Luokat: Kaikki - environmental - education - disease - health

jonka thibaud gabillard 11 vuotta sitten



A Rwandan named Jean Pierre Nshimyimana shares his journey as an Environmental Health Practitioner. Educated in Latin and Sciences at Nkumba Minor Seminary, he began his career as a science teacher before pursuing further studies in Community Health Development at Kigali Health Institute (


Statement of Objective

Stage II: Reflect and Brainstorm (on paper)
4. What are your career goals?

• What drives you? What motivates you

The knowledge, every discovery is so much exiting. I love to spend times in reading paper and book, not just to read, but to think about what I read and understand what the reader wanted to say.

• What do you hope to accomplish?

I want to understand all the signal processing and then, to be able to make a discovery

• Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

3. Why did you choose your undergraduate major?
2. Why did you choose your research topic(s)/field/school?

Why Choose signal processing

Coup de coeur Sujet pasisonnant

1. Reflect on your intellectual development.

• What or who influenced your decision or interest (i.e. role models)? What quality about them appealed to you?

Introduction stage : J'aime le traitement du signal car on peut utiliser ça sur plein de chose différente -> intro stage :D

Guy Plantier make me take my decision about my field interest. I was looking for a subject.

• What and when were the major moments in your life that have led you to your current research interest(s) and school/department/program?

My pseudo is Pamphile, which mean in latin "who love everything". I think this statement best describe me. I love to talk and think abotu everything.

One of the major moment in my life which led me to mine current research interest was in the end of my first year of engineering degree. I was doing a project with Guy Plantier, and it was about Communications. The goal was to send the most data posssible throught a Physical Channel which generated noise. Why did I love this time so much ? Because, me and my team, spend one week in thinking abotu how create think. I love think abotu something/

Stage I: Do your Homework 1. Browse through the websites of the schools/departments/programs of interest to you. Obtain brochures and booklets and read through them carefully. Highlight the aspects of the programs that appeal to you. 2. Read up on the research interests and projects of the faculty in the schools/departments/programs. Read publications from a faculty of interest. 3. Browse through recent articles from the research field of interest and try to get a general understanding of how the field developed and what are its current problems and challenges.
Stage III: Outline your Statement of Purpose 1. From the results of Stage II, determine a central theme/topic that stands out or dominates your reflections and brainstorm. 2. Using bullet points and brief comments/statements, organize your reflections and brainstorm ideas that strengthen the central theme/topic of your statement of purpose. • Concentrate on your life experiences and give specific examples. • Put down only those things that excite you. • Do not make things up! 3. Your outline should cover these areas and, preferably, in this order: • What aspects of the school/department/program appeals to you? • What are your research interest(s)? • How did you become interested in your current research topic/area? • How did you prepare or are preparing to address the issues in this research area/topic (i.e. research experiences, courses, etc.)? • What are your future goals for graduate school (i.e. Ph.D.)? • What are your career goals (i.e. professorship)? • What characteristics of the school/department/program can help you accomplish your goals? • What positive aspects do you bring to the school/department/program?
Stage IV: Write Draft of Statement of Purpose When writing your statement of purpose: • Always use positive language when referring to yourself. • Give detailed, but concise examples. • Use transition words, sentences and paragraphs. Your statement must read smoothly. • Skip a line after each paragraph. • Refrain from starting neighboring paragraphs the same way. • Avoid using vocabulary that you do not know. • Refrain from repeating yourself. • Have strong opening and closing paragraph. • Stay within the 2 – 3 page limit! • Thank the admissions committee for their time at the end of your statement of purpose.
Stage IV: Write Draft of Statement of Purpose
When writing your statement of purpose: • Always use positive language when referring to yourself. • Give detailed, but concise examples. • Use transition words, sentences and paragraphs. Your statement must read smoothly. • Skip a line after each paragraph. • Refrain from starting neighboring paragraphs the same way. • Avoid using vocabulary that you do not know. • Refrain from repeating yourself. • Have strong opening and closing paragraph. • Stay within the 2 – 3 page limit! • Thank the admissions committee for their time at the end of your statement of purpose.


My name is Thibaud Gabillard, and I am from France. I am passionate with signal processing.

I have always been passionate with all the subject I work with. From the low to High School, I spend lot of time in talking with teacher about math, physics and computer science.


SOP d'un rwandais

I am called NSHIMYIMANA Jean Pierre and I am from Rwanda. I am an Environmental Health Practitioner. I studied Latin and Sciences at Nkumba Minor Seminary from 1996-2002 for my secondary studies. After graduation, in 2003, I was a science teacher at ESIR “Ecole Secondaire Islamique de Ruhengeri” (Ruhengeri Secondary School of Muslims). I taught biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. One year later, in 2004, I started my studies in Kigali Health Institute (KHI) in the Faculty of Community Health Development under the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, where I spent three years. At KHI, I had the highest academic score among 735 graduates of three promotions (2004, 2005 and 2006) during our graduation day ceremony held on 8th December 2006. My interest in the environment and human beings has been raised by water-related diseases from water contamination, like dysentery, cholera, etc. I decided to study environmental health sciences as a broad subject combining environmental factors and their influences on human beings. During my studies at KHI I became more interested in water quality while I worked with the American Refugee Committee on the water, sanitation, and hygiene improvement program in Kiziba Refugee Camp. I spent one year working with them (2005-2006).In January 2006, I was chosen as the group leader and asked to select a group of students to help people facing a cholera outbreak in Kigali Province, Kicukiro District, Masaka Sector. The outbreak was due to water contamination of the Nyabarongo River which feeds Lake Victoria before reaching the Nile. It was the principal water source used by people living in the area. In December 2006, I helped the “Development Towards National Reconciliation” alliance to raise a $25,000 grant from USAID. The grant was announced publically and different associations applied for it competitively. The project proposal I wrote for the alliance won against 65 associations that participated in the selection processes. In January 2007, I was hired as a consultant by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International (DFGFI) to work on water and sanitation projects. I worked with a team of Master’s of Engineering Students from MIT as their technical field guide on their project in Bisate Village, Rwanda. I wrote a technical report on rainwater harvesting systems which serves as a reference tool for providing rainwater to the Bisate Clinic, Bisate Primary School, and the DFGFI Gorilla Trackers’ House. The infrastructure installed benefits around 24,000 people living in the village. I am now called by other NGOs to hold workshop lectures on rainwater harvesting systems and recently I presented at a workshop held in Kigali about low-cost building. Based on these experiences, I wish to expand my knowledge with further education and help more people in need to get safe drinking water, especially in developing countries.


My goals are focused on the improvement of drinking water quality, wastewater treatment, water resources systems, and design of an appropriate filtration system for drinking water for rural areas, particularly in Rwanda and generally in other developing countries.

My objectives are specific and focus on some water-related issues that have been developed elsewhere that contribute to the achievement of my goals. They are focused on the determination of an appropriate system of water quality control in rural areas, a specific sustainable model of drinking water treatment, an assessment of existing water and sanitation problems, and overcoming water-related problems. These and other objectives can be developed while I will be at MIT.

My targets are the resolution of water quality related problems in developing countries, and MIT is the right university that will equip me in terms of knowledge, skills, experimental techniques, and theoretical concepts. This will allow me to save a large number of human beings that lack safe drinking water.


(Picture3: standing on septic tank of a sanitation project I implemented at Bisate Primary School where 1800 pupils were sharing six stances (toilets, 1 toilets/300 pupils) after the project 58 pupils are sharing one toilet/stance)

My interest in MIT was raised by the information that I got from the students and faculty staff I worked with in January 2007 and 2008, especially Dr. Peter Shanahan, a Senior Lecturer at MIT. My interest was further piqued after hearing about Senior Lecturer Susan Murcott who has similar professional interests to my own.

The experience MIT has in designing appropriate water-related technologies for developing countries and the world in general has driven my internal push to apply for admission, and my preferable program is the Masters of Engineering in Environmental and Water Quality. This program will help me to resolve the following problems: increase of surface water pollution, increase of drinking water pollution in both urban and rural areas, lack of appropriate technology of water and wastewater treatment, and many others.

The high quality of education that exists at MIT under the MEng Environmental and Water Quality program and in all of the MIT programs is valuable for both developed and developing countries. My success in both academic courses and practical applications that I have accomplished until now give me self-determination and conviction about my future life at MIT. I will work towards the achievement of my all initiatives, courses and activities. Those achievements will increase my personal credibility and recognition as I will have acquired considerable experience, theories, skills, etc.

The long-term experience and success of new water-related technological projects developed and implemented by MIT in developing countries pushes me to prefer MIT among all others universities that give a similar degree. In addition, I need to increase my knowledge of environmental health sciences by learning another related field such as environmental and water quality engineering. In this way I can increase my professional capacity and be effective to the Rwandan society.


France Angers TOEFL iBT Fri., Oct 19, 2012

Fri., Nov 16, 2012

Sat., Nov 17, 2012

Fri., Dec 07, 2012

Sat., Dec 08, 2012

Fri., Dec 14, 2012

Code institution MIT : The ETS code for sending TOEFL scores to MIT is 3514, and the code for the EECS Department is 66 (or 78). The IELTS scores are mailed by the agency directly to the MIT Admissions Office. Cambridge : Imperial : Edinburgh : ?





Rappeller Sandra Hermenier 02 41 86 67 42


Bourse UK
Disabled students allowance
A cotnacter pour les bourses
Chambre de commerce
LEA valley
Fondation bourse
Programme de bourse US
Fondation trudeau
Fondation de france

Demander recommandation à JPN !

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Fondation Aphone

Mail de contact


Je m'appelle Thibaud Gabillard. Je suis actuellement en dernière année à l’École Supérieur d’Électronique de l'Ouest à Angers.

Mes études me passionnent énormément, et j'ai envie d'investir cette énergie dans un PhD aux USA l'année prochaine.

Je souhaiterai échanger avec vous dès que possible pour vous faire part de ma grande motivation dans ce projet.

Je suis également titulaire d'une carte d'invalidité à 80%.

Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement.



Thibaud Gabillard

Téléphone/Phone : +33 6 22 11 49 93

eMail :


Fulbright doctorant
Rotary Club

Angers raliement



Je m'appelle Thibaud Gabillard. Je suis actuellement en dernière année à l’École Supérieur d’Électronique de l'Ouest à Angers.

Mes études me passionnent énormément, et j'ai envie d'investir cette énergie dans un PhD aux USA l'année prochaine.

Je souhaiterai vous rencontrer dès que possible pour vous faire part de ma grande motivation dans ce projet.

Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement.




Traitement du signal

Code programme : PRPHDENGEL1F / 0051

Inscription commencé !

Regarder mail pour lien :)

Inscription !

Funding website

90 £

University Composition Fee (annual amount) : £3,924 College fee (estimated annual amount) : £ 2,408 Maintenance allowance (minimum annual amount) : £ 11,750 Personal funds : £ 22,000

Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory

Mail du 14/10/2012 :

Dear Dr Guillén i Fàbregas,

My name is Thibaud Gabillard. I am actually in the last year of my engineering studies on signal processing and telecommunications in France (at the ESEO) .

In the same time, I am doing a Master of Science on the theoretical part of signals to complete my engineer degree. Thus, I would like to do a PhD in communications next year.

I am contacting you because I have seen your research interests that correspond to mine. Indeed, I am strongly motivated in working on the signal processing side of communications.

I am looking for a thesis supervisor to begin a PhD in October 2013.

I did an internship last summer in the British Geological Survey (my supervisor could recommend me), and I will do another from March to September.

I read your advice very carefully, and I could do my next internship in your group if possible and if you think it could be useful before doing any PhD with you.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Thibaud Gabillard ESEO Engineering student


Thibaud Gabillard

Téléphone/Phone : +33 6 22 11 49 93

eMail :

Simon J. Godsill

Dear Professor Godsill,

My name is Thibaud Gabillard. I would like to do a PhD in signal processing, a subject that really fascinates me. I am also looking for a thesis supervisor. Would you be willing to take on a graduate student in this field, or perhaps do you know a colleague who might want a student next year? (October 2013)

I am actually in the last year of my engineering studies on signal processing and telecommunications in France (at the ESEO) .

In the same time, I am doing a Master on the theoretical part of signals to complete my engineer degree.

I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me.



Yes, certainly we do have positions available. I have one funded position in tracking and heterogeneous data fusion, and apart from that scholarships are available for very strong students. What topics are particularly of

interest to you, and do you have a current CV?


Simon Godsill


Inscritpion commencé ! Login gtthebest mdp cicso

Total tutition fees : $40,500 University Fellowship $27,640 First Year Fellowship $23,650 Assistantship in Instruction $25,570 Assistantship in Research $23,650


Deadline : 31 dec

Statistic Bayesienne,

Traitement du signal Statistique

Liste des contacts

Vincent Poor

Dear Thibaud,

Thank you for you inquiry and for your interest in our graduate program.

Unlike many universities, our admissions are handled centrally by the department and by the university, and not by individual faculty members. Our students choose their research advisors only after one semester in residence. On the other hand, all of our admitted Ph.D. students receive full financial support. So, you need only apply through the formal channels, which are described on our departmental website.

For further general information about graduate study in engineering at Princeton, please go to this URL:

For further specific inquiries about graduate study in Electrical Engineering, please contact Prof. Mung Chiang, the Director of Graduate Studies at

Thanks again, and best wishes,

Vincent Poor


H. Vincent Poor, Dean

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Michael Henry Strater University Professor

C230 Engineering Quadrangle

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ 08544 USA

Emmanuel Abbe

Détails du programme de PhD



$100.00 USD

TOTAL $67,483 

In general, most graduate students at Caltech receive full funding for their graduate education. In fact, approximately 99% of doctoral students have full financial support

Modern Digital Signal Processing

Caltech Digital Signal Processing Group


Signal processing laboratory

Michael Lustig

Edward A. Lee

Michael Jordan

El Ghaoui

Michael Gastpar

Robert W. Brodersen


Inscirption commencé mdp base

TOEFL 90 IBT Before december 31

MPhil : $25,592.25

Deadline : 13 décembre

Need GRE !!!

Inscription commencé ! Login collège sans t, mdp cisco

Need GRE

$14,650 ?



A: The minimum TOEFL scores required are 575 for the paper-based test (600 for PhD applicants) and 89 for the internet-based test (100 for PhD applicants). If you are admitted, Stanford may require you to take an English placement exam and/or take English classes.

A: The deadline for submitting supplemental admission documents, including test scores, is the same as the application deadline. You are responsible for ensuring that your scores arrive at Stanford by the relevant deadline. Be sure to self-report all available scores on your application and have the official scores sent immediately to Stanford University at institution code 4704. A department code is not required. (Your scores will be received by the department regardless of whether you entered a department code or not.)

Institut de recherche sur les systêmes d'information

ICME Institute for Computationnal and Mathematical Engineering

Inscription commencé ! Login sais tout, mdp base

DeadLine : 15 dec


Decision on financial aid after admission !

Most EECS graduate students continuing in the SM and PhD programs are supported by RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS or TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIPS. (Newly admitted students are automatically considered for all assistantships and Departmental fellowships, and these students should see the Admissions FAQ #17 concerning finanacial support for newly admitted students). Assistantships pay full tuition and a monthly stipend for the tenure of the appointment.

Signal Transformation and Information Representation Group

Signals, Information and Algorithms Laboratory

Gregory W. Wornell

Digital Signal Processing Group

Arthur B. Baggeroer

Guolong Su

Tarek Aziz Lahlou

Alan V. Oppenheim

Advanced Telecommunications and Signal Processing Group

Jae S. Lim

Professor of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dear Prof Lim,

My name is Thibaud Gabillard. I would like to do a PhD in signal processing, a subject that really fascinates me. I am also looking for a thesis supervisor. Would you be willing to take on a graduate student in this field, or perhaps do you know a colleague who might want a student next year? (October 2013).

I am actually in the last year of my engineering studies on signal processing and telecommunications in France (at the ESEO) .

In the same time, I am doing a Master on the theoretical part of signals to complete my engineer degree.

I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me.



Thibaud Gabillard

Téléphone/Phone : +33 6 22 11 49 93

eMail :

Megan Fuller

Xun Cai

Center for wireless Networking


Télécom Paritech ?

University of Edinburgh

Institute for digital communications

Imperial College of London

Inscription commencé !!

Dear Professor Constantinides,

My name is Thibaud Gabillard. I would like to do a PhD in signal processing applied to communications, a subject that really fascinates me. I am also looking for a thesis supervisor. Would you be willing to take on a graduate student in this field, or perhaps do you know a colleague who might want a student next year? (October 2013)

I am actually in the last year of my engineering studies on signal processing and telecommunications in France (at the ESEO) .

In the same time, I am doing a Master on the theoretical part of signals to complete my engineer degree.

I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me.


Dear Prof Leung,

My name is Thibaud Gabillard. I would like to do a PhD in signal processing applied to communications, a subject that really fascinates me. I am also looking for a thesis supervisor. Would you be willing to take on a graduate student in this field, or perhaps do you know a colleague who might want a student next year? (October 2013)

I am actually in the last year of my engineering studies on signal processing and telecommunications in France (at the ESEO) .

In the same time, I am doing a Master on the theoretical part of signals to complete my engineer degree.

I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me.


Information for prospective student

Réponse 21/10

Dear Thibaud: Thanks for your interest. Normally, I would accept some PhD student(s) every year. I would suggest you apply formally to our PhD program. Best wishes, - Kin

Réponse de moi

Dear Proffesor Leung,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I will apply on the web site. I will probably come to the open day in December to meet you.

Best regards,

Thibaud Gabillard

Réponse même jour

You are welcome, Thibaud.

If you have your CV ready, please send me a copy.

Best wishes,

- Kin

Réponse d emoi + CV

Dear Prof Leung,

Do not hesitate to ask my if you have question about it.

Please note that I will do an internship from march 2013 to september 2013.

Best regards,

Dear Dr Manikas,

My name is Thibaud Gabillard. I would like to do a PhD in signal processing applied to communications, a subject that really fascinates me. I am also looking for a thesis supervisor. Would you be willing to take on a graduate student in this field, or perhaps do you know a colleague who might want a student next year? (October 2013)

I am actually in the last year of my engineering studies on signal processing and telecommunications in France (at the ESEO) .

In the same time, I am doing a Master on the theoretical part of signals to complete my engineer degree.

I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me.



Compressive sensing


Florent KRzakala

Ceremade Redirection, cursus math


Faire un stage avant thése

Remi Gribonval


Imperial college of London 07-08-2012 Senior Lecturer Pas de réponse


Thomas Blumensath Jared Tanner


Mark Plumbley Très intérréssé, juste postuler.


John Tompson

Mikes davis Recontré en Aout Très enthousiaste

Compressed sensing in synthetic aperture radar

Compressed sensing in medical imaging

Sparse representations for signal processing and coding


Non contacté

Justin Romberg


Richard Baraniuk Intéréssé par candidature.


Emmanuel Candes Saturé d'étudiant, redirection vers Rice

MIT 07-08-2012 PhD Student Pas de réponse


Laurent Daudet

Igor Carron Tres sympathique

Nuit blanche


Stage I3

Le Mans
Jet System

Nom de l'entreprise : JET SYSTEMS

Code NAF : 5110Z



Route d'Angers

72100 LE MANS

Téléphone : 02 43 72 07 70

Fax : 02 43 72 36 11

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Géraldine DURIEUX

Sébastien DURIEUX

Président Directeur Général

Directeur Général

Directeur d'Exploitation

Description : Transports sanitaires, passagers, fret, baptêmes de l'air, photos, vidéo, films, circuits touristiques, héliportage

Form juridique : SA

Capital : 455000.00 euros


Superficie : 400.00 m²

Nombre d'employés : 9

Nombre de cadres : 4

Chiffre d'affaires : 1500000.00 euros

Principaux clients : BMW - Smartbox - Audi - - ACO Mairie - DGA - Cofiroute

Principaux fournisseurs : Eurocopter - Bell - Turbomech - Rolls Royce

Christophe CASALTA


Bonjour Thibaud,

Je viens de découvrir votre profil et souhaiterais vous inviter à rejoindre mes contacts.

A la lecture de votre parcours, pourriez-vous être intéressé par les offres de projets de fin d’études en traitement d'image?

Notre Direction R&D accueille bon nombre d'élèves ingénieur sur ses plateaux autour de différentes thématiques liées au traitement du signal/image.

Si effectivement ce type d'offre peut vous intéresser, je vous invite à me contacter afin que l'on puisse échanger ensemble autour de nos offres.



Belgium Germany Netherlands Singapore Sweden Pas FR pour R&D

Emploi handicap
Base de données de stage





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Sujet secondaire
Jean-Pierre Nauleau
Joël Madeline

Guy Plantier
