Journey Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan journey Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki journey aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

Hero's Journey
In The Alchemist
(Archetypal Theory)
Adam Anderson

Hero's Journey In The Alchemist (Archetypal Theory)

luonut Adam Anderson

Geoffrey Chaucer
The Periods of his Literary Production:
Scuola Maruzzelli

Geoffrey Chaucer The Periods of his Literary Production:

luonut Scuola Maruzzelli

Holiday and Travelling Vocabulary
juanita contreras

Holiday and Travelling Vocabulary

luonut juanita contreras

Forrest Gump
Catalina Simmons

Forrest Gump

luonut Catalina Simmons

Paper Towns- Mindmap
Alexandra Mirazizyan

Paper Towns- Mindmap

luonut Alexandra Mirazizyan

Around the world in 80 days
Hanson Hanson Zhu

Around the world in 80 days

luonut Hanson Hanson Zhu

Odysseus vs. Gilgamesh
Ashley Temple

Odysseus vs. Gilgamesh

luonut Ashley Temple

Leadership Journey
Dipak Chudasama

Leadership Journey

luonut Dipak Chudasama

Charles Darwin
nahla Elsherbiny

Charles Darwin

luonut nahla Elsherbiny

Around the world in 80 days
Aiden Wesley Aiden Tenardi

Around the world in 80 days

luonut Aiden Wesley Aiden Tenardi

The Odyssey by Homer
Mindomo Team

The Odyssey by Homer

luonut Mindomo Team

Regardless of the challenges you face, pursue your dreams.
Sanjayan Sivapatham

Regardless of the challenges you face, pursue your dreams.

luonut Sanjayan Sivapatham

Around the world in 80 days
Enzo Enzo Kiernan Lee

Around the world in 80 days

luonut Enzo Enzo Kiernan Lee

CX in E-Commerce
Shailesh Mishra

CX in E-Commerce

luonut Shailesh Mishra

Pixar's Lifted
Tarnjit Singh

Pixar's Lifted

luonut Tarnjit Singh

Grace Baker - Character Analysis Mind Map
Grace Baker

Grace Baker - Character Analysis Mind Map

luonut Grace Baker

Interview Preparation
Krystina Francis

Interview Preparation

luonut Krystina Francis

Rahman Abaan Abdul


luonut Rahman Abaan Abdul

The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Sam S

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

luonut Sam S

Riccardo Pisanu


luonut Riccardo Pisanu

Going to the UK
Lena Ulrica Andersen Andersen

Going to the UK

luonut Lena Ulrica Andersen Andersen

favara matteo


luonut favara matteo

Life of Pi Argument Map
Owen Henry

Life of Pi Argument Map

luonut Owen Henry

The Journey of Monica Rae Houston/Carr
Monica Carr

The Journey of Monica Rae Houston/Carr

luonut Monica Carr

Meaning and Purpose of life
John Pene

Meaning and Purpose of life

luonut John Pene

A Philosophical Testament
taylor pranger

A Philosophical Testament

luonut taylor pranger

A trip to Namur
Кристина Тютюнник

A trip to Namur

luonut Кристина Тютюнник

travel vocabulary 8-9 grade
Kate Shenberg

travel vocabulary 8-9 grade

luonut Kate Shenberg

Kezzy's Pre-Writing #1
Stephen Gladson

Kezzy's Pre-Writing #1

luonut Stephen Gladson

Run Away
Andrew Harness

Run Away

luonut Andrew Harness

Sprint Planning
Alex Ostreiko

Sprint Planning

luonut Alex Ostreiko

The Martian Path Organizer
Pedagandham Annika

The Martian Path Organizer

luonut Pedagandham Annika

akzharkyn akzhol


luonut akzharkyn akzhol

Listening for ideas
sara sofia gonzalez

Listening for ideas

luonut sara sofia gonzalez

Your favourite stories

Your favourite stories


What is your personal definition of success, and how did you come to this definition?
Ajay Kumar

What is your personal definition of success, and how did you come to this definition?

luonut Ajay Kumar

Identity journey
Ghotra Armaan

Identity journey

luonut Ghotra Armaan

Onbo Qi - Troops
Chris Ortolano

Onbo Qi - Troops

luonut Chris Ortolano

Idea for text writing for TS
Jheeta Jasamrit

Idea for text writing for TS

luonut Jheeta Jasamrit

Symbols and Archetypes
in "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed
Keira Stokaluk

Symbols and Archetypes in "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed

luonut Keira Stokaluk

Midterm Culminating- Nick
Nicholas Cabral

Midterm Culminating- Nick

luonut Nicholas Cabral