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DN - The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides comprehensive protections to all citizens, ensuring fundamental rights such as life, liberty, and security. It includes specific provisions for minority language educational rights, allowing children from official language minorities to receive education in their native language.

DN - The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Democratic Rights

Media In 2021, Justin Trudeau had won the election, through the democratic system, and remained in office to repeat his second term.
Personal Effect My parents, every four years, participate in the election of prime minister as they are adults and are Canadian Citizens.
Definition Everyone Citizen, above the age of 18 are given the right to vote in elections of representatives, hosted every few years. No House of Commons and no legislative assembly are permitted to stay in power for longer than a duration of five years, unless in times of conflict that oppose significant impact on Canada.

Fundamental Freedoms

Media A peaceful protest had been held in Ottawa as thousands disagreed with the restrictions of having a vaccine.
Personal Effect I am allowed to follow my desires and voice my opinion, following Caodaism and communicating with my friends through social media applications.
Definition Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; freedom of peaceful assembly; and freedom of association.

Mobility Rights

Media The right and freedom for Canadians to leave, enter, and remain in the country has allowed many individuals to leave the country, resulting in people booking vacations.
Personal Effect My family and I, especially prior to quarantine, had frequently gone on vacation, traveling to areas outside the borders of Canada.
Definition Those with the status of a citizen are granted the opportunity to enter, remain, and leave Canada. Permanent residents are allowed to relocate to any province and occupy a job with the charter rights and freedom still applying.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedom

Media The emergency act initiated during the Trucker’s Protest did not affect the guarantee of rights and freedom, ensuring the rights and freedom are absolute and still apply to citizens.
Personal Effect I am a Canadian citizen, living in Canada provides me with the rights and protection of the Charter of Rights and Freedom.
Definition The Canadian Charter Rights and Freedom are absolute, applying to all citizens to a reasonable extent dependent on the law and justification within the democratic society.

Official Languages of Canada

Personal Effect Within school, starting grade 4, I have attended French class, learning French in hopes of being fluent by the end of grade 12 and earning the title of biolinguel.
Definition English and French are the official languages of Canada, yielding equal benefits, and rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and government of Canada.
Media Citizens of Canada feel as though the prime minister should be required to know both official languages, demonstrating the benefit of both under the parliament.

Legal Rights

Personal Effect When socializing with friends outside, especially at the mall, my friends and I may resist arrest if accused of a crime such as shoplifting even though we are innocent.
Definition Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security unless faced with justice due to violation of the law. Citizens are allowed to neglect unreasonable search or seizure, and have the right to be informed upon arrest or detention. Those detained are labeled innocent until proven guilty and are allowed to remain silent. When presented or faced with the judgment of law, all are equal despite their positioning in society, receiving the same treatment.
Media A doctor had been falsely accused of having childpornagraphy in December, 2020, knowing his legal rightshe had called an attorney to defend his innocence.

Minority Language Educational Rights

Personal Effect Up until grade 9, I had gone to Saturday school to study and learn Vietnamese, my mother language.
Definition Parents that are guardians to an official language minority have the right to have their children educated in that language through primary or secondary school.
Media New Brunswick seeks to revamp their approach to teaching minorities in schools additional languages to maintain being bilingual.

Equality Rights

Personal Effect I have the right to attend school and involve myself in out of school activities as well, with my beliefs and race not deciphering rather I can succeed or not within our democratic society.
Definition All individuals, no matter the race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, are valued and treated equally among society, being granted equal opportunity. When presented or faced with the judgment of law, all are equal despite their positioning in society, receiving the same treatment.
Media Alberta peace officer had been charged for reckless driving after killing two people in August of 2021, with his first appearance scheduled for April 13 in Cold Lake provincial court, demonstrating everyone is equal under the law.