jonka Daniel Wu 17 vuotta sitten
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Ruth is a moabite
King David fall under Deut
Jesus is King David Decendent
See Deut 23:3
Deut has the "exodus" version
Has the creation version of the 10 Commandment
Lots of political and Christian piousmovements use it
From Yancy's book on what Scripture Jesus read.
The main point is that political movement and even Christian pious movement uses the Exodos language and images selectively and thus have a distorted view.
Deut has a realistic view of the Exodus experience:
Basically, political and Christian movement view pre-exodus as all dark and that they are the "saints" and they look forward to Cannan which is sort of heaven on earth. They forget that you have to fight in Cannan and it is full of traps that will lead one away from God. They forgot that without God, they will degenerate into tyranny just as their oppressors were (or worst). They forgot the lure of power and how power corrupts. They underestimate the danger of power, judge their oppressors (who abuse power, who are trapped by the lure of power) and forget that they too can fall into the same power trap once they come into power.
Fail to look at what Deut looked at
What happened after Exodus
After crossing Jordan (prophetic in Deut and fullfilled in other historical books in the Bible)
Before crossing Jordan
What happened before Exodus
Forgot about the relationship with Deut and other books of the Bibl
Take Exodus out of context
Only look at Exodus
The rest of the Bible uses it
Jesus is Passover Lamb
Deut 8:3 man does not live on bread alone...Jesus is the heavenly bread.
Deut 6:5 (love your God with everything)when asked what isthe greatest commandment (Mat 22:37)
Mat's sermon on the mount refer indirectly to the 10 commandments
Use Deut 3x against Satan
Jesus quoted Deut 3x
Deut 8:3(not bread alone)
Deut 6:16(don't test God)
Deut 6:13(worship God alone)
Satan quoted Psalm 91:11,12 once
Mat's and Luke's order slightly different
Luke 4:1-13
Mat 4:1-11
God said no but also God's grace
In the transfiguration
He stood with Jesus in the promised land
He is sored about itas demonstrated byMoses repeated reminderof how Israel caused himhis trip to the promise land
God does them
Isarel do them
Do not abhor Edomites or Egytians
Ch 23:7-8
Ch 23: 1-6
Moabites excluded
see Ruth on the other side of map
Ch 18:1-8
ch 20
Do not destroy fruit trees
Exempt from the draft
Planted a vineyard
Has a new house
ch 18:14-22
King appointment
Ch 17:14-20
read deut all the days of his life
write a copy of deut for himself
do not consider himself better than others
do not be like other nations
do not accumulate large amount of
do not amass a huge military
do not take many wives
ch 19:15-21
City of Refuge
ch 19:1-14
Law Courts
ch 17:8-13
Judge appointment
ch 16:18-20
Feat of Tabernacles
ch 16:13-17
Feast of the Week
ch 16:9-12
ch 16:1-8
ch 15:19-23
eat in the presence of God
ch 15:1-18
Slaves are free
remember you were once slave
Slave do not go empty handed
supply free slave liberally
Year of cancel debts
Ch 26:1-15
ch 14:22-28
every 3 years
this tithes is for the levites and the vulnerable of society
Share it with the Levites
Family enjoys the tithes in the presence of God
Going to the bathroom
ch 12-14
Clean/unclean animals mostly
ch 14:1-21
do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk
includes insects
ch 18:9-13
ch 16:21-22, ch 17:1-7
ch 13
ch 12
Not b/c of Israel righeousnessbut b/c of the canaanites' wickednessIsrael is a stiff neck people and they gotthe track record to prove it.
ch 9
Don't forget God andbecome proud; forget to give thanks.
ch 8
"... man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord..."
Remember God's Love
But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your forefathers ...he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love...
God's love is faithful
It is a covanent of love
Don't become proud
fewest of all people
Set up triggers fornext generation to askquestions
When triggers hit,will create opportunity topass on God's great work intothe next generation.
Totally integrated into your life.Not just on religious occasions.
Ch 11
Love your God
In your heart
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
10 commandments in Exodus is the Creation version
Reference from The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 2 (D-G)
ch 31:9-13
Covenant Continuity (ch 31-34)
Covenant Ratification (ch 27-30)
Covenant Life (ch 5-26)
Historical Prologue: Covenant History (1:6-4:49(
Covenant Mediator (1:1-5)
Blessing and curses
About to cross over Jordan to promise land
Recount Hx