Support Mielikartat - Julkinen galleria

Tutustu laajaan julkiseen kokoelmaan support Mindomon käyttäjien luomia miellekarttoja ympäri maailmaa. Täältä löydät kaikki support aiheeseen liittyvät julkiset mielikartat. Voit tarkastella näitä esimerkkejä saadaksesi inspiraatiota. Joistakin kaavioista saat myös oikeuden kopioida ja muokata niitä. Tämän joustavuuden ansiosta voit käyttää näitä miellekarttoja malleina, mikä säästää aikaa ja antaa sinulle vahvan lähtökohdan työhösi. Voit osallistua tähän galleriaan omilla kaavioillasi, kun julkaiset ne, ja voit olla inspiraation lähteenä muille käyttäjille ja tulla esitellyksi täällä.

Sarah Whylly


luonut Sarah Whylly

Blended Learning
sharon lin

Blended Learning

luonut sharon lin

Julie Berry


luonut Julie Berry

Birth and Fate
Valentina Peña

Birth and Fate

luonut Valentina Peña

Palliative Care Principles
Elta Babcock

Palliative Care Principles

luonut Elta Babcock

Samuel Anderson-McCoy


luonut Samuel Anderson-McCoy

Zalique Rogers - David Suzuki SS (2662)


luonut Zalique Rogers - David Suzuki SS (2662)

CISM 4350
Jeff Rooks

CISM 4350

luonut Jeff Rooks

Thank You Ma'am - Roger
esha mann

Thank You Ma'am - Roger

luonut esha mann

50 Things that make a good teacher
Rachel Schneeberger

50 Things that make a good teacher

luonut Rachel Schneeberger

My Friends
Kaylee Balzen

My Friends

luonut Kaylee Balzen

Service Desk
wh tang

Service Desk

luonut wh tang

Michelle Herman


luonut Michelle Herman

Functions Of The Skeletal System
Tyeller Truitt

Functions Of The Skeletal System

luonut Tyeller Truitt

i-Sparks Tobacco - VISION
Thomas Juli

i-Sparks Tobacco - VISION

luonut Thomas Juli

Phrasal Verbs with Get
Cristiane Rossi

Phrasal Verbs with Get

luonut Cristiane Rossi

Computer Engineer
Michael Ancajas

Computer Engineer

luonut Michael Ancajas

my future life
Andres Guzman Pulido

my future life

luonut Andres Guzman Pulido




FAPE  Case 7.1 Thomas
Lorie Blumeyer

FAPE Case 7.1 Thomas

luonut Lorie Blumeyer

Social Studies
Jonathan Tan

Social Studies

luonut Jonathan Tan

TAG ODOO Module Training
Radha madhavi Chinta

TAG ODOO Module Training

luonut Radha madhavi Chinta

Children in Poverty
Alexandra Dybdahl

Children in Poverty

luonut Alexandra Dybdahl

Legal Department Overview
Nick Kriegel

Legal Department Overview

luonut Nick Kriegel

Laura Rodriguez


luonut Laura Rodriguez

The disabled in Singapore (21/7)
Jerry Teo Teo

The disabled in Singapore (21/7)

luonut Jerry Teo Teo

Lisbe Yohana Hernandez Maldonado


luonut Lisbe Yohana Hernandez Maldonado

PALLIATION: Palliative care is an interdisciplinary EOL approach to care which manages life-threatening or serious illnesses, regardless of age or condition, with the intent of improving quality of life, addressing physical and psychological symptoms,
sam rozell

PALLIATION: Palliative care is an interdisciplinary EOL approach to care which manages life-threatening or serious illnesses, regardless of age or condition, with the intent of improving quality of life, addressing physical and psychological symptoms,

luonut sam rozell

Dear Mom Anita!!

Dear Mom Anita!!


Concept Analysis: End of Life Care
Shanna Taylor

Concept Analysis: End of Life Care

luonut Shanna Taylor

downs syndrome mind map
Sophie lutz

downs syndrome mind map

luonut Sophie lutz

What is ICT?
Sean Martin

What is ICT?

luonut Sean Martin

School Admin


luonut School Admin

NGO SWOT Analysis
Mindomo Team

NGO SWOT Analysis

luonut Mindomo Team

Coach Carter Leadership Qualities
Mujtaba Rashid - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

Coach Carter Leadership Qualities

luonut Mujtaba Rashid - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

MAC1 FRI1400 2.2014 - Lessons for life
Augusto Gallo

MAC1 FRI1400 2.2014 - Lessons for life

luonut Augusto Gallo

Life & Dignity of the Human Person
Kelli Grey

Life & Dignity of the Human Person

luonut Kelli Grey

Odoo Support Scope of Requirements
Anthony Gardiner

Odoo Support Scope of Requirements

luonut Anthony Gardiner

The Human Body (sample)
Imelda As'ari N/A

The Human Body (sample)

luonut Imelda As'ari N/A

Key competences in eTwinning projects
Darina Kovaličová

Key competences in eTwinning projects

luonut Darina Kovaličová

Eric Madec


luonut Eric Madec

Umna mapa - Engleski jezik
Petra Stručić

Umna mapa - Engleski jezik

luonut Petra Stručić

What We Can Learn About Heat Energy (Flipped Learning)
Benita Tennard

What We Can Learn About Heat Energy (Flipped Learning)

luonut Benita Tennard

Family Systems Framework
Robertson Family
Alexandra Dybdahl

Family Systems Framework Robertson Family

luonut Alexandra Dybdahl

Learning Disabilities and ADHD
Krista Johnson

Learning Disabilities and ADHD

luonut Krista Johnson

How to be a Successful Student Athlete
Emily Reid

How to be a Successful Student Athlete

luonut Emily Reid

Removable prosthodontics
XiaoYi Zheng

Removable prosthodontics

luonut XiaoYi Zheng

Vuente Odoo Developer Projects
Anthony Gardiner

Vuente Odoo Developer Projects

luonut Anthony Gardiner

recipe for success
Zakaria Ali - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

recipe for success

luonut Zakaria Ali - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Harassment, Violent and Abuse Mind Map
Alexander Truong

Harassment, Violent and Abuse Mind Map

luonut Alexander Truong

Denver Food Impact Journey - Final
Roby Wong

Denver Food Impact Journey - Final

luonut Roby Wong

Command Economy
Katarina P

Command Economy

luonut Katarina P

Andrea Murgui


luonut Andrea Murgui

Supporting Dysregulated Learners in the Primary Classroom                                             Inquiry Question: How can schools support students experiencing dysregulated learning in an effort to maximize student success?
Stephanie French

Supporting Dysregulated Learners in the Primary Classroom Inquiry Question: How can schools support students experiencing dysregulated learning in an effort to maximize student success?

luonut Stephanie French

Special Education Funding
Ms. Vikki Storry

Special Education Funding

luonut Ms. Vikki Storry

communication technology
katia garza

communication technology

luonut katia garza

Connective Tissue
heyo H

Connective Tissue

luonut heyo H

Witness and Victim Support
Phil Dollimore

Witness and Victim Support

luonut Phil Dollimore

The Blind Side
Nur Natasya Badeeozaman

The Blind Side

luonut Nur Natasya Badeeozaman

Barriers to Online Learning-SO
Sheena Ohol

Barriers to Online Learning-SO

luonut Sheena Ohol

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women of North America
Ava Leitner

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women of North America

luonut Ava Leitner

Arthritis & musculoskeletal conditions PDHPE
Brad McAllister

Arthritis & musculoskeletal conditions PDHPE

luonut Brad McAllister

Frank Mrosk


luonut Frank Mrosk

How is Canada’s Population changing, and why does this matter to your future?
Sookoo Nicolas

How is Canada’s Population changing, and why does this matter to your future?

luonut Sookoo Nicolas

Brenna Robinson


luonut Brenna Robinson

Student Services at LAMC-Angela Echeverri
Angela Echeverri

Student Services at LAMC-Angela Echeverri

luonut Angela Echeverri

One act of kindness can always help.
Karina Salazar Tijerina

One act of kindness can always help.

luonut Karina Salazar Tijerina

What is Important to me
Gabriel Gui

What is Important to me

luonut Gabriel Gui

Team 3
Cher Ko

Team 3

luonut Cher Ko

Phone Routing
John Garrett

Phone Routing

luonut John Garrett

Online Learning Environment
fandy y

Online Learning Environment

luonut fandy y

Live Webinar Implementation Plan
K Jas

Live Webinar Implementation Plan

luonut K Jas

How Do I ...
Jim Shaeffer

How Do I ...

luonut Jim Shaeffer

nova martin


luonut nova martin

Topic Sentence + Controlling Idea
Kathleen Becker

Topic Sentence + Controlling Idea

luonut Kathleen Becker

Business Portfolio- 2 Business Ownership
Iqbal Anabia

Business Portfolio- 2 Business Ownership

luonut Iqbal Anabia

Keri-Lee Traverse


luonut Keri-Lee Traverse

Culture about Mary Jones
Mary Jones

Culture about Mary Jones

luonut Mary Jones

Virtue Center for Art and Technology
Eric Maloney

Virtue Center for Art and Technology

luonut Eric Maloney

End of Year Reflection
Ben Shapiro

End of Year Reflection

luonut Ben Shapiro

Mattie Germer


luonut Mattie Germer

Vera M


luonut Vera M

Core Values
Sarah Murphy

Core Values

luonut Sarah Murphy

Support Pathway
Braeden Flaherty

Support Pathway

luonut Braeden Flaherty

Tissues in the Body
Kirsten Ann Gallaher

Tissues in the Body

luonut Kirsten Ann Gallaher

Grant Writing
Douglas Haskins

Grant Writing

luonut Douglas Haskins

Student Well Being
Farooqi Wasim

Student Well Being

luonut Farooqi Wasim

buayaban bebijane


luonut buayaban bebijane

CASA de Maryland Logic Tree
Amilcar Guzman

CASA de Maryland Logic Tree

luonut Amilcar Guzman

Keyword Research - Call Center Advisors
Vance Hill

Keyword Research - Call Center Advisors

luonut Vance Hill
Joseph Varella

luonut Joseph Varella

Employability Skills
Vanessa Thompson - David Suzuki SS (2662)

Employability Skills

luonut Vanessa Thompson - David Suzuki SS (2662)

Current and Potential Stakeholders
Lani Matunga

Current and Potential Stakeholders

luonut Lani Matunga

mind map portafolio
Maria Fandiño

mind map portafolio

luonut Maria Fandiño

Online vs Traditional Teaching
Jared Leiker

Online vs Traditional Teaching

luonut Jared Leiker

Teachers’ Attitudes Toward the Inclusion of Students with Autism and Emotional Behavioral Disorder
Annemaree Peters

Teachers’ Attitudes Toward the Inclusion of Students with Autism and Emotional Behavioral Disorder

luonut Annemaree Peters

Sherice Minor


luonut Sherice Minor

Canadian business women trade mission to Austin Texas
Chandrakumar Thenuga

Canadian business women trade mission to Austin Texas

luonut Chandrakumar Thenuga

Janie Davis


luonut Janie Davis

How to spot Depression and, Do self-recovery
Silverio Botello

How to spot Depression and, Do self-recovery

luonut Silverio Botello