jonka Jason Li 3 vuotta sitten
Lisää tämän kaltaisia
24/ 7 mental health helpline was opened during the pandemic in China
Government of Canada invest million into mental health and distress centers, and government of Canada invest 9,275,000 into mental health and distress canters,
Canada give financial aid for each Canadians families in order to lessen social pressure form society
Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases (2013 Amendment)
An Act to amend the Financial Administration Act (special warrant) (S.C. 2020, c.4) COVID-19 Emergency Response Act (S.C. 2020, c. 5) COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2 (S.C. 2020, c. 6) Bill C-15: Canada Emergency Student Benefit Act Bill C-20:An Act respecting further COVID-19 measures Bill C-4: An Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19
China is a One-party dictatorship communist country without an open market economy. China is a big country with 14 billion population. It cannot help people financially like Canada does. But they can control people easily to conquer the pandemic as soon as possible to decrease the negative influence in mental health field.
Canada is a free and democratic capitalist country with an open market economy. China is a One-party dictatorship communist country without an open market economy. Protecting people and serve for people is the matter in Canada. Canadian government gives people financial aids every month to support the people who is impacted by the pandemic. It is very significate to calm people and decrease the financial stress and mental health issues.
Although the percentage of mental health patients in the Chinese population is lower than percentage in Canada, the total amount of mental health cases has already become double during the pandemic.
Since pandemic began, the number of mental health cases have exponentially begun to rise into serious condition because of the social pressure and loss of income from each families.