jonka erosales e 10 vuotta sitten
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Anderson is beginning to develop the theme of stupidity here because we see two characters--Marty and Loga--acting not so intelligently. In the opening pages of a novel, if an author reveals that one of his characters doesn't understand basic biology, and we hear another character speak "valley talk," we need to pay attention. This is the beginning--the exposition of the novel--and Anderson is letting us know right way what his characters are like--stupid.
Theme of stupidity
This is evidence of characterization because we clearly see Marty, Loga, and Link as different and unique. We see that Link understands the criteria for an organ--he's smarter than Marty. Marty, on the other hand, is shown to be pretty stupid because he doesn't understand the basic criteria for life, nor what the criteria for an organ. We also see Loga being characterized as kind of stupid by the way she talks. She uses "like" three times in two sentences, although we get the sense that she at least understands Marty's stupidity.
Pg 10
"Dude," Link said. "Your face is not an organ." "It is, too!" Marty said. "It's alive!" "Like, oh my god," Loga complained. "Is there like enough air in here? Are you like dying some kind of neuron death?"
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A note about images. Think of a UNIQUE image that will symbolize/represent your story and/or thesis. For example, for a "Monkey's Paw," an image of a monkey's paw is not exactly "unique..."
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When Terry say's "But what happened?" and his mom say's "I told you,Vietnam" you could tell that because of the war in Vietnam Terry's father has gone into war and that something bad has happened to him.
Page, 50
"It's from the war" "but what happened? what actually caused it?" "I told you, Vietnam"
I think that the minor device was used by the author to develop
I believe that this reveals that the character, Terry, is easily embarrassed by his dad. It also reveals that, Terry, is some what confused on why his father acts the way he does.
Page, 51
"It was easily the most embarrassing that ever happened to him " "Then he saw it: His father was squirming along the floor on his stomach. He was crying, looking terrified, his breathe coming in short, hot pants like some kinda animal"
Discuss: How was the Minor device used by your author to develop this Major Device.
The minor device used by my author develops the major device because it shows that the setting he was in was a war field therefore showing that he is a veteran.
What is your Major device?
Provide a warrant for your evidence above...Why is your quote evidence of your minor literary device?
I strongly believe that my quote for my minor literary device is evidence for my thesis. One of the reasons is because the way he says this it shows that he has a lot of fear in him because of what happened to him. It also shows that he once fought in the army. It reveals that he once fought in a war.
Provide evidence from the text as proof of this minor device.
Page, 53
"So we're crossing the paddy, and it was a straight sweep, and then we caught it. We began taking fire from three sides,automatic weapons, and everybody went down and tried to but we couldn't. We couldn't get low enough, and you could hear the rounds hitting people. It was just a short time before they brought in the mortars, and we should have moved, should have run,but nobody got up, and after a time nobody could get up. The fire just kept coming and coming, and then incoming mortars, and I heard screams as they hit, but there was nothing to do. Nothing to do."
What is your Minor device?