or unemployed in VT
Internship/project placement
Resources College course requirements Free Tuition for Work Project (TBD) College/HS/V-T Career Offices Internship placement services Online services
Organizations UVM Advance Vermont My Future VT
Apply for Employment with either a positive or No Internship and/or negative experience/ Limited internships
Underemployed in VT
Potential Options
Upskill and retrain
Stay in job
New/further work experience opportunities
Resources LinkedIn Online Postiings Networking Events Career Fairs
Organizations VT Dept. of Labor Cambers of Commerce Young Professionals Network Essex Tech VT Tech College
Full-time Employment with growth opportunities
Fully Employed, Progressing & Flourishing
No adequate job offers
Leave VT to find work