jonka Ben Torpy 12 vuotta sitten
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UK thought it would piss off all the Arabs...which it did, if Israel played
Their involvement necessitated departure from Malta and Cyprus until Israel started moving, which didn't give them enough time to achieve their objectives before Egypt, US, USSR could get involved.
This led them to develop the plan to have Israel advance across the Sinai and look like they'd threaten the canal, which UK and FR would come in to protect.
They weren't really good friends at this time
Way worse plan. PSYOP and bombings preceeded it, area much easier to defend, plus probably wouldn't even achieve strategic objs.
Israeli involvement caused the whole plan to have to delay because it had to look like a response. Caused the whole thing to go to shit.
Didn't really meet Eden's strategic objectives of ousting Nasser
Thought it would not be received well internationally, so changed to Port Said
Scuttled ships in the canal to stop ships from going down it
Caused Nasser to redirect forces from Sinai to the canal
Forces not really a match for UK or FR
01 Nov Air attacks
3rd ID
Royal Marines
Beach was already secured when they landed (Airmobile)
Only enough lift for 2x units: 1 UK, 1x FR could jump. Seized airfields Port Fuad & Port Said
5-6 Nov w/ UK landed in
GEN Dayan chose Mitla pass
The big plan
Ariel Sharon got in a big fight for control of the Mitla Pass
ISraeli commander in the Sinai almost blew this by provoking the 3rd IN DIV (EGY), but they didn't take the bait thankfully. Could have screwed up the UK & FR invasion
Also said not to bomb airfields
But not serious enough to provoke Egypt to attack Israeli population centers.
Would give UK & FR the excuse to launch
Israeli ABN (202nd) invasion on Mitla Pass: OPN Kadesh
Dulles made the aid contingent on a cease-fire on 7 November
Occurred on the eve of presidential elections in 1956
Key link for trade in the region
USSR said they'd help, worked weapons to Egypt through CZ for rice and cotton
Wanted help financially for weapons, but US wouldnt do it
US delaayed invasion with the SCUA
Thought if they humored US with the international conferences, then US would let them go in heavy after it failed.
After announcement tried to help form Suez Canal Users Assoc. to help GBR and Egypt use it jointly
Egypt denied it
made the announcement that US offer to help on Aswan dam is off the table in a harsh/embarrassing way
Drove Nasser to privatize the canal so he could use the money to pay for the dam
Wouldn't align with Western states against USSR; preferred to be a non-aligned state like Yugoslavia and India
Broadcasting in support of Algerian revoltion
Not actually supporting the Algerian revolution
Very Popular, Popular ith arabs
One of the officers who overthrew them