Luokat: Kaikki - cost - resources - restaurants - services

jonka Nicolas Chiasson 6 vuotta sitten


Agency Course

The Manychat course is a comprehensive training program designed to help users maximize the potential of the Manychat platform. Available at, this course guides users through the functionalities and limitations of Manychat, allowing seamless import and modification of flows to a Manychat pro account.

Agency Course

0. Agency Course

Client Onboarding

On-boarding questions

This is the Client On-Boarding questions and instructions.

You can copy and rename this document as you see fit.

Sign document

When on-boarding a new client, it's important to set clear expectations with the client. Here below is a link to a google document with specific information that could be useful to you.

This document does not carry any legal advices. Please review theses contracts with a lawyer who knows your situation.

You can use the free version of DocuSign when you start.

ManyChat flow


Find 30 restaurants

Find 30 restaurants that you want to work with.


The last part is very important. One of the way to market is to just send offers after offers through emails or FB Messenger.

Another way is to deliver great content by showing that you're involved with the community.

Explain why you want to work with them

Send personalized email explaining why you want to work with them for FREE for a month.

Demonstrate in a video how you would provide value for them. Show them example of great success and give them more realistic expectations.



Do the whole manychat course.

Go to - Register and go through the whole thing. You will better understand what you can and can't do with it.

You can also import and modify this flow to your manychat pro account.


Gsuite - $10 per user per month

Domain - $20 per year

Manychat pro - $10 per month. Cost increase with number of users


List and definition of services offered

List of services offered and their definition

Setup marketing assets

Setup a Facebook Business Manager Account
Add a page to your agency.

Add and Manage Pages in Business Manager

I suggest that you practice this step by setting up your agency page and then, create another page from another account. Create one if you need to, it will be useful in the future.

This is not a course on how to advertise on Facebook and how Facebook business manager works. For that, you can visit Facebook Blueprint. You will learn a ton things and you will receive certificats.

Note: Understand how Facebook Business Manager and how Facebook Ads Manager can be complicated and challenging to understand.

Another fantastic tool that I recently found online is a very .jpg picture of all targeting options on Facebook. It's well detailed but keep in mind that targeting options can change depending where you live on our planet.

If the link is not good anymore, please let me know.

Setup a Facebook Page
Setup Gsuite
Setup domain name


List of resources.


Grammarly - Improve your writing instantly

Eversign - A free way to get your client electronic signature

Facebook Ad targeting comprenhensive list

And many more

Welcome Overview