Luokat: Kaikki - economics - society - exploration - leadership

jonka Khalib Whibbs 11 vuotta sitten


Chapter 1/2 Assignment

The text discusses the journeys of British explorers Martin Frobisher and Henry Hudson. Frobisher embarked on an expedition to the Arctic in 1576, intending to trade goods like silk and ribbons with Asia but returned with what he believed was gold.

Chapter 1/2 Assignment

chapter 1/2 project

French Explorer's

Samuel de Champlain
In 1604 a french noble named Pierre de Montswas given permiison to set up a colony in North America. He took a map marker and an explorer named Samuel de Champlain with him. In 1605, they created the permanet settlement in Port Royal on the Bay of Fundy. They called the area Acadia. Soon colonists spread out along the shores. BUt Port ROyal was a a long way from the fur trade. In 1608 Pierre de Monts and Samuel de Champlain decided to move to St.Lawrence where Cartier tried. The new colony wsa called Quebec. Although 20 out of the first 28 settler died because of winter it was an ideal place to trade furs.
Jacques Cartier
In 1534 ,on approval of the king of france, Jacques Cartier landed off the coast of Newfoundland. This is where he encounterd the Mi'kmaq and soon met the Haudenosaunee in the St.Lawrence area in 1535. After a difficult winter, many of Cartiers crew Caught scuvy ( a desiese that lacks vitamin c and weakens you plus makes your gums swell up and lose teeth.But the haudenosaunee had a cure for scurvy(it was a cup of tea that has spruce pine needles in it). IN 1542 Cartier tried to set up a permanent colony but after another terrible winter the colonists decided to retrn to Europe. Althought the colony was unsuccsessful, Cartier did succeed in gathering a great deal of mapping.

European Imperialism social and economic factors

The economic factors were it had to do with making a living and meeting basic needs. Some other economic factors were wanting to win the most wealth and thats why Giovanni Caboto (a frech european) raised a flag marking Newfoundland as his land. Social facors had to do with the roles and behaviors of the people in the society. the Europeans didn't believe that they need to consider the rights of "inferior" people(inferior people were simply people who were not Europeans and were not christian.

British Explorer's

Martin Frobisher
He was a British Explorer that sailed leftnfor the artic in 1576 with ships containing trade goods for Asia such as silk,ribbons,and laces Frobisher returned to Britian with a peice of iron pyrite he claimed was gold .
Henry Hudson
He left britian to find the north west passage beetwen Europe and Asia. HIs ship, the discobery was trapped in ice in the hudson bay in 1611. his crew spent the winter battling scurvy and starvation. In the spring, Hudson wanted to explore further, but he abandoned his son and seven others in a small boat .


Grand Council
The Mi'kmaq grand council was made up of seven districs which were :Unama'ki, Kespukwitk, Sikepne'katik, Eski'kewaq, Piktuk aqq Epekwitk, Sikniktewaq, Kespe'kewaq.The grand council made decisions for the whole nation ,settle disputes and divided hunting and fishing areas. The councils role was to reach to all men and women and help reach an argument

The location of the Mi'kmaq is, they live off the East coast and still continue to live in Eastern Canada. The lived close to the coast in the summer and in the forest in the winter, (because of their seasonal cycle)


Each district would have a chosen Sagamaw to represent them in the grand council. The sagamaw would not tell people what to do, all issues and major decisions would be dicussed until an agreement reached concencus.The sagamaw was chosen by the elders (this was usually someone who was a good hunter!


Most leaders were men and most women were elders,but women were respected too,they held the trdition of making sure their families had all they needed ,raised children ,and took care of their homes. They also hunted, collected, and preparde small game for food and clothing