Crime Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan crime Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki crime aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

An Introduction to Crime Reconstruction
Michaela Garrett

An Introduction to Crime Reconstruction

luonut Michaela Garrett

SWOT Analysis Brazil
Laura McGuire

SWOT Analysis Brazil

luonut Laura McGuire

Matza's theory of Delinquency and Drift
Gillian Dickinson

Matza's theory of Delinquency and Drift

luonut Gillian Dickinson

Major Issues Currently facing State and Local Governments
Raheem Brown

Major Issues Currently facing State and Local Governments

luonut Raheem Brown

What Influences Criminal Behavior?
Bryan Pregon

What Influences Criminal Behavior?

luonut Bryan Pregon

Nina Kruggel


luonut Nina Kruggel

Characteristics of a Criminal
Michaela Garrett

Characteristics of a Criminal

luonut Michaela Garrett

Shaqir Adeel


luonut Shaqir Adeel

What  influences  crime?
Christian Kennedy

What influences crime?

luonut Christian Kennedy

Question 3: Restorative Justice in Prison
Gillian Dickinson

Question 3: Restorative Justice in Prison

luonut Gillian Dickinson

Draft RJ 2
Gillian Dickinson

Draft RJ 2

luonut Gillian Dickinson

Youth Crime Statistics
Gillian Dickinson

Youth Crime Statistics

luonut Gillian Dickinson

 Johannesburg, South Africa
Joshua Hart

Johannesburg, South Africa

luonut Joshua Hart

Section A, Compulsory Question: Critical Criminology
Gillian Dickinson

Section A, Compulsory Question: Critical Criminology

luonut Gillian Dickinson

Death Penalty
vanessa balzer

Death Penalty

luonut vanessa balzer

Sao Paulo Brazil Group SWOT
M Scanga

Sao Paulo Brazil Group SWOT

luonut M Scanga

Nairobi, Kenya
sara crisafulli

Nairobi, Kenya

luonut sara crisafulli

Evolution of Theory
Gillian Dickinson

Evolution of Theory

luonut Gillian Dickinson

L3 Yr2 Public Services Objectives 2018/19
Phil Dollimore

L3 Yr2 Public Services Objectives 2018/19

luonut Phil Dollimore

Problems Associated with Rapid Urbanisation
Matt Blackett

Problems Associated with Rapid Urbanisation

luonut Matt Blackett

Desi McKeown


luonut Desi McKeown

Crime Reduction Initiatives
Phil Dollimore

Crime Reduction Initiatives

luonut Phil Dollimore

Movie categories
Samanta Castañeda

Movie categories

luonut Samanta Castañeda

Impact of Crime
Phil Dollimore

Impact of Crime

luonut Phil Dollimore

Youth Crime
Ellie Pitcher

Youth Crime

luonut Ellie Pitcher

FDI SWOT Map for Grading
Alena Iwanowska

FDI SWOT Map for Grading

luonut Alena Iwanowska

Section B, Question 3: Trends in Youth Justice Policy
Gillian Dickinson

Section B, Question 3: Trends in Youth Justice Policy

luonut Gillian Dickinson

Section B, Question 4: Race and Gender in Youth Crime
Gillian Dickinson

Section B, Question 4: Race and Gender in Youth Crime

luonut Gillian Dickinson

Greatest Ganster Movies
antonio eramo

Greatest Ganster Movies

luonut antonio eramo

'True Love' 
Isaac Asimov 
Jane Ulbich

'True Love' by Isaac Asimov 1977

luonut Jane Ulbich

Карта знань : Література
Шевченко Анна

Карта знань : Література

luonut Шевченко Анна

Where should i live 
Виктория Снигур

Where should i live Monaco

luonut Виктория Снигур

Canadian Law
Quinlan Cinnamon

Canadian Law

luonut Quinlan Cinnamon

RS Crime and Punishment
Maddy Fletcher

RS Crime and Punishment

luonut Maddy Fletcher

Neighborhood Watch
Kim Cronin

Neighborhood Watch

luonut Kim Cronin

Crime Reporting and Recording
Phil Dollimore

Crime Reporting and Recording

luonut Phil Dollimore

Criminal records
Ellie Rinaldi

Criminal records

luonut Ellie Rinaldi

 Johannesburg, South
Joshua Hart

Johannesburg, South

luonut Joshua Hart

Philosophy of Ethics
Slipp Victoria

Philosophy of Ethics

luonut Slipp Victoria

Discrimination- Gender- equality or disparity?
Gillian Dickinson

Discrimination- Gender- equality or disparity?

luonut Gillian Dickinson

FDI SWOT Map for Grading
Carter Spiece

FDI SWOT Map for Grading

luonut Carter Spiece

Agencies and public services that offer support and solutions
Phil Dollimore

Agencies and public services that offer support and solutions

luonut Phil Dollimore

Section B, Question 2: Integrated to Enhanced Pathway Risk Factor Theories
Gillian Dickinson

Section B, Question 2: Integrated to Enhanced Pathway Risk Factor Theories

luonut Gillian Dickinson

The law
English EOI San Blas

The law

luonut English EOI San Blas

Section B, Question 1
G Dickinson

Section B, Question 1

luonut G Dickinson

Tom Anderson


luonut Tom Anderson

Gun Control_2013_10_23_v_2
Anthony Grichuk

Gun Control_2013_10_23_v_2

luonut Anthony Grichuk

Tiger by the Tail
Zawarty Zawarty

Tiger by the Tail

luonut Zawarty Zawarty

Social change
Dyment Gabby

Social change

luonut Dyment Gabby

Kaden Goss


luonut Kaden Goss

LLS 8 Kennedy
Christian Kennedy

LLS 8 Kennedy

luonut Christian Kennedy

Race, Gender and Crime
donovan dumas

Race, Gender and Crime

luonut donovan dumas

Sample Mind Map
Samuel Fraticelli

Sample Mind Map

luonut Samuel Fraticelli

Esther Lee


luonut Esther Lee

New Map
Samantha Lawson

New Map

luonut Samantha Lawson

crime and deviance subcultural theories
Haleema Hussain

crime and deviance subcultural theories

luonut Haleema Hussain

If Anyone Who Committed a Drug Crime Was Released From Prison
Sarah Carter

If Anyone Who Committed a Drug Crime Was Released From Prison

luonut Sarah Carter

What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?
Darian Gulfo

What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?

luonut Darian Gulfo

What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?
Darian Gulfo

What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?

luonut Darian Gulfo

Mindomo by Yacine Fakir
Yacine Fakir

Mindomo by Yacine Fakir

luonut Yacine Fakir

Tristan Litwiller


luonut Tristan Litwiller

Contens of 3 of ESO
Azahara López

Contens of 3 of ESO

luonut Azahara López

History mind map of immigrants -- compare and contrast
Hira Ishtiaq

History mind map of immigrants -- compare and contrast

luonut Hira Ishtiaq

Sample Mind Map

Sample Mind Map


Open Carry Law
anna f

Open Carry Law

luonut anna f

LAW 1273 OF 2009
Bertha Ruiz

LAW 1273 OF 2009

luonut Bertha Ruiz

What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?
Darian Gulfo

What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?

luonut Darian Gulfo

U.S Legal Drinking Age Lowered To 18
Kaitlyn Gardner

U.S Legal Drinking Age Lowered To 18

luonut Kaitlyn Gardner

The Problem of Crimes Against    Tourists
Melisa Basic

The Problem of Crimes Against Tourists

luonut Melisa Basic

What are American cartoons
victoria Barnhill

What are American cartoons

luonut victoria Barnhill

Tobacco is banned in the United States
isaac Drummond

Tobacco is banned in the United States

luonut isaac Drummond

Prepping for Essay 3
Rob Harmon

Prepping for Essay 3

luonut Rob Harmon

8th final project
Alex Ocaña

8th final project

luonut Alex Ocaña

social issues
Briana Williams

social issues

luonut Briana Williams

Recreational marijuana use is legalized at the federal level
Emily Beck

Recreational marijuana use is legalized at the federal level

luonut Emily Beck

MindMap_Issues(unit 2)_16.01_MikhaylovSemen
Семен Михайлов

MindMap_Issues(unit 2)_16.01_MikhaylovSemen

luonut Семен Михайлов

Inside A Crime Lab
Raj Raj

Inside A Crime Lab

luonut Raj Raj

Important aspects of the one case.
Patricia Elizabeth Iglesias Gonzalez

Important aspects of the one case.

luonut Patricia Elizabeth Iglesias Gonzalez

Substance Abuse
Alexis Schaeffer

Substance Abuse

luonut Alexis Schaeffer

Possession of controlled substances is no longer illegal
Aiden Tyler

Possession of controlled substances is no longer illegal

luonut Aiden Tyler

The cause and effect of inflation  -shivansi
Shivansi Upadhaya

The cause and effect of inflation -shivansi

luonut Shivansi Upadhaya

Tobacco is banned in America...
Emily Chilton

Tobacco is banned in America...

luonut Emily Chilton

Cause: Increasing population
Bella Ruvalcaba

Cause: Increasing population

luonut Bella Ruvalcaba




francesca amendolara


luonut francesca amendolara

Haiti VS canada
Chayil Johnson

Haiti VS canada

luonut Chayil Johnson

united kingdom
RW - 06BV 923219 Hillcrest MS

united kingdom

luonut RW - 06BV 923219 Hillcrest MS

 why is Ohio one of the worst states to live in
Marco Mazzali

why is Ohio one of the worst states to live in

luonut Marco Mazzali