Program Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan program Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki program aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

Factors of the marketing management process
Левченко Анна

Factors of the marketing management process

luonut Левченко Анна

1.1 Understand computer storage and data types
Gary Sibbitts

1.1 Understand computer storage and data types

luonut Gary Sibbitts

Budget Process Decision Tree
thom neale

Budget Process Decision Tree

luonut thom neale

Understanding the Aspect of Mentorship
Shamina Gilmore

Understanding the Aspect of Mentorship

luonut Shamina Gilmore

Housing Team Contacts
thom neale

Housing Team Contacts

luonut thom neale

4) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors
Gary Sibbitts

4) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors

luonut Gary Sibbitts

650 Target Heart Rate
Gary Sibbitts

650 Target Heart Rate

luonut Gary Sibbitts

6) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors (v3)
Gary Sibbitts

6) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors (v3)

luonut Gary Sibbitts

Anas Othman


luonut Anas Othman

On-Campus Outreach 2012
School Admin

On-Campus Outreach 2012

luonut School Admin

Oral Language Development in Pre-K Children
Beth Bugarin

Oral Language Development in Pre-K Children

luonut Beth Bugarin

Central topic
Jamie Cooper

Central topic

luonut Jamie Cooper

Customer Life Stages
John Lavin

Customer Life Stages

luonut John Lavin

Nurfarhana Mahat


luonut Nurfarhana Mahat

Brian Wall


luonut Brian Wall

Learning Guide
Jeff Felder

Learning Guide

luonut Jeff Felder

Spencer Graham


luonut Spencer Graham

Aspects of the Reading
Azeneth Benavides Caballero

Aspects of the Reading

luonut Azeneth Benavides Caballero

Cat Henry


luonut Cat Henry

trial again
Rachelle Lamour

trial again

luonut Rachelle Lamour

What is the type of your education programm?
Kudravets Kudravets

What is the type of your education programm?

luonut Kudravets Kudravets

Schoolies program

Schoolies program

luonut KERYN BOS

Sampa Chileshe


luonut Sampa Chileshe

Parts of A Computer
Blake Dyson

Parts of A Computer

luonut Blake Dyson

Mind Map

Mind Map

luonut PEARL 317

Customer Life Stages
John Lavin

Customer Life Stages

luonut John Lavin

Creating a Successful Tech Program
Brian Dagg

Creating a Successful Tech Program

luonut Brian Dagg

Maria Durá


luonut Maria Durá

Gymnastics Insurance
Brad Edwards

Gymnastics Insurance

luonut Brad Edwards

план встречи
Анастасия Николаевна Тараканова

план встречи

luonut Анастасия Николаевна Тараканова

DA Senior Program
Jennifer Fruzetti

DA Senior Program

luonut Jennifer Fruzetti

Jerusalem Belay


luonut Jerusalem Belay

Being a nursing student myself, it is very difficult to find success. Whether it be getting into classes that are needed to enter the program, being signed up or prepared for required things, or overall staying on track. Other registered nurses who have completed this program have brought up this issue and it is very apparent to me and others around me.  This becomes apparent to me because in one of my sources, Rasmussen college's vice president of nursing Joan Rich explains how she sees this first hand. Furthermore, I plan to establish ways to combat these issues and abolish negative thoughts in regards to finding success in our nursing program. Getting the backing of other students will be vital to bringing light to this issue and will be a top priority for me and my ongoing effort to fix this issue. The most important part to finding a resolve to this issue is getting to the people that need to hear this and will be done via online and personal meetings where information and experience regarding my claims are brought to light in attempt to fix this issue.
luke jnekins

Being a nursing student myself, it is very difficult to find success. Whether it be getting into classes that are needed to enter the program, being signed up or prepared for required things, or overall staying on track. Other registered nurses who have completed this program have brought up this issue and it is very apparent to me and others around me. This becomes apparent to me because in one of my sources, Rasmussen college's vice president of nursing Joan Rich explains how she sees this first hand. Furthermore, I plan to establish ways to combat these issues and abolish negative thoughts in regards to finding success in our nursing program. Getting the backing of other students will be vital to bringing light to this issue and will be a top priority for me and my ongoing effort to fix this issue. The most important part to finding a resolve to this issue is getting to the people that need to hear this and will be done via online and personal meetings where information and experience regarding my claims are brought to light in attempt to fix this issue.

luonut luke jnekins

max vodyanickij


luonut max vodyanickij

The Path to this program
kourosh kanani

The Path to this program

luonut kourosh kanani