Fractions Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan fractions Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki fractions aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

The Number System
Alberta Hosteen

The Number System

luonut Alberta Hosteen

Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
Bailey Huylar

Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

luonut Bailey Huylar

frazioni quotidiane
Carolina Jimenez

frazioni quotidiane

luonut Carolina Jimenez

Li Jiaxin


luonut Li Jiaxin

Application of FDP in our daily life
Nandini Gaur

Application of FDP in our daily life

luonut Nandini Gaur

MTE 280: Elementary Mathematics
Megan Flanagan

MTE 280: Elementary Mathematics

luonut Megan Flanagan

Ashley Wallace Fractions
Ashley Wallace

Ashley Wallace Fractions

luonut Ashley Wallace

Arianne Boynton


luonut Arianne Boynton

What to Know About Fractions
Amber Kelly

What to Know About Fractions

luonut Amber Kelly

Farah Nadhirah


luonut Farah Nadhirah

Middle School Maths: Number
Gerald Carey

Middle School Maths: Number

luonut Gerald Carey

MATH 156
Cristina Gutierrez

MATH 156

luonut Cristina Gutierrez

Application of FDP in our daily life
louis ahmad

Application of FDP in our daily life

luonut louis ahmad

Real Numbers: What are they?
Brooke Skaggs

Real Numbers: What are they?

luonut Brooke Skaggs

Annawade Stevenson


luonut Annawade Stevenson

MTE 280: Investigating Quantity
Mackenzie DuVall

MTE 280: Investigating Quantity

luonut Mackenzie DuVall

Fundamentals of Elementary Math
Marci Hohner

Fundamentals of Elementary Math

luonut Marci Hohner

Grade 3 Concept map
Meghan Hopkins

Grade 3 Concept map

luonut Meghan Hopkins

Application of FDP in our daily life
Tanvi Amrit

Application of FDP in our daily life

luonut Tanvi Amrit

First Mind Map
J.J. Brunmeier

First Mind Map

luonut J.J. Brunmeier

Common Math V0cabula
kristi gross

Common Math V0cabula

luonut kristi gross

MTE 180 - Melissa Grieve
Melissa Grieve

MTE 180 - Melissa Grieve

luonut Melissa Grieve

Matthew Willard


luonut Matthew Willard

5th Grade Math Module by Michelle McHugh
Michelle McHugh

5th Grade Math Module by Michelle McHugh

luonut Michelle McHugh

Map 1
Maddie Hodges

Map 1

luonut Maddie Hodges

MAT 156 Mindmap
Yvonne Cabrera

MAT 156 Mindmap

luonut Yvonne Cabrera

MTE 280 Investigational Quantity
Betsy Aguilar

MTE 280 Investigational Quantity

luonut Betsy Aguilar

Weeks 1-3
Tamara Ruiz

Weeks 1-3

luonut Tamara Ruiz

Web 2.0 Resource
Kirsty Watts

Web 2.0 Resource

luonut Kirsty Watts

Southmayd_Fraction Basics
Jacob Southmayd

Southmayd_Fraction Basics

luonut Jacob Southmayd

Elementary Mathematics
Elizabeth Flores

Elementary Mathematics

luonut Elizabeth Flores

MTE 280 Miltenberger
Gabriella Alford

MTE 280 Miltenberger

luonut Gabriella Alford

takaharu kunisho


luonut takaharu kunisho

MTE 280
Numbers, Operations, & Proportional Reasoning, K-8 Teach
Denisse Alejandra Diaz

MTE 280 Numbers, Operations, & Proportional Reasoning, K-8 Teach

luonut Denisse Alejandra Diaz

Gonçalo Nicola


luonut Gonçalo Nicola

MTE 280 Mind Map
Scarlett Napoli

MTE 280 Mind Map

luonut Scarlett Napoli

Intro to elementary mathematics
christina catchings

Intro to elementary mathematics

luonut christina catchings

Elementary Mathematics - Madison Smalley
Madison Smalley

Elementary Mathematics - Madison Smalley

luonut Madison Smalley

Pelletier MA9-1pr
Len Pelletier

Pelletier MA9-1pr

luonut Len Pelletier

Elementary School Mathematics
Elena Sloboda

Elementary School Mathematics

luonut Elena Sloboda

Math Help
Danielle Handler

Math Help

luonut Danielle Handler

Pelletier MA9-1
Len Pelletier

Pelletier MA9-1

luonut Len Pelletier

Juan Diego


luonut Juan Diego

Mastering Addition and Subtraction with Fractions
Jackie Lindquist

Mastering Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

luonut Jackie Lindquist

MTE 280. Investigating Quantity
Rome Porras Romero

MTE 280. Investigating Quantity

luonut Rome Porras Romero

MTE 180: Numb. Oper. & Prop.
Alexa Brazier

MTE 180: Numb. Oper. & Prop.

luonut Alexa Brazier

Elementary Mathematics
   (MTE 280 Fall 2019)
Emily Sherman

Elementary Mathematics (MTE 280 Fall 2019)

luonut Emily Sherman

MTE 280 Elementary Foundations
Julia Reddie

MTE 280 Elementary Foundations

luonut Julia Reddie

Elementary Mathemetics
taylor kopperud

Elementary Mathemetics

luonut taylor kopperud

Online Lectures T2
Len Kwok

Online Lectures T2

luonut Len Kwok

Kelley Cannady Elementary Mathematics
Kelley Cannady

Kelley Cannady Elementary Mathematics

luonut Kelley Cannady

MTE 280 Investigative Quantity
Dylan Sievert

MTE 280 Investigative Quantity

luonut Dylan Sievert

Elementary Math K-8
Karla Juarez

Elementary Math K-8

luonut Karla Juarez

Elementary School Mathematics
Gemma Roman

Elementary School Mathematics

luonut Gemma Roman

Previous and New Knowledge
Tere Sierra

Previous and New Knowledge

luonut Tere Sierra

Makayla West


luonut Makayla West

MTE 280
Maleka Ryan

MTE 280

luonut Maleka Ryan

MTE-280 Investigating Quantity
Caitlin Morrow

MTE-280 Investigating Quantity

luonut Caitlin Morrow

Unit 3: Fractions
Madison Godfrey

Unit 3: Fractions

luonut Madison Godfrey

Unit 3 - Fractions
Olivia Dodd

Unit 3 - Fractions

luonut Olivia Dodd

Elementary School Mathematics
Angelique Vasquez Quintero

Elementary School Mathematics

luonut Angelique Vasquez Quintero

Concept List on FPRPR
Jagarlamudi Jagarlamudi

Concept List on FPRPR

luonut Jagarlamudi Jagarlamudi

Bryanna Lund


luonut Bryanna Lund

MTE 280- Numb Oper&Prop Reas K-8 Teach
Morgan Tapp

MTE 280- Numb Oper&Prop Reas K-8 Teach

luonut Morgan Tapp

MTE 280 Summer 2021
Cristina Castanon

MTE 280 Summer 2021

luonut Cristina Castanon

Problem Solving Strategies
zhang zishi

Problem Solving Strategies

luonut zhang zishi

Elem. Math
Alana Fluitt

Elem. Math

luonut Alana Fluitt

Mind Map Assignment Summer 2017
Claire Fischer

Mind Map Assignment Summer 2017

luonut Claire Fischer

Week 12
Ethan Steinberg

Week 12

luonut Ethan Steinberg

MTE 280 Test 2
Maya Royster

MTE 280 Test 2

luonut Maya Royster

Week 7
Ethan Steinberg

Week 7

luonut Ethan Steinberg

MTE 280 - Elementary Mathematics
Connor Oleary

MTE 280 - Elementary Mathematics

luonut Connor Oleary

Elementary School Mathematical Concepts
Cameron Smmith

Elementary School Mathematical Concepts

luonut Cameron Smmith

Elementary Mathematics 
By: Ashley Walker
Ashley Walker

Elementary Mathematics By: Ashley Walker

luonut Ashley Walker

Elementary Mathematics (MTE280)
Isabella DiFatta

Elementary Mathematics (MTE280)

luonut Isabella DiFatta

MTE 220
Madeline Jungers

MTE 220

luonut Madeline Jungers

Elementary Education
Madi Wagner

Elementary Education

luonut Madi Wagner

Week One:
Leila Simeone

Week One:

luonut Leila Simeone

K-8 Math for Teachers
Griscel Alcala

K-8 Math for Teachers

luonut Griscel Alcala

rational numbers
natanim girum

rational numbers

luonut natanim girum

Week One:
Leila Simeone

Week One:

luonut Leila Simeone

Elementary Mathamatics
Kate Johnson

Elementary Mathamatics

luonut Kate Johnson

Elementary Mathematics 
Spring 2025
Patricia Jimenez

Elementary Mathematics Spring 2025

luonut Patricia Jimenez

Elementary Math +=%>$#<
Jazmin V Lopez

Elementary Math +=%>$#<

luonut Jazmin V Lopez