Luokat: Kaikki - defense - protection - military - economy

jonka Ewan Sinclair 2 päivää sitten


Donald Trump Wants to Take Canada, Greenland, and The Panama Canal.

Donald Trump has expressed intentions to annex Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal, but his ambitions face significant obstacles due to international alliances and geopolitical implications.

Donald Trump Wants to Take Canada, Greenland, and The Panama Canal.

Donald Trump Wants to Take Canada, Greenland, and The Panama Canal.

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Closing paragraph

Donald Trump wants to take Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal, but he should not because of NATO, the fact he would lose votes, due to the risk of him losing votes.
For Donald Trump to not do anything the world leaders need to take action, and whenever he says he will do anything the leaders need to say exactly what they will do to stop him, not allowing him to do anything, and that will hopefully stop him.

counter arguement

Although Donald Trump is consistently threatening to make Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal a part of the USA I do not think it will happen.
The odds of Donald Trump doing this are very low because his actions could put the USA at risk for many things. For example spending so much on the military would be bad for their economy which is already 34 trillion dollars in debt, or the fact that the United States is already a very hated country, and this would make them even more unlikeable.

Therefore that is why Donald Trump should not actually do anything, and gives reason to believe that he is bluffing, and if he does there are reasons he will not be successful.

There Is A Chance The United States Would Be Invaded

The United States is a country with lots of enemies, and these countries might try to take advantage of them attacking somewhere else, and launch their own attack on the United States.
The United States has many strong enemies like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and many others, these countries would take advantage of this war and possibly attack the United States, which they would not be prepared for.

Something somewhat similar to what I'm describing happened to Germany during World War Two, after many fatalities they were easy to invade, and take the land back, ultimately ending the war, Germany was focused so much on attacking, they weren't prepared to be invaded.

Some of the things that I said are very unlikely, and some rules would have to be changed, but others are very true, and would happen if he tried.

Donald Trump Would Be Hated By Citizens Of His Country

The United States and NATO have a vast army, this war would end with a lot of fatalities on both sides, making Donald Trump lose votes from families of soldiers, and gain hate from people of his country if he were to lose that battle.
The families of soldiers would not vote for Trump, this is either because of a deceased family member, or because they risked a family members life, for Donald Trump to run again he would have to change the rules, and many people believe that he will change that rule so he can win again.

In many wars in the past, the leader that has been in control during the war does not get elected again, for example according to world atlas, the Ethiopian president did not get re-elected after the Eritrea, Ethiopia war.

Them fighting this war would lose them votes, and possibly even put the United States at risk.

Protection From Other Countries

Both Canada and Denmark are founding members of the organization NATO, sworn to protect each other
According to NATO's website they are sworn to protect all NATO allies, and it is built on a trust of collective defence, this means if a NATO member were to be attacked, the other members of NATO are sworn to protect them.

NATO has many powerful countries in it like The United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, and many others including the USA, these countries would protect them immediately, ruining the United States.

Citizens of countries in NATO, and the citizens of the United States, would would not be fond of Trump for these actions.


Donald Trump has said he wants to take Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal, for the sake of the United States he should leave them alone
There is a risk of being attacked by an enemy while they are weak, and are focused on attacking somewhere else.
He would lose a lot of votes from people who are against war, and from the family members of soldiers, and the people of those countries would not vote for him.
Both Canada and Greenland are parts of NATO which protects the countries in the group, Greenland is Denmark's territory, and Denmark and Canada were founding members of NATO.
hook: Donald Trump, the 45th and 47th president of the United States has just been elected into his second term, and has threatened to invade Canada, Greenland, and take back the Panama Canal.