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Anderson is beginning to develop the theme of stupidity here because we see two characters--Marty and Loga--acting not so intelligently. In the opening pages of a novel, if an author reveals that one of his characters doesn't understand basic biology, and we hear another character speak "valley talk," we need to pay attention. This is the beginning--the exposition of the novel--and Anderson is letting us know right way what his characters are like--stupid.
Theme of stupidity
This is evidence of characterization because we clearly see Marty, Loga, and Link as different and unique. We see that Link understands the criteria for an organ--he's smarter than Marty. Marty, on the other hand, is shown to be pretty stupid because he doesn't understand the basic criteria for life, nor what the criteria for an organ. We also see Loga being characterized as kind of stupid by the way she talks. She uses "like" three times in two sentences, although we get the sense that she at least understands Marty's stupidity.
Pg 10
"Dude," Link said. "Your face is not an organ." "It is, too!" Marty said. "It's alive!" "Like, oh my god," Loga complained. "Is there like enough air in here? Are you like dying some kind of neuron death?"
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