Luokat: Kaikki - politics - society - culture - economy

jonka Carlos Cuellar 12 vuotta sitten


Asian World

The Tang Dynasty, existing from 618 to 907, implemented reforms to stabilize the economy by redistributing land from large estate owners to peasants. It expanded China's territory to Tibet, establishing itself as a dominant power in East Asia until its decline in the eighth century when it was overthrown by the Uighurs.

Asian World

Asian World

South Asia

Society and Culture
In the social ladder of South Asia hereditary aristocrats were the ones who held the power who lived in the major cities, but outside the major cities were where the lower class population lived. Indian culture influenced the architecture and China the culture and religion.
The Formation of States
Between 500 and 1500, a number of organizated states develope in Southern Asia, Chinese conquered Vietnamese in 111 B.C., so Vietnam adopted the Chinese culture, Angkor was the strongest state in South Asia.

The Mongol Empire

During the Mongol dynasties religion changed from being Confucionism to Buddhism and Daoism.
A Golden Age in the Arts
During the Song and Mongol dynasties art was influenced ny Daoism, a way of art that expresses the love to nature and its understanding. During the Tang dynasty printing was invented, improving China's literature level.
Mongol Dinasty in China
In 1279 Kublai Khan, one of Genghis Khan's grandsons, conquered the Song and establiched his own dynasty the Yuan. during the Mongol's power China grewed and expanded, but in 1368 Zhu Yuanzhang raised a rebel army and defeated the Mongols establishing the Ming dynasty.


Islam and Indian Society
Muslim rulers in Idia saw themselves as foreign conquerors and maintain a strictly separated interaction with Hindu citizens, with time they accepted they could not convert all of them to Islam and they bagan to accept different religion preferences
The Impact of Timur Lenk
In the 1300s Timur Lenk, mongol ruler, invaded Delhi and massacred 10,000 Hindu prissionairs, this as part of his military campaign; during his campaing Timur Lenk conquered the east region of the Caspian Sea, he also occupied Mesopotamia, he died in 1405 in his military campaign.


Life and Culture in Early Japan
Farming was the main activity on Japan especially the farming of wet rise, during the Kamakura shogunate trade and manufacturing developed, trade developed mainly with Korea and China.
The Kamakura Shogunate
Constantly rival aristocrats families fight to get power, this almos becamed a civil war, finally Minamoto Yoritomo defeated alot of rival families, he created a centralized government under the control of a shogun, a powerfol general, this government was called shogunate, the emperor just had his name, but the hogun was the one which ruled, Minamoto era was called the Kamakura Shogunate, but they were defeated by the Ashikaga family.
The Nara and Heian Periods
The Yamato clan was the main power on Japan, but in 622 the leader of this clun died and political power felled in the hand of the Fijiwara clan; in 720 an new capital was establoshed at Nara. Maybe the power was under Prince Shotoku, but who really had controll were the aristocraft this maked Japan's government to loose power and influence, aritocrats started to take justice in their own hands, this warriors were called samurais, who lived by the Bushido.


Politics, Economy and Society
During the Qin and Han dynasties, a mature political sytem rised on China based on principals. During the Han Era China was alreedy a monarchy with a large bureaucracy; aldo between the Sui and Song dynasties China's economy, agriculture, manufacturing, and trade grew, trading with Southwest and South Asia.
The Song Dinasty
They rise in 960 and lasted until 1279, they ruled on a period of echonomical prosperity and culture achievement, but during time they start to loose control over the North and got overpowered by the Mongols.
Tang Dinasty
It lasted from 618 to 907, the early Tang rulers began instituting reforms, thay tried to mae a estable economy by giving land the peasants and taking away power from large esate's owners. Tang rulers expand China to the border s of Tibet, becoming the greatest power of East Asia, but during the eighth century Tang dinasty began to lose power and were conquered by their own hired wariors, the Uighurs.