jonka Jerry Arns 6 vuotta sitten
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Tiers should have a formla so the more contributers there are the more tiers exist. 2 to 4 tiers
In the begining tere will be just two tiers with top contrib on top and the rest on bottom
then as the number of contributors rise the pyramid begins to spread out
Determining How people are Sperated Out into tiers.....
Contribs = [Name:ContribItemValue]
1. Total Contribs = N
2. Contribs Two Tier = function(n) {
top = n[0];
bottom = n - top
3. Contribs 3 Tier = function(n) {
4. Contribs 4 Tier = function(n) {
Determine which tier to use based on the number of contribs...
256 or more
5 % Top Tier
9 to 256
10 % Top Tier
8 or less
Top Guy
The Rest
Claims (unlike article score) are scored per article that they belong to. That is: A persons claim score is formulated per article.
Total Claims Identified = N
Caims marked as Valid Claim = NVC
Claims marked as No Claim (invalid) = NIV
N + (NVC * 10) - (NIV * 10)
Number of Articles Upload = N
Number of Articles marked as Well Constructed = NWC
Number of Articles marked as Poorly Constructed = NPC
Number of Article marked as Jibberish or Spam = NJIB
N + (NWC * 2) - (NPC * 2) - ( NJIB * 30 ) = Article Score for a Profile
Badges Represent Certain Acomplishments for the particular item contributed or users general contribution to the site.
10 %
60 %
This is the article. One of these sentences may be highlighted and identified as a claim. Then an icon will appear behind the sentence. (C)
These icons can be clicked on to view the claim and subsequent proofs and disproofs.
Meta data will be displayed at the heading of the article.
A people Icon on each main section (Articles, Claims, Proofs, Disproofs, Vouching) will allow users to see who the work horses are and give them recognition for their work.
Profiles will be public.
People can post as anon as to let people post up content without the possibility of getting smeared in real life.
A claim is a statement that says a truth about how the "world" works.
An article is any text of any length. Max Length will be determined by the database max size of text.
Total vouches and their rank will be the default filter, higher rank and higher vouches will create a score and the highest scored will float to the top.
The meta data kept can be used to apply filters. The filters function will depend on the meta data kept.
Credability is a score on a users account. It is determined by....
How it will accomplish theses goals.
Other ideas.
Article Validity
Articals should have a validity interface that allows users to set it validity so that users can filter out articles that are giberish or severly un coherent.
Claims are full sentances or groups of sentances that can bee seen by users as being established as a claim.
Any logged in user can make a claim.
Claims can be catorgized by users and a valid claim or invalid claim.
Claims are identified by icons after the last sentance in the claim.
Once claims are clicked on or viewed that claims proofs and disproofs are displayed in the margins of the article.
Claim Validity
Metadata on Claim
Data Charts
Metadata on Article
Total Claims
Total Proofs
Total Disproofs
Total Proof Level (calculation to be dertermined)
Total Disproof Level (calc to be determined)
Recently Participated
List of All Articles Participated
Pictograph Explanation
Paragraph Explanation
Youtube Video Explanation
Popular Categories
Most One Sided and Popular (Highest Proof to Disproof Ratio) and vice versa with a min view amount filter measured as a percentile rank of all articles uploaded.
Most Active by Proofs (Proofs + Disproofs per Time)
By Most Active by Claims (New Claims per Time)
By Most Viewed
Incentive Trail
Explanation or measure of how much incentive a person is likly to have that persuades his or her judgement.
1. Financial Incentive
2. Education Background
3. Corporate tree.
4. ???
Validation system is same as article proof / disproof or vouching
Articles are any text that makes a claim about anything.
Any logged in user can upload an article for dissemination.
?Users will be able to mark any article as, 1. Well structured, 2. Acceptable, or 3. Gibberish
Users will identify and mark claims in the article by highlighting the claim. (sentence or multiple sentences).
Claims will be seen by users through icons after the sentence of which the claim ends much like citations.
Jscript will auto select full sentence(s).
Claims are statments made in the text that are claiming a fact about how the world is / works.
They can be one sentence or many.
Claims will be identified by the users.
Claims will be displayed by an icon after the last sentence in the claim.
When the Icon is clicked the claim or claims
(if multiple) will be highlighted and the user will have to pick one claim to view.
Once the claim is selected its proofs and disproofs will be viewable in detail.
Multiple claims ending on the same sentance will have a icon that indicates so.
?Claims them selves may have a filter system that lets the users filter out sentances or groups of sentances that are not claiming anything.
Perhaps Users will be able to mark claims as a 1. Valid Claim or 2. No claim made, Gibberish
See notes on proofs
Explanation (1000 char Limit, 5x200 sections)
Proofs and Disproofs
Proofs and Disproofs will be ranked much like answers on stack overflow.
The algo has yet to be worked out but it will use the vouching system and the rank of the vouches.
Proofs will be augmented with data links, study links, explanations from the user, user created data charts, comments section for each proof/disproof.
Other things to include?
Explanation (1000 char limit, 5 x 200 char sections
Explanation of the proof/disproof.
Summary of study, data and reason why it is proof / disproof of the claim.
Forced format so that readers are not exausted by bad formatting or long winded explanations.
200char max, 50 char min sections, 5 section max.
Study Link
The user has the ability to post a link to a study from which his proof is derived.
Data Link
Link to data backing up the proof/disproof
Data Chart
User created data chart representing their proof.