jonka ADELY LUCRECIA ZEA YUCRA 4 vuotta sitten
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Use this template to test your knowledge on some of Medieval Europe's most important events. Write down the names of important figures who have marked history.
Comprension de emociones y control
Manejan informacion de manera mas sofisticada
coordinacion y ejecucion de actividades complejas
What major event took place in 1337 A.D.?
Think of the well-known rivalry between England and France.
Type in the answer.
Cambios de proporcion corporal
Marco Polo explores Asia
What is the year of this great event?
Fill in the answer.
Mayor capacidad para conocer y expresar emociones
Proceso de mielinizacion y proliferacion
Perfecciona su motricidad
Adquiere un aspecto mas proporcionado
What major event took place in 1215 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
Peso talla y perimetro craneal
Atencion memoria
Manifiesta su forma de ser
Musculos y huesos maduran
Genghis Khan establishes the Mongol Empire.
Type in the year of this major event.
Expulsa el cordon umbilical
Cabeza del bebe empieza a salir
Trabajo de parto
The Crusades were wars fought by the Holy Roman Empire against the Muslims in an attempt to conquer the Holy Land.
What was the year of the First Crusade? Type in the answer.
desde la 8va semana hasta el nacimiento
Sus organos se diferencian y empiezan a funcionar
desde la 2da -8va semana
Se pueden ver los defectos congenitos
Etapa mas vulnerable
en el disco embrionario se desarrollan
Capa inferior endodermo
Capa intermedia-mesodermo
Capa superior ectodermo
Desde la fecundacion hasta el nacimiento
Cambios de naturaleza cualitativa
Cambio fisico nivel cuantitativo
Maduracion paulatina de organos determinado por la edad
Los organos/sistemas cumplan su funcion -orden secuencial
Cambios geneticamente programados
What major event took place in 1066 A.D.?
Type in your answer.
Se transmite de padres a hijos-genes
What is the year in which the Vikings were defeated by the King of England, Alfred the Great?
Type in the answer.
Para la adquisicion de habilidades camina -corre
Desde el centro hacia la periferie
cabeza hacia los pies
Charlemagne, also known as 'The King of Franks', is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
What year did this coronation take place?
What major event took place in 732 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
In what year is Muhammad born?
Type in the answer.
What major event took place in 481 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
Around what year did the Roman Empire fall, thus leaving a lot of local kings and rulers fighting for the land?
Type in the answer.