jonka Piotr Delikat 9 vuotta sitten
Lisää tämän kaltaisia
collapsing height
setting a ClearFix
pro solution
give a parent element the .group
.group:after{content: ""; display: table; clear: both; }
clear: both;
clears both site of a collapsing space
not recomendet solution
tell the browser to account the height of a floats
sets elements to initial scale of device
good for mobile media queries
.nav li {
width: initial;
height: initial;
float: initial;
like a block element, but in a flow of it's surroundings
sets elements in the flow of content
default for anchor elements
block element takes all available space of a parent element
default option of displaying
turn of displaying of an element
// Screen reader text
.srt {
border: 0;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
height: 1px;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
for clearnig list decotarion
line-height : ($base__line/$base__font_size);
when you interact with keyboard for ex.(by tab)
implies that user is redy for interaction
not only for links or buttons
most common in nav section
not visited links
good for icons and small graphic elements
content: "blank/text"; / content: url(.../img.svg);
content is obligatory
gives us extra layers to work with :)
they are visible to user, but do not appear in the HTML source code
sets the virtual element befor or after selected element
most specific
less sepcific
header span {
color : white;
font-size : 26px;
only nestedElement will be changed
by default list are indented left
padding-left: 0;
by default list style is outsite the
to change it
rounded corners of the element
: %;
50% is a circle
border-top : 2px solid blue;
background-image: #45690 url('path/image.jpg') no-repeat center / cover;
:x y;
:20% 50%;
:right bottom;
:center center;
= :center;
left top corner by default
only on y axis
only on x axis
it's :repeat; by default
relative to the element size
best for full background images
fits the image proportionally to the full size of element
it is repaeted horizontaly/verticaly by default
: url('path/image.jpg');
it is good practice to set the contrast to content color. Even with bg-img in case of problems with displaying it
it can be universal for whole project
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
calculate width and height substracting box model values
helps us with calculation of size of elements
img {max-width: 100%;}
px are for precise elements like graphics/icons
with % element is relative to the parent element
states at mobile
collapse at mobile class
is displayed at mobile class
// Grid display
// ==========================================================================
.is-displayed-mobile {
@include mq(small) {
display: block;
@at-root (with: media) {
.is-hidden-mobile {
display: none;
@include mq(medium) {
display: none;
// Media queries
@mixin mq($break) {
@if $break == "small" {
@media (min-width: $brkpoint-sm) and (max-width: $brkpoint-md) {
@else if $break == "medium" {
@media (min-width: $brkpoint-md + 1) {
@else if $break == "large" {
@media (min-width: $brkpoint-lg) {
@else {
@error "Whoops! No value could be retrieved for '#{$break}'."
variables fro breakpoints
// Breakpoints
$brkpoint-sm : 1px;
$brkpoint-md : 768px;
$brkpoint-lg : 1100px;
full width in the grid
center the content
we also need to specify a container for grid
.grid {
@extend %clearfix;
@extend .centered;
width: 90%;
// Make nested grid container 100%
[class*="grid__col--"] > & {
width: 100%;
// Set a max-width grid container
@media(min-width: 1100px) {
max-width: $g-cout-max-w;
mixin to adjust column siblings
// Adjacent sibling margins
@mixin doubly($margin: 1em) {
& + & {
margin-left: $margin;
loop to generate calsses
// Calculate grid columns
@media (min-width: 769px) {
@for $i from 1 through $g-col-count {
$context: g-context($g-col-width, $g-col-count, $g-gutter-width) !global;
$target: ($g-col-width * $i) + ($g-gutter-width * ($i - 1));
//Generate column modifier classes
.grid__col--#{$i} {
width: percentage($target / $context);
// Column Styles
[class^="grid__col--"] {
@media (min-width: 1px) and (max-width: 768px) {
margin-top: em(12px);
margin-bottom: em(12px);
@media (min-width: 769px) {
@include doubly(percentage($g-gutter-width / $context));
float: left;
min-height: 1px;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
&:last-of-type {
float: right;
.grid__col--1 {
width: 6.5%; }
.grid__col--2 {
width: 15%; }
.grid__col--3 {
width: 23.5%; }
.grid__col--4 {
width: 32%; }
.grid__col--5 {
width: 40.5%; }
.grid__col--6 {
width: 49%; }
.grid__col--7 {
width: 57.5%; }
.grid__col--8 {
width: 66%; }
.grid__col--9 {
width: 74.5%; }
.grid__col--10 {
width: 83%; }
.grid__col--11 {
width: 91.5%; }
.grid__col--12 {
width: 100%; }
@function to count context
// Set the "context" width for the grid
@function g-context($g-col-width, $g-col-count, $g-gutter-width) {
$g-context : ($g-col-width * $g-col-count) + ($g-gutter-width * ($g-col-count - 1));
@return $g-context;
nessesery variables
// Grid
$g-col-width : 65px;
$g-gutter-width : 20px;
$g-col-cound : 12;
$g-cont-max-w : 1050px;
body {
font-size : $base__font-size;
line-height : ($base__line/$base__font_size)
font-family : $font-family--primary;
map-get(map-get($mapName, value) nestedValue);
pallets of colors
grey & black
$palettes: (
grey: (
xx-light : lighten($grey, 43%),
x-light : lighten($grey, 35%),
light : lighten($grey, 12%),
base : $grey,
dark : darken($grey, 8%),
x-dark : darken($grey, 16%)
black: (
light : lighten($black, 10%),
base : $black,
dark : darken($black, 10%),
how to get it
of write a function :)
@function palette($pallete, $shade: 'base') { @return map-get(map-get($palettes, $pallete), $shade); }
call it with
color: palette(grey, x-dark);
color : map-get(map-get($palettes, grey) x-grey);
we need @mixin to genetare classes
@each $theme, $color in $ui-colors {
.btn--#{$theme} {
background-color : $color;
even more modular
@mixin bg-colors($map) { @each $theme, $color in $map { &--#{$theme} { background-color : $color; } } }
we can make class first in css, and use it in HTML later
$ui-colors: (
default : $fountain-blue,
success : $emerald,
error : $sunglo,
warning : $coral,
info : $purple-majesty
@else {
@error "'{$pos}' is an invalid argument.";
shows error in css output (and browser)
shows warrning in the console
// Call the color palette modifiers
@function palette($pallete, $shade: 'base') {
@return map-get(map-get($palettes, $pallete), $shade);
//Calculate pixels to em values
@function em($target, $context: $base__font_size) {
@return ($target / $context) * 1em;
font-size : em(42px);
usage for H1
h1 {
font-size : em(42px);
line-height : (46px / 42px);
margin-bottom : em(70px, 42px);
//Import if Google Fonts URL is defined
@if variable-exists(font-url--google) {
@import url($font-url--google);
@extend .ruleName;
@extend %extensionName;
you can include %extends and rules from other files onto every element
really helpful to make Sass DRY
file name for functions and mixins
generating pseudo elements shapes with @error
@mixin p-el(
$el-w: null,
$el-h: null) {
@if $el == "before" or $el == "after" {
&:#{$el} {
@extend %pseudos;
width: $el-w;
height: $el-h;
} @else {
@error "'#{$el}' is not a valid pseudo-element.";
@content //for pseudo elements
%pseudos {
display: block;
content: '';
position: absolute;
@mixin img-replace($img, $w, $h, $disp: block ) {
background-image: url('#{$path--rel}/#{$img}');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: $w;
height: $h;
display: $disp;
ex. usage
@include img-replace('logo.svg', 115px, 45px, inline-block);
like a loops
@each $parOne, $parTwo in $mapName {.class-- #{$parOne} { cssKey : $parTwo; }}
to create classes for ex.
//Color maps
@each $theme, $color in $ui-colors {
.btn--#{$theme} {
background-color : $color;
like a functions
//path to images
$path--rel : "../img";
$letter-space : 1px;
//font size
$base__line : 24px;
$base__font-size : 16px;
//color usage
$color-shadow : rgba($black, .2);
$color-accent : $purple-majesty;
$color-primary : $black;
//descriptive Base Colors
$grey : #797e83;
$black : #0b0b0b;
more fancy black :)
$white : #fff;
//font weight
$font-weight--thin : 100;
$font-weight--light : 300;
$font-weight--medium : 400;
$font-weight--bold : 700;
$font-weight--ultra-bold : 900;
//font stack
of some more clever fontstack
$font-family--primary : 'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue','Helvetica','Arial', 'sans-serif';
//font url
$font-url--google : ',300,400,700,900';
BEM nameing convention
good practice
good name for variables file