Luokat: Kaikki - development - strategies - implementation - instructional

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Cornell Note Taking Method

A proposed three-year instructional development plan aims to implement AVID strategies at a school site. The plan is broken into distinct stages for each year, focusing on foundational, intermediate, and advanced implementation of WICOR strategies.

Cornell Note Taking Method

Cornell two-column Notes

How to take Cornell Notes?

Cue column

This section should be written soon after class, while you still have a fresh memory of the content taught. In this column, you can add:

This will make the learning and remembering process easier.

What are the action steps for year 3
What are the action steps for year 2?
What are the actions steps for year 1?


Write the summary while reviewing your notes and write it in your own words.

It needs to highlight the main points in your notes, so you can use it as a quick reference area later on.

The CAT-N AVID Instructional Development Plan will take place over three years in a practical "Crawl, Walk, Run" philosophy, a proven strategy to ensure successful infusion of WICOR strategies into the everyday practices and curriculum. The most critical component to the success of the implementation will be achieved through strong relationships and a clearly communicated plan that allows for reflections and adjustments based on what is learned by stakeholders each year.

Notes column

These are the actual notes taken during your class.

Add the key ideas, main points, important people, or places here.

Make sure you use concise sentences, abbreviations, outlines.

Year 3 (Run) *Review AVID WICOR implementation Plan with faculty and students-ongoing each year for new faculty and students *Team or individual meetings to establish annual implementation goals for WICOR *Level 3 WICOR strategies (TBD) taught during monthly professional development time *Initiate collaborative moments with CAT-S peers to share classroom strategy implementation techniques-virtual or in person * Ongoing scheduled weekly meetings or classroom visits to review progress with strategy implementation *Recognize faculty who are making strides in implementation and allow them to share how and why it is working-full faculty meeting highlight-Semester 1 *Semester 1 student and faculty surveys on implementation progress *Analyze and share survey data with administration *Adjust implementation strategy as necessary *Semester 2 student and faculty surveys on implementation progress *Analyze and share survey data with administration and faculty *Celebrate implementation progress through press release *Invite other CTE schools in MD to learn about the success infusing AVID strategies into CTE curriculum
Year 2 (WALK) *AVID WICOR Implementation Plan Shared with Faculty with full support of administration(pre-planning time) *Expectation to start using Level 1 WICOR Strategies from start: 1. Binder Organization 2. Cornell Notes 3. Learning Logs 4. Peer reviews 5. Tutorial times *Level 2 WICOR strategies (TBD) are shared with faculty in during monthly professional development meetings *Team or individual meetings to set AVID infusion goals and collect anecdotal data on progress and impact of WICOR strategies *Ongoing scheduled weekly meetings or classroom visits to review progress with strategy implementation and provide support *Student and faculty survey at end of Semester 1 to collect data on impact of AVID strategies in classrooms *Share student survey data with faculty and administration *Adjust implementation strategy as necessary *Student and faculty AVID Implementation survey on progress end of Semester 2 *Analyze and share data with administration and faculty before end of school year *Adjust implementation strategy as necessary
Year 1-Semester 1 (CRAWL) *Collaborate with CAT-S on implementation of WICOR strategies-successes and challenges *Build team/faculty relations and develop vision for implementation for AVID strategies at CAT-N *Conduct Data Analysis on current teaching strategies and teaching styles *Identify needs and wants through scheduled faculty feedback sessions and weekly meetings Year 1 Semester 2 *Share formal vision and plan for implementing AVID strategies to faculty, students, parents *Introduce Level 1 WICOR Strategies during monthly professional development lessons that can be implemented immediately following training with encouragement to try in next two weeks *Faculty reflection (survey) on how they are adapting to strategies and what additional support is needed to move forward next year *Analyze and share data with the administrative team for revisions to the implementation plan

May 3, 2021

Optionally, you can add the date of your class.

Proposed 3 Year AVID Instructional Development Plan CAT-N

Site Coordinator Interview Bill Rothe

Optionally, you can add your class title.