jonka Mindomo Team 3 kuukautta sitten
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Your Daily Dashboard map helps you to find the resources and information that you need every day.
Read more about how to design and use your Daily Dashboard map in the Mindomo blog.
Add links to useful resources for home projects, hobbies and travel.
Make a shopping list or Command|open_hyperlink|add link to your existing ones.
Create a Travel Plan
Try our Travel Plan template
Create your own from scratch.
World clock
Create your personal world clock
Google maps
Quick access to Google maps
Fill in our Autobiography template then link it here.
Try our GTD template
create your own from scratch.
Tools and resources
Add links to or information about frequently used resources such as shared files, management information systems, CRM systems or other tools that you use regularly.
Study techniques
Add links to tools and resources that help with your favourite study techniques, such as:
Online tools
Revision plans
Add links to any plans you have made for exam revision.
Add links and information for your assignments and coursework.
Press Insert OR TAB to add a new project here.
Quick links
Add links to the tools that you use the most often.
Add a link to your Twitter account.
Add a link to your calendar.
Add a link to your email.
Create a Checklists map, and link it here
use our Checklist template.
create a checklist here.