Luokat: Kaikki - causas - solución - identificar - estrategias

jonka luz maria 2 vuotta sitten


Diagnóstico de necesidades

Es fundamental realizar un diagnóstico de necesidades para identificar las carencias y áreas de oportunidad en cualquier entorno educativo o institucional. Este proceso comienza con la recolección de información a través de diversas fuentes como autoridades, padres, alumnos y profesores.

Diagnóstico de necesidades

Diagnóstico de necesidades

Hello Guest!

This mind map contains all the necessary steps to help you create your own podcast.

Identificar el problema principal

Now that you have a clear idea about the concept of your new podcast, it's time to focus on some practical elements.

Problemas que no se pueden resolver
Problemas que afectan parcialmente
Posibilidad de solución

Add your audio

To have a unique and personal touch, you should find some music and specific sound effects that represent you and your podcast concept.

People will recognize it and they will associate it with your show. You can buy it and get a license and use it in all your episodes.

You will need:

Intro musicOutro musicSpecific sound effects (optional)Professional voice over (optional)
Determinar su gravedad

Add your cover image

Upload it here

Your podcast needs cover art.
This is a cover image that should represent your podcast and also stand out.

Follow the guidelines:

principal problema

The next step is to choose your tools.


You will record and edit your episodes. Therefore, you will need a laptop or PC (choose the operating system you prefer):


You also need editing software (keep in mind the operating system you chose). Some suggestions:

GarageBandAudacityAdobe AuditionLogic Pro X
Sana convivencia, trabajo en equipo

You also need editing software (keep in mind the operating system you chose). Some suggestions:

GarageBandAudacityAdobe AuditionLogic Pro X
Diferentes formas de enseñar

You will record and edit your episodes. Therefore, you will need a laptop or PC (choose the operating system you prefer):


Copias de textos

The quality of the audio will be very important. You will need a microphone (or more, depending on how many people will be on your podcast).

However, it doesn't mean that you have to spend a fortune on a very expensive microphone.

In the beginning, focus on finding an affordable microphone to get you started, and you can upgrade in the future.

Diversas fuentes

Add the link to your microphone

Habilidades laborares


Lista de problemas

Now that you have the tools, it's time to find a podcast host.

A podcast host is a place to store and distribute your podcast's audio files.

There are many hosts, make a research and choose your favorite. Some examples:

PodbeanBuzzSproutSoundCloudBlubrryTransistorSmart Podcast PlayerLibsyn
Los alumnos presentan dificultades para comprender el contenido de textos d.e ciencias naturales, historia y geografía
Los alumnos no practican Ia lectura en casa
Los alumnos no leen diferentes tipos de texto.
Prevalecen las copias, planas, repeticiones de palabras.
Los alumnos muestran poco interés por las actividades de la escuela.

Add the link to your podcast host

Jerarquizar los problemas

You are all set!

Now you can upload your first episode.

Seleccionar los tres primeros problemas
¿Cuál debe resolverse primero o con cuál se pueden resolver otros problemas?
[cuál hay que resolver de acuerdo con su urgencia, gravedad o im- portancia?

You can add details such as the release date or time.

Ejercicio de peflexión

After you create and upload your first episode, there are some important steps you can do.

Elaboración de secuencia didactica

Let people know you started a podcast!

To be able to listen to it, they have to be informed about its existence and you should bring this news in front of their eyes.

Here are some non-paid options:

Share it on your social media platformsAsk your friends to share itCreate a blog and write articles where you add itGet TranscriptionsCollaborate with other podcast makers from your niche
Elaboración de secuencia
Formato planeación

Elaboración de hipótesis

This is the structure of the episode.

It's important to have an outline or some steps that will apply to each individual episode.

Build your own format by choosing from these elements:

TeaserIntro musicWelcomeShort summaryInterviewThe ideas presentedQ&AAd spotCall to action (Follow/like)Outro music
Conocer falta de satisfacción
¿Qué se puede mejorar?

Conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes

Discutir estrategias de mejora

¿Qué me gusta de este lugar?
¿Qué hace falta mejorar?
Reuniones de análisis
Observación directa e indirecta
Formar comisiones
Buzón de sugerencias
Listado de problemas
Jerarquizar de la menos importante a la más importante
Conversaciones informales
Impresiones, opiniones

Deficiencias en el trabajo

¿Cómo iniciar el DN

You are your own 'stage director'.

Think about how you want to structure your show.

Corroborrar en otras fuentes

You can choose one of the following styles:

Be on your ownPick a co-hostInterview showMixt (a combination of all of the above)
Opiniones de los involucrados

Sociedad en general...

Alumnos, maestros, trabajadores...

Directores, jefes, responsables

Informes, periódicos, reportes...
Fuentes de información

Many experts are showing different researches about the optimum time, and you can take the advice, for example:

However, you can also set a time you are comfortable with.

Principales problemas

¿Dónde buscar las causas?

These 3 questions will help you create a successful podcast.

Think about each of them and write the answer.

Condiciones internas

Find the 'WHY'

Find your why: the reason you want to do this podcast, your intention.

Your audience's why: keep in mind how your podcast adds value to your listeners. Why would they be interested to listen to it? What's in it for them?


Carencias familiares, afectivas...



Condiciones externas

Who is your target audience?

Económicas, sociales, geográficas, zona de pobreza, insuficiencia alimentaria...

Información suficiente y confiable

After you added the topic, think about a good name for your podcast.

Choose a unique name that has related words to the topic.

At the same time, focus on more broad words to keep the possibility to expand in the future.

Try to keep it short to be easily remembered by people.

¿Cuáles son las causas?

¿Qué acciones emprender?

¿Qué deficiencias se observan?

¿Qué corregir?

¿Cuáles son los logros?

¿Qué fortalecer?

Participación de todos los involucados
Valoración corresponda con la realidad


The first thing you should start with is choosing a topic or a niche.

Try to think about something you can talk about for many episodes.

What do you want to talk about in your podcast?

What is the main subject you are going to share with your audience?

Situación ideal
Áreas de oportunidad
¿Quiénes pueden responder?
¿Cuál es el mejor camino?
¿Por dónde empezar?
¿Qué hacer?
Carencia o lagunas