jonka BENJAMIN FALVO 3 vuotta sitten
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Everyone in Canada has the freedom to practice their own religion but people in Quebec dont have the freedom to publicly practice their religion in the workplace In Quebec you cannot wear any religious symbols when working.
Rather then the leader of the country being decided by blood like it used to be, the citizens of a democratic country elect their prime minester by gathering in different locations near them and voting to see who the magority of people want in a position of power. To provent one person from being in power for too long there is an election every four years, the same candidate can run again and get re-elected once.
Citizens participate in our democracy by paying taxes. Taxes are a certain amount money each citizen is required to pay dependant on their income. This money contributes to all scocial servaces provitded by the government such as parks, education, healthcare and more
An example of peicful protesting is the people protesting the logging of the canadian old growth (treesitters). They sit in the trees so the workers can not cut them down. In some other less developed countrys, protesters could be shot down for participating in something like this. This proves the strength of our people and our democracy, without the ability to protest a proper democrocy can not be maintained.
An example of this is the Canadian government apologizing for the treatment and residential schools as a whole, this is a step in the right direction.
Unlike the Canadian government the pope has not yet apologised, this can create tension between the common people and the catholic church.
Reporters without borders is an organisation where reporters can go to any country to report what's happening, this is important because terrible things could be going on in other countries in which we could help fix but we would have no way of knowing because we have no news coming from them. without independent reporters the world would be dangerous because the only thing we would know would be government propaganda.
An NGO is a Non Government Operation
A group advocating for a stronger and more democratic counrty and watching to make sure no laws are broken. He also advocates for taking big money out of the law and politics. If there is large private companys paying large sums of money. This has a larger impact on politics than the common folk which is not the goal of democracy.
Accourding to an artical called the conversating, it states that 46% of elections in 1990 there was violence that influenced it
The countrys affected by this have
-high chance of a coup
-low gross economic profit
countrys at risk are ethiopia, chad, haiti, somalia
-voter intimidation at the polls
-accesibility issues
The Oppal Inquiry was mandated to look into the reason why a serial killer was able to get away with killing so many people for so long. many democratic principles were violated in this case, for example peoples right to not get discriminated against. these killings were able to go on for so long because missing homeless and indigenous woman were reported missing and this was overlooked. The police never put very much time and effort into these missing cases because they were not treated equally due to their profession, race and statice. The law is supposed to be blind to things like this but the police didn't treat them equally, making this type of serial killers able to kill so many people.
While facing judgment from the law all external factors unrelated to the crime and past crimes must not be taken into account. Everyone is equal under the eyes of the law and this is well represented by the lady justice picture. She is blindfolded holding a scale to represent her being blind to others factors like race, gender and ethnicity and everyone being treated equally and being judged only based on the crime. She holds a sword to represent power and enforcement of the law.
Equal Opportunities for everyone. Everyone is equal before the law. We cannot be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, etc.
A union is an organization formed by workers who join together and use their strength to have a voice in their workplace. Some of the advantages of a union are the ability to negotiate from a position of strength with employers over wages, benefits, workplace health and safety, job training and other work-related issues.
The three main workers rights are
The right to know what hazards are present in the workplace
The right to participate in keeping your workplace healthy and safe
The right to refuse work that you believe to be dangerous to yourself or your co-workers.
There are other laws province dependant like minimum wage and time for breaks
I learned in the story of human rights that in some third world countries, human rights are often broken making me think how lucky we are to live in a place like Canada.
In the case of MMIWG2S in Canada, many human rights were violated. specifically the report states that the Right to Culture, The Right to Wealth, the right to Security and the Right to Justice were violated
Canada's Human Rights Document is called the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (CCRF). Pierre Trudeau brought home the charter in 1992. The CCRF has force of law behind it for extra enforcement.
The United Nations also sets out human rights documents: for example the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)