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Copy - Getting Started with PIC16F1xxx using State Machines

Copy - Getting Started with PIC16F1xxx using State Machines


Coaching Interview 1. Gather top-level project constraints.

Interview SME and sponsor to fill in each of the requested constraints.

Major Tasks

What are the major engineering tasks required in order to accomplish the Job Outcome?

For a Job Outcome of "Custom LoRaWAN demo application using the SAMR34 Module", we could have the following tasks:

Using Pulse Width Modulation
Analog to Digital Conversion
Serial Communications using UART
Reading a Keypad to control Digital Input/Output
Controlling a Timer
Setting up a Digital Output
Introductions to State Machines

Implementation and Delivery Constraints

Course Type (Lecture-Only, Hands-On)?

Course Duration (Hours)? 

Number of instructors required?

Curiosity Board Simulator within MPLAB X used for any Demos
Windows Operating System Only
Target 6 sections each with a demo
Optional Lab Manual for Home study
10 minute segments
Self-Paced Online Training

Target Audience

Who are the major audience groups the training is targeted to?

Expected background knowledge and experience level?

Some familiarity with MPLAB X, MCC and XC8
Some familiarity with PIC16F1xxx
Basic knowledge of C programming
Basic understanding of MCU applications

Major Job Outcome

What will Attendees be able to produce or accomplish back on the job after taking this training? State it as a noun-phrase, for example:

"Customized LoRaWAN demo application using the SAMR34 Module"

Customer will be able to compile and execute their own PIC16F1xxx application using State Machines on a Microchip Demo Board using MPLAB X, MCC and XC8 Compiler.

Due Date

August 15, 2020

Getting Started with PIC16F1xxx using State Machines

Replace "Course Title" with your course title.

Add course title abstract here

Main topic

Course Outline

Coaching Interview 3. Develop a Course Outline

From the Job/Task analysis, group content together into chapters and name the chapters.

"Knowledge" (Concept/Fact/Principle) bubbles map to "Lessons"

"Procedure" bubbles map to "Lab Exercises" or "Quizzes" or other hands-on activities.

Typically, a 1:1 relationship exists between Major Tasks and Chapters. However, you are free to group knowledge and procedures from several different Tasks into the same Chapter in the course outline.

When finished, the TTE will produce a course outline in word format that captures this structure.

Knowledge Test Quiz
Summary of training
Chapter 7 - Using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Demo 6 - Control LED brightness from Potentiomentor using PWM
Create State Machine to Read ADC value into PWM
Configure PWM in MCC
Introduction to PWM
Chapter 6 - Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
Demo 5 - Communicate ADC value from Pot to Serial Terminal
Create State Machine for ADC to reading Potentiometer
Configure ADC to in MCC
Introduction to ADC and Potentiometer control
Chapter 5 - Serial Communications using USART
Demo 4 - Communicate with Terminal Program from SCB
Create State Machine for USART Serial Communication
Configure USART using MCC
Introduction to Serial Communication with USART
Chapter 4 - Reading a Keypad to control Digital Input/Output
Demo 3 - Controlling LED on SCB with Keypad
Create State Machine for reading Keypad
Setup I/O for Keypad in MCC
Introduction or Read Modify Write (Latch vs PORT)
Chapter 3 - Controlling a Timer
Demo 2 - Program Timer Application into SCB
Create State Machine to Blink LED
Setup Timer and Interrupt in MCC
Introduction to PIC16F1xxx Timer1 and Interrupts
Chapter 2 - Setting up a Digital Output
Demo 1 - Program Digital Output Application into SCB
Create State Machine application to light LED
Generate Application and Main.c from MCC
Setup Digital I/O in MCC
Open MCC and Configure MCU
Create MPLAB X Project using Simulated Curiosity Board (SCB)
Chapter 1 - Introductions to State Machines
Implementation of a State Machine in C
Benefits of a State Machine
What is a State Machine