Luokat: Kaikki - malware - risk - vulnerability - authentication

jonka Darya Fatih 12 vuotta sitten


Classwork # 8

In the realm of IT security, various terms and concepts are essential for protecting network systems and information. Risk management involves a systematic process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to maintain them at acceptable levels.

Classwork # 8

IT Security Terms

Public Key infrastracture (PKI)

Public Key Infrastracture (PKI) ==> A system to identify and authenticate the sender or reciver of an internet message or transaction.


Encryption ==> Transformation Data into scrambled code to protect it from being understood by unauthorized users.


Exposure ==> The estimated cost, loss, or damage that can result if a threat exploits a vulnerability

Risk Management

Risk Management ==> Process of identifying, assessing and reducing risk to an acceptable level.

Access Control

Access Control ==> It is security feature designed to restrict who has access to a network, IS, or data. Access to resources on a computer is restricted using a logical or physical control designed to protect against unauthorized entry or use.


Countermeasure ==> Safeguard implemented to mitigate ( lessen) risk.


Firewall ==> A method of (hardware or software) of guarding a private network from a public network (Internet) by analysing data packets entering or exiting it.


Exploit ==> A tool or technique that takes advantage of a vulnerability.


Zombie ==> an effect computrer that effect remotely via internet by an authorized user such as spammer, fraudster or hacker.

CIA Traid

CIA Traid ( Confidentiality, integrity, availability) ==> The three main principle of IT Security

Perimeter Security

Perimeter Security ==> Security measure to ensure that authorized users gain access to the network.

Endpoint Security

Endpoint Security ==> Security measure to protect the endpoints, such as desktops and laptos, in the enerprice.


Malware ==> Malicious software, such as a virus, worm, or throjan horse.


Spywar ==> steals software that gothres information about a user or users ionline activity.


Authentication ==> Method ( usualy based on username and password ) by which an IS validate or verifies that a user is really who he or she claims to be.


Packet ==> A Unit of data for transmission over a network with a header containing the source and destination of the packet.


Threat ==> It is Something or someone that may result in harm to an asset


Botnet (Bot Network) ==> A network of hijacked computers that are controlled remotely - typically to launch spam or spyware. Also called software robots. Bot networks are linked to a range of malicious activity, including indentity theft and spam.


Risk ==> It is the probability of a threat exploiting a vulnerability.


Vulnerability ==> Weakness that threatens the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an asset.

IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)

IP Address ( Internet Protocol Address) ==> An address that uniquely identifies a specific computer or other device on a network.

Denial of Service

Denial Of Service (DOS) or Distributed denial of service (DDOS) ==> It is an attact in which a system is bombarded with so many requests (for service or access) that it crashes or cannot respond.

Intrusion Detection System

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) ==> A defense tool used to monitor network traffic (packets) and provide alerts when there is suspicious traffic, or to quarantine suspicious traffic.


Biometrics ==> Method of identify a person based on a biological feature, such as a fingerprint.


Backup ==> a deplicate copy of data or programs keep it in a secret location.


Ciphertext ==> Encrypted text

PlainText or Clear-text

PlainText or Clear-text ==> Readable text


Audit ==> the process of generating, recording, and reviewing a chrolonogical record of system events to ascertain their accurancy.


Spoofing ==> an attact carried out using a track, disguise, dseit or by faufing data.

Fault tolerance

Fault tolerance ==> the ability of an IS to continue to operate when a failure accurs but usually for a limited time or at reduced level.


Router ==> Device that transfers (routes) packets between two or more networks.