jonka John Kee 3 vuotta sitten
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There are just so many things going on at the moment and so many unpredictable outcomes that I feel somewhat mentally exhausted. Overwhelming enough perhaps to make me relinquish all attempts at controlling the results!- prayer is the only option!
Follow the link to the festival Mindmap for more info..but there are a few key points I should mention:
Introduction of Becky Turnock as Event Controller - professional support, freeing me up to focus on relationships (internal and external) and programme.
Team leadership - some gaps in the team (Speaker Hospitality, additional support for Sub-camps, and Site, new person in for Tech team)
TBUC groups still to get sorted - working with Fr James O'Reilly and offering SM Event Staff the option of buying in to the scheme.
Worship sets from new groups... (Salvation Army not showing up)
SM funding breakfast... new people, new connects and energy
StreetReach - finding the right SR Director for the next 15 months
IYMG... numbers for this are still very disappointing. Zechariah 4:10 brings some comfort - but I'm wrestling with this...
Summer Madness 'supporters' breakfast - pray for how we 'tell the story' and for those taking part in that presentation ..and for those who will be there!
Just 8 weeks out...minus holidays, minus IYMG, minus Tent Build, minus Donor breakfast, minus SR2020
I wonder how to get these comments appearing
Not really kicked off yet...
Team recruitment for SATURDAY
Team for steelwork
Tent transport and repairs
First Aid and food
Tools (shifters, ladders, pliers, etc)
Disposable kit....gloves / tape / bin bags / wire cutters
Stu.. okay from Tues lunchtime through the evening..
and Wednesday through to 7.00pm
Gareth Campbell?... Men's group from Larne?
Barclay's to collect from Finaghy...and steel work is in Garvagh at Smith Steel
Spud Murphy re. CVM involvement??
Plan for winding up StreetReach and examining the possible legacy benefits..
Get back to MALCOLM DUNCAN??
Sit down with Lynne at some point to help wrap it up.
Buy some extra tentage for SUNI
and tables/bench
Get descriptions and programme for Hatch from Ross and Susie Big Top stuff Agree tentage for the sub-camps
Check on the state of all vendors and partners
Ensure CP team are all vetted
Call Joel magician
Team Leaders and Rotas...
call Paul McDonnell...SUNI
Speak to Mitch about Peter - his intern...doing some video editing...
DorVic for a loan of van for Dolway
Nigel re. cottage in courtyard ...for cooks
Glenarm re. drinking water in Marquee village and some down in the campsite
Email and instgram and tweet about deadlines!
Fwd: Invitation to Summer Madness 2020
Fwd: FW: Big Top Tent Hire 2019/2020
Call notes for Nigel Campbell
Email to Miriam
Fwd: Holiday Show
Ideas for improving the subcamp experience / layout, tribal HQs, showers etc.
Begin to do the site spec for Nigel...tents etc..
Check in with Keiron re. sailors
Team for sems on site Stu re. seminars
More icons for the app... sub-camp logistics...
Kitchen tents, fridges...
Follow up Grosvenor Road Baptist in Dublin - Jonathan Shaw the Youth Pastor.
Stuff re. Subcamps and CIY and TBUC... etc
Check again re. specifics of songs
Sort out 'choir'
JW mixing for JW
Backline arrangements ...through Matt
Team Leaders - AV... new - Dean Moore and Jonny Mould
Deputy Event Controllers and work with Becky
Role of Medical support / doctors
New 'Chief of Staff' role for Peter Watson
Bedding in the CP team.. Helen Livingston, Ciara, Laura, and Wendy.
Recruitment for 2020
Focus groups
Bigger constituencies and groups: eg: