Luokat: Kaikki - epistemology - pragmatism - curriculum - metaphysics

jonka mckenna mitchell 6 vuotta sitten


ED 202

Theodore Burghard Hurt Brameld, a prominent educational philosopher of the 20th century, was an advocate of social reconstructionism. This philosophy emphasizes addressing social issues and striving for a better society and global democracy.

ED 202



Education is the great equalizer
the Constitution should be made a study
He was concerned about the well-being of people


Educational Giant: William Bagley, took progressivist approaches to task in the journal he formed in 1934. Other proponents of Essentialism are: James D. Koerner (1959), H. G.
Role of the School: along side school administrators, plot the educational course for their students. The goal of essentialism is to produce disciplined and educated students who are able to apply what they've learned in real life settings.
Role of the Student: Listen to the teacher and be good.
Role of the Teacher: The teacher is the center of the classroom, so they should be rigid and disciplinary. ... It is the teacher's responsibility to keep order in the classroom.
Metaphysics: is any philosophy that acknowledges the primacy of essence. Unlike existentialism, which posits "being" as the fundamental reality, the essentialist ontology must be approached from a metaphysical perspective.


Classroom Environment: Allow the children to ask questions and to learn fro themselves
Curriculum: Curriculum content is derived from student interests and questions. education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation.
Purpose of school: believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the world.


He looked at opportunity of different things to learn
Schools and Education will forever be encouraged
We should adapt to the needs of the children and teach how they learn

Jane Addams

Training should be done by the government
Children can teach and parents can also learn to teach
government should be taught, life lessons and especially culture, that everyone is equal
poor immigrant children should be taught

Paola Friere

We assume some kids don't know anything: Deficit Learning
Every soul has the potential to Learn
He was so hungry he couldn't learn: Out of school Factor
Learning the word and the world can create critical thinking
All individuals can create their own history
People either join the oppressed or stand against them


Educational Giant: Soren Kierkegaard, he was a german philosopher who inspired existentialism
Role of a Student: Have a relationship with the teacher, find out for themselves what they want to do. Question and know for themselves
Role of the teacher: The teacher must learn about the students and how they can help them succeed, Let the children find out for themselves so they should bring them outside, on walks, maybe to controversial events
Curriculum: Based on individuals and relationships, Drama, Music, Artistic ideas
Metaphysics: Challenge and encourage students to learn and grow and to believe in ourselves individually, it is our personal responsibility to learn


Role of a teacher: Learn themselves and learn to mold the mind into more so that all may dins their own personal reality
What is in your mind is real and true. An idealist is someone who reads and writes, who learns to question and to think
Purpose of school: Discover and develope individuals and abilities
Educational Giant: Plato, G.E Moore
Curriculum: Science, Math, English and all core classes
Epistemology: what you see or think is objective
Metaphysics: Reality is experimental, what you can change

Analytic Philosophy

Metaphysics: of analytic philosophy, the whole movement is associated with the rejection of metaphysics.
Educational Giant: Bertrand Russell, led the British "revolt against idealism." He is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy
role of the teacher: Make the classroom a conversation, Ask questions and get to the root
Nature of the learner: conduct conceptual investigations that characteristically, though not invariably, involve studies of the language in which the concepts in question are, or can be, expressed.
curriculum: approaches to philisophical problems and linguistic problems
purpose of school: nature and aims of education and the philosophical problems arising from educational theory and practice.
Nature of the learner: involves study of language and how concepts and questions can be expressed
It is the importance of language and the meaning behind words. it is characterized by an emphasis on argumentative clarity and precision, often making use of formal logic, conceptual analysis, and, to a lesser degree, mathematics and the natural sciences.

Washington and Dubois

DuBois believed that African Americans should not limit themselves to vocational labor but to educate themselves in order to be recognized as full citizens as was their right. He had faith in what people could become.
Washington is very down to earth and humble. He knew what people would want, he believed in accommodation. He overcame a lot and came from nothing so he was a great example that we can be whatever we set our mind to.

Social Reconstructionsim

Educational Giant: Theodore Burghard Hurt Brameld (1904-1987) was a leading educational philosopher of social reconstructionism of the 20th century.
Role of the Students: raise questions to think and ways to better the government and the world.
Role of the Teachers: promotes teachers to not tell students what is right or wrong in society, but instead to guide students by exploring social issues, presenting alternative viewpoints, and facilitating student analysis of the issues.
Role of the school: Reconstructionist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of education.
Metaphysics: a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy.


Educational Giant: Jonathan Kramer posits the idea (following Umberto Eco and Jean-François Lyotard) that postmodernism (including musical postmodernism) is less a surface style or historical period (i.e., condition) than an attitude.
Role of the school: school is helpful to teachers but more for the students.
Role of the student: to work alongside the teacher and learn through experience
Role of the teacher: postmodern teacher and mature student are partners in learning a body of knowledge within a contemporary context. ... The postmodern instructor is a “guide on the side” whose role is more to facilitate learning experiences toward the meaningful aims.
Metaphysics: a philosophical movement that arose in the second half of the 20th century as a critical response to assumptions allegedly present in modernist philosophical ideas regarding culture, identity, history, or language that were developed during the 18th-century Enlightenment.


Educational Giant: Perennialism was originally religious in nature, developed first by Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century in his work De Magistro (The Teacher).
Role of a Teacher: teaches concepts and focuses on knowledge and the meaning of knowledge. Aimed at teaching students ways of thinking that will secure individual freedoms, human rights, and responsibilities through the nature.
Classroom environment: believe that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries. ... Essentialists believe that when students study these works and ideas, they will appreciate learning. Similar top perennialism, essentialism aims to develop students' intellectual and moral qualities.
Pedagogy: is one of several schools of thought related to teaching and education. It is an important concept in teacher training and pedagogy.
Curriculum: to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization. Literature that has withstood the test of time
Purpose of School: believe in student acquisition of knowledge that is timeless and enduring across.- Personal development


Practical and Direct, more strict and designed so that everything has a purpose or has to work

Neo Thomism: Existence proceeds essence (We exist but we don't have to)

Role of the Teacher:
Nature of the learner: Teach both theology and phyliosphy
Curriculum: Also understand about history
purpose of school: Integrate Idealism and Realism with religion
Educational Giants: St. Thomas Equianes
Axiology: Revival and developlment of Mid-evil scalisticism
Epistomology: Uses your senses- Empiricism

Plato's ideas

Learn from those learning
Learning is uncomfortable
There is always more to learn

Realism: The attitude of dealing with whatever situation is given to you

Role of the Teacher in Realism: focus on teaching problem solving through scientific method
Nature of the learner in Realism: to give the learner knowledge and understanding of human society, human nature, motives and institutions. The student is encouraged to understand his existence in related to the world around him.
Pedagogy Realism: A synonym for teaching. It also has to do with the art of learning
Curriculum in Realism: Students are encouraged to learn through experience, through field trips and hands on activities
Purpose of School: Foundation of reasoning, educators encourage the children to draw their observations from the world around them. Learn from the world
Educational Giants of Realism: Kenneth Neal Waltz, encouraged the children to ask and to understand on a scientific level
Axiology of Realism: the study of value
Epistemology of Realism: What you know about an object exists independently of your mind.
Metaphysics: Everything exists independently

My Classroom

what will I do?

Make them feel comfortable
Love them as if they are my own
Positively Encourage
know the rules

doctrine is red, Questions are yellow, principles are orange, the 8 questions are pink, laws are blue, tools are green, and theories are purple, disagreements are dark red, agreements are dark blue, scriptures are grey, jane Addams is dark blue, definitions are dark green

Thoughts and beliefs

  1. Doctrine
  2. Principle
  3. Tool
  4. Master Teaacher

Master Teacher

He is a perfect listener
Always follow the Spirit
Look to learn from those you teach
Willing to explain again, again and again
Desires to see others succeed
Always gives second chances
Teach with Charity, the Pure love of Christ


Logic: Reasonning according to strict principles of validity
Axiology: Study of nature or value
Epistemology: Study of knowledge
metaphysics: study of reality, its origin and its structure


Listen in order to be listened to
Learn to teach
Hard times can be overcome with a Positive attitude
Fear doesn't come from God
Keep preserving and the lord will provide!
Early childhood development-Comenius
Sometimes we set limits to people because we think we know what they are capable of, but any person is capable of anything
Anyone can teach as long as you are motivated and hard working
its not about us, its about the children


Beecher's idea that only woman should be teachers



8 Essential Questions

What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?
the desire to work hard and hearn
Peace because the world is hard enough as is
To teach confidence and self-worth
What is the role of school in society?
Teach unity
allow and encourage mistakes and successes
allow for students to learn and grow
Upon what foundation are U.S schools built?
all are given the right to learn
How do I learn?
through encouragment
I learn visually
What is my work as a learner and a teacher?
Be patient and work hard
Make a Safe Haven in the Classroom
get them to talk
Think like a child
To love the children of God as He would here on earth
How do I view and magnify those I teach?
be patient and empathetic
Try to see them through the eyes of Christ
Pray for them
Who am I and what motivates me?
The idea of making a difference
I can make a difference
My family
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
I am a daughter of God
What is worth teaching?
Who is worth teaching? -everyone
harmony and peace
That the Teachers are also learning
Love Knowledge
everything true


No Child Left Behind Act: a federal law that provides money for extra educational assistance for poor children in return for improvements in their academic progress.
ESSA: The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the nation's main education law for all public schools. The law holds schools accountable for how students learn and achieve.
common core: a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.


Failure is a way to succeed
allow the students to help each other
Always think of Christ
Pray for the Sprit and for your students
Tell the Children I love them


Jacob 3:2, feast upon the pleasing word of God and His love
Mathew 5:14-16, there is more out there
1 Nephi 3:7, God does not give any trial we cannot overcome
Ether 12:27, Weaknesses can become strengths through the atonement
"Love God with all your might, mind and strength"
Ether 12:6, Christ gives faith
Matthew 18:21, Give yourself to the Lord


The Resurrection and Judgement
Faith in Christ
The Plan of Salvation
We are children of God


Why is education such a scary idea?
How can I make a difference?
How can I teach in regards to every kind of Child?