jonka Juan Cruz Fenandez 3 vuotta sitten
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Kids were sent to special boarding schools
To asimilate them into white culture
Poorly paid jobs
Worse health-care than white people
Lower life expectanty than white people
Most of their lands were taken
Unemployment was a problem
Mostly for
New jobs weren't created due to the growth of industry
New electrical and mechanised prodution
Movements failed to change USA
They ended up living in ghettos
Most black people even in northern cities lived in poverty. They paid higher rents, had worse education and health service in comparison with whites
If they tried to move they had hostile reception. Poor whites considered them in the same way
In the north, black americans had a better quality of life
Marcus Garvey founded Universal Negro Improvement Association
Garvey set up a shipping line to support UNIA businesses and to help emigrate afroamericans
Expressed that black americans should be proud of their race and encouraged them to set up a business
WebDubois founded National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Struggle with racial segregation laws and lynching ones, they weren't so effective but they changed a bit the society
Artists joined all together in a city where they magnet white people to bars and clubs
In Chicago and New York there was a small black middle class and a movement to encourage black people setting up a business
Governments, feared to black people entering the power
They restricted them to vote, access good jobs or good education
However, not all farmers were afected
Rich Americans still wanted their products, yet, it was a small amount of farmers who survived the crisis.
About half of all Americans werein the rural areas, yet, when they moved to the city, they were unskilled and no one wanted them, leading to unemployment
Some reasons
Falling prices
Prices fell by 50% and farmers were deseperated to sell their products
Hundreds of rural banks collapsed
From 1900 to 1920, with improved machinery and fertilisers, agriculture was doing great
But on the 20s, farms were producing more products wich nobody wanted.
After the war, there was a time were the populaation was falling, so, there were less mouths to feed
New competition against Canadian wheat producers
Declining exports
After the war, Europe was poor and the US tariffs were too expensive to import food from the USA