Franchise Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan franchise Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki franchise aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Mindomo Team

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

luonut Mindomo Team

Types of Business forms and businesses
Habib Malik - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Business forms and businesses

luonut Habib Malik - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Business
Anosha Shabbir

Types of Business

luonut Anosha Shabbir

Forms of business ownership mindmap Brandon F
Brandon Fialkow

Forms of business ownership mindmap Brandon F

luonut Brandon Fialkow

Types of Business and Forms of Business Ownership
By: Abid Istwani,
      Ayaan Mohammed
AI - 10ML - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Business and Forms of Business Ownership By: Abid Istwani, Ayaan Mohammed

luonut AI - 10ML - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Forms and type of Business
Mustafa Mustafa - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Forms and type of Business

luonut Mustafa Mustafa - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Business Portfolio- 2 Business Ownership
Iqbal Anabia

Business Portfolio- 2 Business Ownership

luonut Iqbal Anabia

Business Diagram
Lillian miao

Business Diagram

luonut Lillian miao

Types of Business - Forms of Ownership
Waleed Khan - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Business - Forms of Ownership

luonut Waleed Khan - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types and Forms of Businesses
Kelly Tran - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types and Forms of Businesses

luonut Kelly Tran - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Jad Alousi


luonut Jad Alousi

Forms Of Business
JF - 10FI - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Forms Of Business

luonut JF - 10FI - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

5 Types & Forms of Business Ownership
Rihab Noor - Edenwood MS (1564)

5 Types & Forms of Business Ownership

luonut Rihab Noor - Edenwood MS (1564)

project X_v5
Nick Torpy

project X_v5

luonut Nick Torpy

5 Types/Forms of business
JT - 10BV - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

5 Types/Forms of business

luonut JT - 10BV - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

how to sell a franchise
Sergey Zharkov

how to sell a franchise

luonut Sergey Zharkov

Waqar Syed - Rick Hansen SS (2542)


luonut Waqar Syed - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Businesses and Business Ownerships
Huda Khan

Types of Businesses and Business Ownerships

luonut Huda Khan

Types and Forms of Business Ownership
Fatima Mahaeen

Types and Forms of Business Ownership

luonut Fatima Mahaeen

Myra Bhatti and Hibaq Omer
Myra Bhatti Hibaq Omer

Myra Bhatti and Hibaq Omer

luonut Myra Bhatti Hibaq Omer

Types and Forms       of Business
Fawad Eesha

Types and Forms of Business

luonut Fawad Eesha

Types and Forms
Esbitan Faisal

Business Types and Forms

luonut Esbitan Faisal

Types And Form Of Businesses OwnershipNames: Areesha R, Alyssa S
AS - 10PB - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types And Form Of Businesses OwnershipNames: Areesha R, Alyssa S

luonut AS - 10PB - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Forms of Business Ownership and Types of Business
Melis Alibeseoglu - Fairwind Sr PS (1159)

Forms of Business Ownership and Types of Business

luonut Melis Alibeseoglu - Fairwind Sr PS (1159)

Corky's BBQ New Sitemap
Tim Laughlin

Corky's BBQ New Sitemap

luonut Tim Laughlin

Types & Forms of Business
Raeesa Reza - Fairwind Sr PS (1159)

Types & Forms of Business

luonut Raeesa Reza - Fairwind Sr PS (1159)

Forms & Types of Business
Fatima Malik

Forms & Types of Business

luonut Fatima Malik

Cristian Trillos


luonut Cristian Trillos

Walee Herabut


luonut Walee Herabut

Types And Forms Of Business
Zachary Walji - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types And Forms Of Business

luonut Zachary Walji - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Business
Melisa Basic

Types of Business

luonut Melisa Basic

Types and Forms of Business
Ruthy Lim

Types and Forms of Business

luonut Ruthy Lim

5 types of business ownership and 5 forms of business ownership
Fahad Shafiq - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

5 types of business ownership and 5 forms of business ownership

luonut Fahad Shafiq - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Mike Stillmock - CFO
Dakotah Taylor

Mike Stillmock - CFO

luonut Dakotah Taylor

Briminham Jets
Mario Green

Briminham Jets

luonut Mario Green

Wilson Alvarez


luonut Wilson Alvarez

5 Types/Forms of Businesses
Kelly Luong

5 Types/Forms of Businesses

luonut Kelly Luong

Role definition
Huzaifa Mohamed

Role definition

luonut Huzaifa Mohamed

Rights to vote
benny elkes

Rights to vote

luonut benny elkes

5 Types/Forms of Businesses
Mariam jasim

5 Types/Forms of Businesses

luonut Mariam jasim

Types of Businesses and Forms of Business
Huraira Nadeem - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Types of Businesses and Forms of Business

luonut Huraira Nadeem - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Sample Mind Map
Jonny Espinosa

Sample Mind Map

luonut Jonny Espinosa

Forms of Business Ownership
O'Ren Shi Shi Joyce

Forms of Business Ownership

luonut O'Ren Shi Shi Joyce

Forms of Buniness
MR - 10NB 837558 Rick Hansen SS

Forms of Buniness

luonut MR - 10NB 837558 Rick Hansen SS

Types of Businesses and Ownership
Kaitlyn Gan

Types of Businesses and Ownership

luonut Kaitlyn Gan

SY - 10OY - Rick Hansen SS (2542)


luonut SY - 10OY - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

1.4 types of business & ownership
Eruj Syeda

1.4 types of business & ownership

luonut Eruj Syeda

Business Organisation-
jennifer lusetti

Business Organisation-

luonut jennifer lusetti

Aspects of Business
Nabil Ebrahim - Fairwind Sr PS (1159)

Aspects of Business

luonut Nabil Ebrahim - Fairwind Sr PS (1159)

Forms Of Business Ownership
Ironbot Ironbot

Forms Of Business Ownership

luonut Ironbot Ironbot

forms and types of business
Hamza Abou Jaib - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

forms and types of business

luonut Hamza Abou Jaib - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Forms of business
RM - 10XM 899954 Rick Hansen SS

Forms of business

luonut RM - 10XM 899954 Rick Hansen SS

Copy of Forms of Business Ownerships
Hutesh Macherla

Copy of Forms of Business Ownerships

luonut Hutesh Macherla

5 Types & 5 Forms of 
Business Ownership - Hajar & Alizeh
hajar shaheen

5 Types & 5 Forms of Business Ownership - Hajar & Alizeh

luonut hajar shaheen

Forms of Buniness
FR - 08FN 793681 Hazel McCallion Sr PS

Forms of Buniness

luonut FR - 08FN 793681 Hazel McCallion Sr PS

 Forms & Types
AB - 10OC 770302 Rick Hansen SS

Forms & Types

luonut AB - 10OC 770302 Rick Hansen SS