Reconciliation Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan reconciliation Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki reconciliation aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

Nelson Mandela
Fredy Garcia

Nelson Mandela

luonut Fredy Garcia

How Can Dialogue With Canadian
Indigenous Peoples Promote Peace In Canada?
Victoria Evans

How Can Dialogue With Canadian Indigenous Peoples Promote Peace In Canada?

luonut Victoria Evans

Tabitha Mpamira-Kaguri: Trauma not Transformed is Trauma Transferred
Medizin Wissen

Tabitha Mpamira-Kaguri: Trauma not Transformed is Trauma Transferred

luonut Medizin Wissen

Democracy Mrs. Robin Spring 2024
Malia Robin

Democracy Mrs. Robin Spring 2024

luonut Malia Robin

Cottagers And Indians Mindmap
DL - 10PE 1003293 Lorne Park SS

Cottagers And Indians Mindmap

luonut DL - 10PE 1003293 Lorne Park SS

Nolan, Christopher (2010): Inception
Medizin Wissen

Nolan, Christopher (2010): Inception

luonut Medizin Wissen

Pope Francis by Nolan and Zak
Zak Greene

Pope Francis by Nolan and Zak

luonut Zak Greene

Williann Arruda Oliveira


luonut Williann Arruda Oliveira

Velstar Project Map
Holly Roberts

Velstar Project Map

luonut Holly Roberts

FTK Ops Manual (Dpt Based)
Allen Hayes

FTK Ops Manual (Dpt Based)

luonut Allen Hayes

Build A Story
Matthew Diana

Build A Story

luonut Matthew Diana

creating Canada 1850-1890
Amya Lagman - Mungin

creating Canada 1850-1890

luonut Amya Lagman - Mungin

Capstone Project PME896
A Useful Guide to Improve First Nations Education in the St. Johns Area
Chad Bedard

Capstone Project PME896 A Useful Guide to Improve First Nations Education in the St. Johns Area

luonut Chad Bedard

estefa CANELA


luonut estefa CANELA

joseph coram


luonut joseph coram

Grewal Prabvir


luonut Grewal Prabvir

my Praxis
Shayla Beauchamp

Indigenizing my Praxis

luonut Shayla Beauchamp

Truth and Reconciliation
Myran Macson

Truth and Reconciliation

luonut Myran Macson

4 R's Reflection
Richard Tong

NBE3U6 4 R's Reflection

luonut Richard Tong

NBE3U Culminating on 4R's of Learning
Rohan Raina

NBE3U Culminating on 4R's of Learning

luonut Rohan Raina

Aboriginals facing discrimination in Canada
Sanjeet Chana - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Aboriginals facing discrimination in Canada

luonut Sanjeet Chana - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgement


truth and reconsiliation
William kent

truth and reconsiliation

luonut William kent

Indigenous Genocide
(Sarah Tedford)
Sarah Tedford

Indigenous Genocide (Sarah Tedford)

luonut Sarah Tedford

ETHAN CLARK Democratic Principles

ETHAN CLARK Democratic Principles


Canadian Identity
Erin Grady

Canadian Identity

luonut Erin Grady

culminating- religion
Hannah Parks

culminating- religion

luonut Hannah Parks

Canadian History
By: Daniel Nguyen
Nguyen Daniel

Canadian History By: Daniel Nguyen

luonut Nguyen Daniel

The 4Rs of Indigenous Learning: A Reflection.
Aleezay Khan

The 4Rs of Indigenous Learning: A Reflection.

luonut Aleezay Khan

Connections Between the Beatitudes, Mosaic Law, and Common Law
Muhammad Irfan

Connections Between the Beatitudes, Mosaic Law, and Common Law

luonut Muhammad Irfan

Forging Partnerships with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Cultural Advisors
Marina Murray

Forging Partnerships with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Cultural Advisors

luonut Marina Murray

BRAINSTORM (Indigenous people & Injustice)
Hamama Arfan

BRAINSTORM (Indigenous people & Injustice)

luonut Hamama Arfan

 Murray Sinclair
Sumaiya Akhtar

Murray Sinclair

luonut Sumaiya Akhtar

Truth And Reconsiliation
Dehan Pathiraja

Truth And Reconsiliation

luonut Dehan Pathiraja

trc calls to action
Zoe siller

trc calls to action

luonut Zoe siller

Timeline of Indigenous Relations in Canada
Ali Syed Bokhari

Timeline of Indigenous Relations in Canada

luonut Ali Syed Bokhari

Valeryia Matskevich


luonut Valeryia Matskevich